Author: Stanley Bolten
The Supreme Court of Virginia (SCV) has made a very bad decision for the Constitutional republic of the United States of America. At least in the Commonwealth/State of Virginia. That decision was made on Monday, September 9, 2024. They have refused Brian D. Hill’s (formerly USWGO Alt. News) petition for appeal filed timely with the state’s Supreme Court after the Court of Appeals of Virginia (CAV) wrongfully dismissed the consolidated appeals as untimely filing of appeal brief allowing Judge Giles Carter Greer (Martinsville Circuit Court) to be a dictator. He who can abuse his power of criminal contempt of court statute to target both freedom of speech and appeals. Brian filed a petition for rehearing respectfully requesting that they reconsider their decision as it allows all local judges in Virginia to be dictators who can target anybody with criminal contempt of court (Va. Code § 18.2-456) for exercising constitutionally protected freedom of speech and for appeals which a judge may disagree with. The statute subsection which these dictator judges are using to abuse their authority to target free speech and constitutionally protected appeal rights lies in Va. Code § 18.2-456(A)(3) (“(A.) The courts and judges may issue attachments for contempt, and punish them summarily, only in the following cases: (3.) Vile, contemptuous, or insulting language addressed to or published of a judge for or in respect of any act or proceeding had, or to be had, in such court, or like language used in his presence and intended for his hearing for or in respect of such act or proceeding;”). Congress and the Virginia General Assembly (legislature/legislative branch of government) does not have the legal authority under the U.S. Constitution as lawmakers to have any branch of government (including courts) prohibit and criminally punish peaceful freedom of speech, truthful freedom of speech, orderly freedom of speech, personal opinions, and free speech which criticizes a judge for not doing his/her duty. The only speech which is not protected under the Constitution is speech advocating violence, crimes, yelling fire in a crowded theater when there is no fire, proven defamatory remarks, and criminal threats against individuals. Criticizing a judge for not doing his/her job is not illegal in any way, shape, or form. Even if it is inflammatory or hyperbolic, as long as it is not a threat (clear and present danger) and does not advocate criminal activities, it is freedom of speech to peacefully have your opinions, to have your say. Even if a judges disagrees with it, we have the right to agree or disagree. Judge Greer was in the wrong for charging Brian with criminal contempt of court.
1. Petition-9-14-2024.pdf – Petition for rehearing filed by Brian D. Hill through his mother who filed on Brian’s behalf.
2. vaces-acceptance-petition-rehearing-uswgo-scv-brian-d-david-hill.pdf – Supreme Court of Virginia accepts petition for rehearing, filed on Saturday, September 14, 2024. Was entered in the record of the SCV on Monday, September 16, 2024.
3. ORD 09-09-2024 Hill, B.pdf – Order of the Supreme Court of Virginia refusing Brian’s petition for appeal.
4. Appellant petition for rehearing SCV.pdf – Email from Brian’s mother to the Appellees. That would be assistant attorney general Justin Hill and Glen Andrew Hall.
Brian argued that these local judges can now be dictators and can target even the appellate judges and justices of the Supreme Court of Virginia if they don’t do anything to stop what Judge Greer did to Brian. Brian said it is unethical for this judge to charge Brian with criminal contempt over his appeals and then turn around to appoint a lawyer Fred Dempsey Smith who was caught lying to both sides of Brian’s appeal cases and sabotaged his appeals. Then he got away with it. The audio recordings are the evidence, the proof. Fred cannot claim defamation due to the solid evidence, and Fred cannot deny it with these audio recordings. The evidence proves this lawyer Fred Smith messed up Brian’s appeals after he was appointed by Judge Greer charging Brian with criminal contempt for exercising his freedom of speech.
We don’t have a photo of Fred Smith for this article, but his information is out there showing who he is and the wrongs he had done. The truth is out there. However, this is just a small microcosm of a wider issue of judicial corruption in the State/Commonwealth of Virginia. Lawyers know the judges and prosecutors; they all know each other. It is a big boys club, also known as the good ole boys club. It’s one big club and we ain’t in it, we aren’t a part of the big club. People for years have known about these local political clubs and friendships (friendship networks) where lawyers all know each other and protect each other like a mafia. Look at the fact that almost every local area may have an active Masonic Lodge. They all go to these clubs and socialize with each other, protect each other, and work together.
It is clear as day that Judge Greer is now a dictator in the City of Martinsville, Virginia. Now any judge in any district in Virginia can now just charge criminal contempt on any appellant/litigant appealing to the Court of Appeals of Virginia, at any time for any reason. This is worse than what has spoken about. Judge Greer is more corrupt than before because now he can target appellants for whom he disagrees with. This is a judicial tyranny, an unconstitutional lawless judge. Virginia is allowing lawless judiciaries, abusing the constitutional power of legal interpretation of law to target anybody they want politically.
Here is a screenshot off of one of the pages of the filing:

This corrupt decision was approximately about almost two weeks after the murder of cat Tiger Hill. See Article: RED ALERT! Did the DEEP STATE Murder Tiger Hill the cat of Brian D. Hill (USWGO news) and his mother??? – Justice for Brian D. Hill of USWGO Alternative News. Six days after the corrupt U.S. Magistrate Judge recommends dismissing Brian’s 2255 case over the state case where the judge lies about Brian and ignores almost all evidence, ignores all witnesses, and ignores the law when favorable to Brian. See article: Corrupt U.S. Magistrate Judge Joe Webster lies about Brian D. Hill again, disregards all evidence and witnesses; Brian responds against this lying fascist judge for protecting fraud and lies – Justice for Brian D. Hill of USWGO Alternative News. Then the U.S. Probation Office proposing more strict and draconian supervised release conditions 3 days after the decision of the SCV refusing Brian’s petition for appeal. See Article: RED ALERT: U.S. Probation Office along with Deep State have plan to THWART and harass Brian’s appeals, legal case work, letter writing campaigns – Justice for Brian D. Hill of USWGO Alternative News.