This journey has lasted for over 12 years. Brain was 18-22 when he was writing articles for USWGO Alternative News. This was actually good for Brian because he made some friends which is very hard for someone with autism. Trying to awaken others about what is really going on in our country was an important job for Brian and other alternative news people. Then on July 20, 2012 a police officer from NC decided to go into an IP address on Brian’s computer without probable cause (or was there a “Cause” – to silence this alternative news source). Then according to one police department, CP began downloading on Brian’s laptop computer on that very same day.
Does it make sense that Brian would decide to download CP on his computer the very same day that this police officer went into Brian’s computer with shared software (July 20, 2012)? Then it gets even weirder. Brian is arrested for possession of child porn in December 2013 right before Christmas. He did plead guilty on August 29, 2012 due to 2 police officers (one who went into his computer on July 20, 2012) questioning him at lunchtime the day after the police raid when these police removed all computers, hard drives & memory sticks from Brian’s home, ignoring the Americans with Disabilities laws, questioning him alone without support for his autism which is a communication disability and without checking or getting someone to check Brian’s glucose. When someone with type 1 diabetes (Brian’s is brittle) blood glucose goes low, it’s like someone who is drunk from alcohol, he will say anything and repeat what others say until some glucose is back in his body. With his autism, he also repeats what people say (like what the police officers said to Brian on that day). Brian’s confession was a false confession due to his disabilities, and the 2 police officers ignoring disability laws. We thank all of you for your support in Dec. 2013 and for all of your support for the past over 11 years especially Stanley Bolton & the Anons “Where we go one, we go all”.
Two months after Brian was released from jail in January, 2015, for the first time, Brian, his mom & 2 grandparents got to read the discovery together. The NC SBI’s report agreed with the police report that items of interest began being downloading on July 20, 2012, but it continued being downloaded until July 28, 2013 (for 11 months after police removed that computer from Brian’s house). That search & removal of all computers & computer accessories was on August 28, 2012. Which means that Brian did not have that laptop computer after August 28, 2012. How do you download CP when that computer now belongs to the police and the NC SBI? We have called this to the attention of the federal court many times since January 2015, but it continues being ignored. They had this information the entire time, yet they arrested Brian, kept him in jail for 11 months (same amount of time) without giving him any of his slow acting insulin that he was given daily from Feb. 1992 until Dec. 2013 and with only half of the fast acting insulin that he was prescribed for years. He lost a lot of weight in those 11 months. I was at the hearing in November 2014 when the judge asked the prosecuting attorney & the attorney the court appointed for Brian if the probation was 5 or 10 years. They both answered 10 years.
We just recently discovered that the actual probation time should have been no longer than 3 years for a Federal class C felony (2014-2017). Brian has served probation right now 7 years & 3 months longer than the longest time the federal law says he was supposed to serve. In fact Epstein who was actually molesting under aged girls for years only got 1 year of probation, and right now as I write this to you all, Brian has a probation officer who wants the federal court to give her approval to not only check Brian’s apartment, but to be able to check (do searches on other apartments if she suspects anything) (this 10 years and 3 months of Federal Probation after Brian was released from jail), and Brian is innocent of actually putting that stuff on his computer. Even the court’s discovery proves Brian is innocent. It has been a setup all along. There are 2 other apartments where Brian lives. She wants a federal judge to approve this search for the next 4 years (2025-2029).
Brian had a medical emergency in 2018 due to exposure to carbon monoxide for 11 months, and the courts turned that into a probation violation and added several months of jail time and 4 years more probation. We have told you all about that on this web site, Brian’s support page. That emergency happened at a time that Brian should have not been on probation, and because of probation, Brian’s family couldn’t get him the medical help he needed at that time. This federal probation officer also wants to search vehicles, so she must be talking about Brian’s family & medical caregiver vehicles. Brian does not own a vehicle, has never driven a car due to his type 1 brittle diabetes which causes very fast insulin reactions & seizures since Brian was less than 2 years of age. She wants a federal judge to give her permission to do that too, and she writes that if Brian or the other occupants of this 3 apartment complex refuse, it’s a probation violation for Brian.
We ask for many prayers right now for Brian and his family. We look more to God right now for guidance, strength and help. I did want to thank all of you for your prayers throughout the years, and for those who have written articles here & other websites in support of Brian and for those of you who continue reading them. America is waking up to so much corruption in our government today, and we’re thankful to God & His heavenly team and to President Trump and his earthly team for all they’re doing to try to clean the swamp, and I know, we all know how this story ends. We know how Job’s story ended and what happened to Jesus Christ when he was falsely accused and put to death. He immediately was brought back to life, never to suffer again with all the rewards.
Speaking of government waste, probation has cost (I’m guessing $3,800 a year ” The cost of standard federal probation is about 3,800 a year” ) $38,000 for 10 years for a man who is innocent and was set up due to some of his articles on USWGO, and Probation now wants to go to more extremes under this new probation officer and wants the government to spend at least $15,200 more for probation for this innocent, disabled man. God bless all of you, and thank you for reading our articles, and again thank you for those who have written articles for support of Brian here as well as other websites. The federal judges keep ignoring Brian’s innocence and Brian’s family, and our hands are tied for now, but our faith in God and His heavenly team is strong. God bless all of you!! Stella
Will any of these federal judges or probation office admit that Brian has served way too much time on probation? Even if he was guilty (which he was/is not), his time should have ended in November 2017 or before (must serve 1 year and no more than 3).
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