hat Brian pays this corrupt (probably compromised) lawyer and the appeals were all thrown out. They did this probably to retaliate against Brian for his allegations insinuating that the judges of this Court may or may not have been blackmailed with child rape and murder as Attorney L. Lin Wood’s vague tweets could be saying regarding any or certain number of politicians and judges, but no names have come out of which judges could have been compromised and blackmailed. That corrupt Court of Appeals didn’t even respond to Brian’s allegations, which that right there is suspicious, there needs to be investigations and removals from office. That is why special counsel is necessary to investigate every state and federal Judge who may have been blackmailed or threatened. Investigations may be needed to investigate every judge of this Court of Appeals, they act just as corrupt as the Federal Courts.
Tag: Commonwealth attorney
Federal Courts pick and choose who gets TRIAL BY JURY: A serial child pornographer gets a JURY TRIAL right but not a former news journalist
The U.S. Supreme Court has made a grave error yesterday on February 22, 2021. They deprived an innocent man Brian D. Hill of USWGO Alternative News of his Constitutional right to Trial by Jury but that right was given to a serial child pornographer named Andre Haymond. He gets his case heard before the Supreme Court, his case makes precedent in 2019, establishing that the serial child pornographer when he was caught twice with what appeared to be child porn, his appeal argued that he was deprived of his right to a jury trial. The SCOTUS agreed and overturned his case on that Constitutional ground. He has now become a serial child pornographer when he was found multiple times, and SCOTUS was sympathetic to him. SCOTUS was not sympathetic to an innocent man named Brian D. Hill, formerly of USWGO Alternative News. They get to pick and choose who gets the Constitutional right to Trial by Jury when accused of a crime including a new charge of Violating Supervised Release. They get to choose based on a particular statute paragraph or subparagraph. What the Supreme Court has done to Brian is laughable at the face of true justice, and the hypocrisy.
USWGO news reporter files motion to suppress, discovery, New lawyer
by: Laurie Azgard https://archive.org/details/CommonwealthvHill ; Court documents added by Roberta Hill on Mediafire Brian D. Hill [USWGO alternative news] had filed a motion to suppress today in Martinsville circuit court, as well as a motion for discovery, and Brian’s lawyer had filed or will be filing a motion to withdraw as counsel of record for…
News reporter files motion requesting new lawyer, defense of mental insanity
by: Laurie Azgard Notice: Read his state case filings here since Virginia has no system like PACER: https://archive.org/details/CommonwealthvHill Brian D. Hill [USWGO alternative news] the former news reporter had filed multiple motions in his Virginia state case. One to fire his court appointed lawyer ‘Lauren Michelle McGarry’ [Martinsville public defender], and one to order a…