Under the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution and Article I, Section 12 of Virginia’s Constitution: we Petition the Virginia Governor Glenn Youngkin to grant an ABSOLUTE PARDON on Brian David Hill for his charged crime on September 21, 2018, because Brian D. Hill is ACTUALLY INNOCENT of his charged crime, and a conviction is a fraud in the Commonwealth of Virginia. It is a crime to have false information in a police report, even police filing false information in a criminal charge and in a police report is a crime in Virginia. It is also a crime against God.
Attorney Fred Smith admits in secret recording that his client is innocent which was why he had suggested a petition for the writ of actual innocence, even though by law it doesn’t cover misdemeanor convictions but only felony convictions. So even the attorney who betrayed Brian acknowledged that Brian is innocent based on the evidence Brian submitted in his motion to vacate fraud upon the court. See EVIDENCE: Secret recording reveals Attorney Fred Smith did believe Brian D. Hill is innocent of his 2018 state charge; Governor Youngkin must pardon this innocent man at once | Justice for Brian D. Hill of USWGO Alternative News
ThePetitionSite: https://www.thepetitionsite.com/takeaction/536/748/881/
GoPetition: https://www.gopetition.com/petitions/pardon-innocent-man-brian-d-hill-in-virginia.html
RallyCall: https://rallycall.io/my-campaign-view/Pardon_innocent_man_Brian_D._Hill_in_Virginia_1680229286
See the evidence for yourself when deciding to vote in this petition:
UPDATE March 31, 2023 1:28 AM: Family provided Brian’s affidavit to Governor Glenn Youngkin. Brian declared his innocence to the Secretary of the Commonwealth and the Governor. Brian’s affidavit is based on the record of the trial court released publicly at https://archive.org/details/CommonwealthvHill-record-Feb-13-2023. Affidavit PDF: Emergency-Request-March19-2023.pdf, Email with Affidavit PDF: Re Pardon Application Brian David Hill; Date 2_21_2023_Redacted.pdf
For those who have a lot of time to thoroughly investigate here is a link to the entire criminal case file from the Circuit Court in the City of Martinsville in front of Giles Carter Greer who refuses to undo the fraud on his court: https://archive.org/details/CommonwealthvHill-record-Feb-13-2023
Evidence to the American people will be stored here as proof that Brian David Hill is innocent. This evidence is already filed in the Circuit Court in front of the corrupt judge Giles Carter Greer. He has refused all evidence and refused to conduct any evidentiary hearings. The judge is very corrupt and will even charge his critic with contempt of court. So the evidence is being presented to the American people. Evidence proving the ACTUAL INNOCENCE of Brian D. Hill. He is innocent and the case files are presented to the American people proving his innocence to his charged crime on September 21, 2018. It is time for the American people to vote on the ABSOLUTE PARDON of Brian David Hill. Here is the evidence: https://archive.org/details/CommonwealthvHill-record-Feb-13-2023
Motion for Reconsideration, Declaration of Brian David Hill involving Scott Albrecht, Status Letter with Judge Greer, and three notices of appeal: https://archive.org/details/3-20-2023-record_202303/
For those who do not have as much time. Here are the facts that Brian David Hill is innocent of his criminal charge in the City of Martinsville, charged on September 21, 2018. He is innocent because of the following facts presented:
- Brian D. Hill was charged on September 21, 2018, here is the arrest warrant and charge: https://justiceforuswgo.nl/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/arrest-warrant-charge.pdf
- When he was charged Martinsville Police Officer Robert Jones said that Brian Hill was “medically and psychologically cleared” at the time he was charged and arrested. See the previous fact. He said that Brian was medically cleared but never checked his medical records, never asked for his medical records. Officer said he didn’t know Brian was diabetic and didn’t know Brian had Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. See transcript portion under penalty of perjury: https://justiceforuswgo.nl/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/2.transcript.statements-oath-robert-jones.pdf
- However evidence exists and can be authenticated proving that lab work was ordered aka drug tests and alcohol tests but was covered up. It was covered up because it was “DELETED FROM THE CHART”. So lab work was deleted, blood samples were destroyed, the police refused to test Brian David Hill for any drugs, substances, gases. See published medical records here: https://www.courtlistener.com/docket/4304407/181/11/united-states-v-hill/ – Note: Brian wanted to be drug tested which doesn’t come from a guilty man. Brian kept asking to be drug tested but his wishes were ignored. He told the court in the next fact in Document 153 that some of his memories were blacked out so he “may have been drugged”. Police refused to investigate his claim of “may have been drugged”. That is suspicious when police normally test for drugs in suspicious circumstances.
- Brian Hill claimed that a man wearing a hoodie threatened him to take his clothes off and do certain activities or his mother would be murdered. See https://www.courtlistener.com/docket/4304407/153/united-states-v-hill/.
