Author: Stanley Bolten
An important mailing was mailed to Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s campaign known as Team Kennedy. They have not signed for the certified mailing. They have not written back to any emails to them. There are no answers, and so we assume that emails are being fettered with or are blocked. Because we are assuming interception by the CIA/NSA, we are uploading what was mailed to Team Kennedy in hopes that they can read the PDF files of what was printed and mailed to them. It is available to the public in hopes that Robert F. Kennedy can see the letter and attachment evidence document. Since Team Kennedy has given no indication or any response, we assume interception by the Deep State to prevent Robert Kennedy from the reading the following letter/document/materials. So it is being published online. Here it is.
Contents of mailing to Team Kennedy:
1. EMERGENCY REQUEST TO RFK JR3.pdf – Main letter to Team Kennedy for Robert Kennedy to review.
2. December-18-2020-EMERGENCY-SECRET-Letter to President Trump and Defense Secretary on evidence of CIA or NSA targeted harassment(2).pdf – Copy of this letter which was not acted upon because Chris Miller had stepped down as DOD Secretary of Defense and Donald Trump had left office in 2021. This letter is evidence of Deep State CIA/NSA targeted harassment operation against Brian D. Hill and his family.
3. USWGO_20230606_003858(OCR).pdf – Scan of what was mailed to Team Kennedy with OCR text read support. Downsized to 300 DPI.
4. Documentary DVD disc containg MPEG-4 file of documentary: – Available online for download
5. DVD AVC-HD Disc containing the same documentary which can be watched in any BLU-RAY drive or BD player with AVC-HD support:
Now Kennedy has been informed on the internet since this may be our only chance to inform him by publishing what was mailed to him.
The U.S. Postal Service (USPS) has given no update since June 8, 2023. No update at all, and no response from anybody working for Team Kennedy. So we are forced to publish this documentation to see if Kennedy will finally have a chance to review over this information from what Brian D. Hill had mailed to Team Kennedy.

NOTICE: Kennedy needs to see this letter, he needs to see what was mailed to him. Robert F. Kennedy Jr. needs to see this while he can.
Congress wants to require Internet IDs to post on social networking websites. Once that starts up, freedom of speech will be gone forever. Kennedy needs to see this letter and not be blocked by anybody. Please get this to Robert Kennedy Jr. if you know him. If any of you have the ability to contact RFK. Jr, directly then please let him know, give him the link for him to access the letter and what was in the envelope.
1 thought on “ATTN: Robert F. Kennedy Jr.; An Important Letter with Documentary DVD discs and evidence for him from Brian D. Hill – To @RobertKennedyJr”