Stanley Bolten, I have checked the certified mail tracking numbers, and it appears that Brian D. Hill of USWGO Alternative News has mailed the remaining two 2nd joint letter to Congress to U.S. Senator Mark Warner (D-VA) and U.S. Congressman Mark Walker (R-NC). This is in regards to Brian catching lies by the U.S. Federal…
Tag: Greensboro
FBI Agency Lies about USWGO News providing no facts to them for Investigation
Stanley Bolten, A PDF I received from USWGO Alternative News reporter Brian D. Hill’s mother has shown me that the FBI law enforcement agency is lying about Brian providing absolutely no facts that warrant any investigation. That is a lie when the duty Agent asked Brian to come down to the FBI and give a…
Against the Grain (90mins), host Known as Sam w/ guest speaker Journalist Brian Hill – 05/30/2018
Brian had appeared on this radio show after Brian D. Hill’s (USWGO Alt News) Mother release by email to me of the FBI corruption and dereliction of duty documents and audio files for the purpose of getting the truth out. I am holding the FBI accountable in the court of public opinion on my blog….
LEAK: Docs regarding Greensboro, NC FBI shut down of perjury case, Wikileaks letter
Stanley Bolten, This contains a lot of RAW information so it may be difficult to understand without researching, meant for investigators and journalists willing to break the information down! Note: It won’t take me long to look through the documents since I am already aware of what to look for after Brian had called into…
Clarity After Dark (3hrs), w/host Scarlet Anonymous & Co-Host Red Gypsy – 05/25-26/2018
Note: Brian D. Hill of USWGO Alternative News has called in to give his updates regarding his Habeas Corpus actual innocence battle and the Government attempting to wrongfully silence him and cover up and censor the truth about his wrongful conviction and that the evidence does not prove him guilty beyond a reasonable doubt which…
U.S. Attorney files no response to USWGO news reporter’s FOIA lawsuit Appeal
Stanley Bolten, The U.S. Attorney Office aka the Government has filed no response brief to USWGO Alt. News Brian D. Hill’s arguments and claims in his FOIA lawsuit Appeal opening brief in his Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) case in the Western District of Virginia, in Danville. The FOIA lawsuit was in regards to the…