Author: Stanley Bolten
Note: Read the posts recently from Brian’s mother and grandmother.
Brian D. Hill, former news reporter of USWGO Alternative News is suing his current probation officer Haylea Workman and assistant U.S. attorney Drew Inman for defamatory statements (false statements on public record) in an attempt to deprive Brian of his civil liberties under the color of law according to 42 U.S. Code § 1983 – Civil action for deprivation of rights. The sister statute (civil statute) for the criminal statute (Section 242 – Deprivation of rights under color of law, 18 U.S.C. § 242) regarding the same deprivation of rights. Brian had asked for a trial by jury. If this lawsuit succeeds on the merits, then Haylea Workman and Drew Inman may face felony criminal charges for the same behavior.

Sorry for not posting for a while but I went on a long vacation. I checked the federal docket on courtlistener and it appears that Brian was summoned for a modification of conditions for supervised release. A day after the death of Brian’s former probation officer Jason McMurray, the federal affidavit was executed on October 28, 2024. Only Haylea pushed for this modification without even the signature of a supervisor according to the federal court records publicly available. See the article published on Before Its News: Brian D. Hill in danger, held hostage as US Judge declared his evidence of fraud will not be considered | Politics | Before It’s News.
The U.S. attorney represented Haylea, and the very assistant attorney was Drew Inman. The U.S. assistant attorney Drew had pushed for more extreme supervised release conditions on the basis (prima facie evidence disproves these claims when you read things like the emails, letter, etc etc) of Brian being addicted to child porn (there is no evidence of it), Brian being a high recidivist risk (there is no evidence of it), Brian wiretapping his federal probation officer and the supervisor without their knowledge (court documents show a different story), and on the basis of Brian violating his supervised release on April 25, 2024. Brian’s court appointed attorney Nia Vidal of the Federal Public Defender had filed a response showing contradictions to the assistant U.S. Attorney’s claims. Spoke about Brian’s actual innocence which no other Federal Public Defender ever asserted a typed claim of Brian’s actual innocence. Usually, lawyers have to tell the truth on court records and have to have access to evidence before making such a claim. This attorney must feel that her client is actually innocent. This can play well into Brian’s claims of defamation in the lawsuit. It is a criminal act in Virginia to defame somebody. See § 18.2-417. Slander and libel. Talk about high crimes and misdemeanors which Haylea is likely involved in. She may need to lawyer up (She will likely read this article, so my advice is to lawyer up).
Brian fought back and filed evidence which contradicts the claims made by “AUSA Drew”. Brian first filed evidence pro se along with audio discs asking for the evidence to be taken into consideration at the modification hearing. The Hon. Thomas T. Cullen refused to take any hard evidence into consideration and shown a blatant disregard for the defendant’s evidence. Judge Cullen is definitely acting like a corrupt judge here.
Brian felt that judge Cullen was biased and became prejudiced to the extent where he feared he would be facing a “kangaroo court” hearing and would receive a “trial by ambush”. He then filed a lawsuit against his probation officer Haylea Workman and the U.S. attorney who represented Haylea in the modification proceedings. See the lawsuit at Hill v. Workman, 4:25-cv-00004 – The photo by Roberta Hill, Brian’s mother, was filed in his federal case showing the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) insignia on her t-shirt.
Brian did file evidence disproving the U.S. Attorney’s claims in Roanoke.
Brian filed evidence disproving the claim of Brian allegedly wiretapping his federal probation officer and the supervisor without their knowledge. Brian typed up a partial transcript of the audio CD discs and what was said. Brian’s mother had an affidavit saying he was told he could record the conversation that very day. The supervisor probation officer on April 25, 2024, said that Brian was free to record him and didn’t have to hide the app or whatever. The statement made by the “bald-headed supervisor” was omitted from the claims of both USPO Haylea under penalty of perjury and AUSA Drew. Brian was clearly defamed here based on hard evidence. Haylea committed an act of perjury before the federal judge, no different than Kristy Burton. Both have lied to a federal judge under oath or affirmation.
There was no evidence Brian was ever addicted to child porn. In fact, Brian said under oath that the police detectives were talking about women, elder porn, and clearly talked about adults to confuse the autistic man Brian Hill (note: Brian D. Hill has had autism since he was diagnosed at age 4). Brian was questioned to the extent where he clearly gave a false confession as warned by Dennis Debbaudt concerning folks with autism spectrum disorder. Reportedly, Brian’s lawyer and Brian himself cited federal court records proving that he is not a pedophile as diagnosed for the pre-sentence investigation report. The expert said that Brian is a low recidivist risk. Brian is clinically not a pedophile according to an independent forensic expert. He was clearly set up here as brought up by We Are Change news.
The counterevidence proven that Brian was defamed by the U.S. Government under Drew Inman and was clearly defamed by his own probation officer Haylea Workman.
So far, the lawsuit has stalled and was assigned a different judge according to the judicial council. Brian filed a letter with the judge asking for fairness and impartiality in the modification hearing. Also at the same time filed affidavits (one from Brian, one from Roberta Hill) with audio proof stating that Brian was never served with the summons by Haylea on the day he found out about the modification hearing, and that is despite the court ordering the service of the summons. Did she commit contempt of court here? Brian begged the courtroom deputy to allow the audio cd evidence and paper evidence at his hearing. The hearing was cancelled after Brian agreed to stipulated conditions.
However, it appears the lawsuit is continuing against his probation officer. It is understandable when his own probation officer is caught lying about Brian and making up that he wiretapped them illegally when Brian was given verbal consent to record the conversation (Wav file link) on April 25, 2024. Those recordings were released to this blog by Brian’s family and Brian did not upload any of them at all. I listened to the recordings of Brian’s conversation last year after his family gave them to be uploaded on here. The male probation officer did say that Brian was welcome to record him. The recordings are located at the following article: EMERGENCY: U.S. Probation Office setting up Brian D. Hill for fake phony probation violations for things already approved by Brian’s former Probation Officer – Justice for Brian D. Hill of USWGO Alternative News. Brian also filed a letter from his court appointed lawyer where the U.S. Probation had finally acknowledged that he was authorized to use the very internet capable devices which constituted the “CLASS C” violation claim on April 25, 2024. The conversation was never illegally recorded as they watch this blog and yet never filed a cease-and-desist order demanding the takedown of the recordings. If they were illegally recorded as claimed, then they would have filed an order last year demanding the takedown of the uploaded audio files. There was no such request or demand on record. Nothing from the web host demanding the takedown. Nothing from WordPress.
Brian was falsely accused of a supervised release violation on April 25, 2024. Brian was falsely accused of illegally wiretapping his probation officer and the supervisor on April 25, 2024. The U.S. Probation had the U.S. attorney insinuating Brian of being addicted to child porn (evidence shown no proof of such) and being a high recidivist risk. Yet Brian filed evidence from Jason McMurray showing that his former probation officer gave carte blanche approval for Brian to travel freely to North Carolina at any time on day trips to see his hospitalized grandfather James Mercer. Brian dared the government to check his mental health records to prove that he wasn’t addicted and was not a high recidivist risk. Another audio recording appears to show his counselor refusing to conduct further mental health services of Brian and Jason McMurray agreeing not to continue further mental health services as was ordered by the court.
Brian is not asking for any monetary damages (money) but is asking for an injunction against Haylea Workman and Drew Inman (defendants to this lawsuit), asking them not to lie about Brian Hill any further. Brian is also asking for termination of supervised release and other relief as a consequence for the defendants lying to the federal judge according to Brian’s complaint.