Directed by Brian D. Hill, released by Family. Watch this 3rd Part of of the series of this short Documentary video regarding how the frame up of Patriots with child pornography and other crimes succeed. It is through the MAFIA style PEDOPHILE RINGS who blackmail judges and officials to engage in Judicial Tyranny and HIGH TREASON. Using the corrupt mechanism of Judicial Corruption, Judicial Tyranny. Learn how patriots, activists, and alternative media are character assassinated by corrupt FBI, the corrupt DOJ, federal and state prosecutors, and the corrupt Judges. The system is fixed and designed to make the average American citizen fail in our judicial system.
Tag: journalists
FEDERAL PORN WARS – Part 2: Judicial Corruption of Series – DOCUMENTARY at
Directed by Brian D. Hill, released by Family. Watch this 2nd Part of of the series of this short Documentary video regarding how the frame up of Patriots with child pornography and other crimes succeed. It is through the MAFIA style mechanism of Judicial Corruption, Judicial Tyranny. Learn how patriots, activists, and alternative media are character assassinated by corrupt FBI, federal prosecutors, and the corrupt Judges. Then hear about how there are still good Constitutional Judges out there ensuring Due Process in a world in which fair trials and due process is eroding rapidly across the United States of America.
Directed by Brian D. Hill, released by Family. Watch this Part of of the series of short Documentary videos regarding the Frame Up of Patriots, alternative media, journalists, and activists. Frame up with materials possessed by the Deep State Swamp, the Pedophile Rings. Hear their stories and learn the dangers of the Federal Swamp, how they compromise Judges and Officials and may have the intent to manufacture evidence against you.