- Brian Hill was under carbon monoxide gas poisoning prior to being arrested for his charge, behaviors where carbon monoxide would persuade any average juror that it would explain Brian’s behavior which had him arrested on September 21, 2018. Any good christian bible belt juror would understand that carbon monoxide affects autism spectrum disorder and can affect people in such a way which caused the behavior: https://justiceforuswgo.nl/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/5-pete-compton-letter.pdf
- Officer who charged Brian Hill with making an obscene display admitted in federal court under penalty of perjury that Brian Hill was not obscene in his view. That totally discredits the entire basis of the charge as a false charge. A false charge is when a police officer charges somebody with conduct that didn’t happen. The conduct that didn’t happen was the obscenity element. Brian was not obscene, and he was not obscene because he was under carbon monoxide, has autism, had no prior history of this behavior, and because he was not medically cleared. See https://justiceforuswgo.nl/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/3.officer-jones-admitted-not-obscene.pdf
- Brian Hill had seen a forensic psychiatrist Dr. Conrad Daum a month after being arrested and this doctor determined that Brian was showing signs of an unknown psychosis meaning that something had caused the psychosis but was unknown. That unknown substance was “carbon monoxide gas”. See https://justiceforuswgo.nl/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/8.drconraddaumpiedmontcommunityservices.pdf.
- Brady evidence of police body-camera footage recorded by Officer Robert Jones on September 21, 2018 was illegally destroyed on April 9, 2019, during a pending criminal trial process. This evidence was believed to have been destroyed because it would have proven that Brian Hill was INTOXICATED. If you noticed from FACT # 3, his ordered lab tests which would included drugs and alcohol testing, all of that was DELETED FROM THE CHART without explanation as to why. This was deleted, and the body-camera footage recorded by Martinsville Police was deleted as well. All covered up. See https://justiceforuswgo.nl/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/brian-hill-foia-request-1.pdf. Even the U.S. Attorney didn’t file any objections because they knew this was the truth. See https://justiceforuswgo.nl/blog/2023/03/16/victory-u-s-attorney-doesnt-contest-brian-d-hills-new-evidence-proving-body-camera-footage-illegally-destroyed-by-martinsville-police-highly-likely-will-be-admitted-in-federal-court-for-brian/
- There are no victims in this case. Nobody ever claimed to be a victim here. Read the entire case files to investigate.
Here are the explanations of how the nine facts demonstrate Brian Hill’s innocence to his state charge:
- Brian Hill was not obscene when that is required under Virginia Law to be guilty of the charged crime. See Romick v. Commonwealth, Record No. 1580-12-4 (Va. Ct. App. Nov. 19, 2013) at https://casetext.com/case/romick-v-commonwealth
- Brian Hill was not medically and psychologically cleared as when charged with the crime. There are no victims. Brian Hill was not medically cleared because the officer assumed lab work was done. There was no lab work. It was deleted from the chart. Brian could have been drugged by a syringe, by pills, and Brian could have been given substances by anybody on his way to the walking trail where he was found naked. Brian has no answers and no answers were ever given to him. He was not medically cleared.
- Brian Hill had no intent to be doing what he had done on September 21, 2018. Lack of lab testing results after being ordered by Dr. Brant Hinchman. Officer admitted that Brian was not obscene, he was out there for whatever reason. Nobody can figure out what actually happened because the police charged him very quickly without conducting any thorough investigation. It was charge quick and get him in front of a judge, let the lawyers handle everything. That is not how criminal investigations are supposed to work. They have to prove intent, they have to prove every element of the charge before a conviction can be sustained. That burden of proof requirement never shifts according to the Supreme Court of Virginia. See McGhee v. Commonwealth, 219 Va. 560, (Va. 1978) (“1. In every criminal case the burden is upon the Commonwealth to show beyond a reasonable doubt every material fact necessary to establish the offense for which the defendant is being tried. This burden never shifts.”). This burden in the criminal case of Brian David Hill has never been met. See https://casetext.com/case/mcghee-v-commonwealth-3.
- The criminal charge was false and was obtained by PERJURY of Officer Jones. He lied under oath saying that Brian was making an obscene display but later admits that Brian was not being obscene. See https://justiceforuswgo.nl/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/3.officer-jones-admitted-not-obscene.pdf. He lied and said Brian was medically cleared and admitted in court transcript that he didn’t even know Brian was a type one diabetic. A critical grave error. He admitted he never asked the doctor for any drug tests or any tests. He assumed lab tests were done but medical records prove the lab tests were deleted from the chart, they were covered up. This police officer lied under oath in the criminal complaint to convict this innocent man of his charge. See transcript portion under penalty of perjury: https://justiceforuswgo.nl/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/2.transcript.statements-oath-robert-jones.pdf. Perjury to charge somebody with a crime warrants that the criminal charge be dismissed permanently with prejudice. Nobody can be convicted of a crime when the officer lied in the original criminal charge. THAT IS THE LAW.
Governor Glenn Youngkin is obligated under the Law of God and Jesus Christ, God mandates that innocent people not be convicted of a charged crime that person is innocent of. Convicting an innocent man or woman with a crime is bearing false witness which violates the Ten Commandments, it is a sin for the Commonwealth of Virginia to convict an individual of a crime that the person is innocent of that charged crime.
Therefore Governor Youngkin has a duty to acquit this innocent man with a Absolute Pardon. He is innocent. It is time for the American people to act as a GRAND JURY to vote for the acquittal of Brian David Hill.
Pardon Brian David Hill, NOW.