me alleging that they were forced to do what the blackmailers wanted until the blackmail was no longer holding any value. Lin Wood had been under increased attacks in the mainstream corporate media by who Lin Wood describes as the “deep state”. The Clerk’s Office covered up or refused to file this letter containing this evidence a few months ago for whatever the reason may be. Brian kept being persistent and filed a copy of that covered up letter a second time, this time it was filed.
Tag: Middle District of North Carolina
USWGO News Brian D. Hill’s Trio of U.S. Supreme Court petitions docketed, response deadlines set for November 22, 2021; Judge SSchroeder to have to respond to Brian’s assertions of them bucking the Supreme Court
Today, the U.S. Supreme Court had docketed the trio of petitions filed by Brian D. Hill , formerly of USWGO Alternative News. Trio of petitions asserting that the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit and the U.S. District Court in Greensboro/Winston-Salem, North Carolina had inappropriately refused to follow the case law precedents set by the Supreme Court. The case law authorities such as the Constitutional right to a Jury Trial for supervised release violators who are charged and accused but not yet convicted of a supervised release violation. Constitutional rights such as the inherit powers of Federal Courts to vacate fraudulent begotten judgments when a judgment is grounded upon fraud. Constitutional rights such as the right to prove factual innocence to a criminal conviction that your actually innocent of. That the Anti-Terrorism and Effective Death Penalty Act shall not abate actual innocence claims. All of that had been docketed today, on October 21, 2021. All were considered filed on October 8, 2021, because that was the date when the UPS label was generated by Roberta Hill, Brian’s mother. All three petitions were mailed in the same box with the USWGO Logo affixed to the box with the words: “JUSTICEFORUSWGO.WORDPRESS.COM – GOD – JESUS – COUNTRY – JUSTICE – FREEDOM – LIBERTY – NO CORRUPTION”.
Witness comes forth about Corruption in Federal Court in NC and U.S. Court of Appeals in Richmond, Virginia
Received an email from a witness named Emanuel Brown who also was a victim of Judicial Corruption within the Middle District of North Carolina. I feel his story now needs to be published so that the campaign blog of Justice for Brian D. Hill of USWGO Alternative News can demonstrate that the injustices isn’t just happening to Brian D. Hill but is happening to many others who don’t have media connections and don’t have political connections to be able to fight it easily. He also confirms what others are claiming that the Fourth Circuit of the U.S. Court of Appeals are entirely and thoroughly corrupted. You can choose whether to believe him or feel that he is a liar, the decision is up to each and every one of you as we have not vetted this information and are just publishing it raw data. We feel this information should be published as a member of the REAL MEDIA, the true Freedom of Press. We aren’t like Alex Jones of Infowars, the fair-weather friend where when you get framed with child porn then Alex Jones runs away when he also claimed he got set up but it is okay with him but he won’t help others who were set up. When many claim the same exact thing, total strangers from different Federal District areas are all claiming that the Fourth Circuit is corrupted, compromised, blackmailed, or just plain tyrannical, then you have to realize that they may not be lying but are telling the truth. When this claim of Judicial Corruption comes from many people it has to be true, where there is smoke there is fire. When it happens to a bunch of people then the system is pure Bull. See blog article: – The Nations Conscience Has Taken Leave of Court ! – Blue_French_Qtr
U.S. Judge Adolf Schroeder throws out all FRAUDS UPON THE COURT as meritless, frivolous, in North Carolina
The dishonorable RAT judge Thomas David Schroeder, aka Adolf Schroeder (parody name) the Fuhrer of the “Middle District of North Carolina” federal courthouses, has thrown out all “fraud upon the court” motions asking for sanctions filed by Brian D. Hill of USWGO alternative news. He called each one of them meritless and one motion as frivolous. Despite the government not even contesting the allegations in each of those motions and the evidence it relies upon. Despite local rule saying that uncontested motions must be granted as a mater of law.
Opinion: U.S. District Court in Greensboro and Winston-Salem, NC is acting outside of it’s Constitutional authority; lack of jurisdiction
Is the U.S. district court in Greensboro and Winston-Salem in North Carolina acting outside of it’s original authority delegated by the Constitution of the United States of America?
Will U.S. Magistrate Judge Joe Webster bust the US Attorney for “Fraud on the Court”?
Stanley Bolten, The scales of Justice is out of balance. The question is, whether U.S. Magistrate Judge Joe Webster (Durham, North Carolina) will bust up the U.S. Attorney Office (Middle District of North Carolina) for “Fraud on the Court” including (#1) subornation of perjury and perjury by the Government’s witness, (#2) false allegations and/or conclusory…