See articles: (1) We are being hit with constant hacker attacks, threat email, and out of the blue debit card declines. The Deep State is escalating the targeting campaign of Brian D. Hill, formerly of USWGO Alternative News including his family and friends; (2) Tucker Carlson/Monkey Werx seems to be acknowledging that U.S. Intel agencies can plant/upload KIDDIE PORN on people’s COMPUTERS/CELL PHONES; likely to set up and BLACKMAIL/compromise individuals; (3) Yet another CIA officer admits that the Feds can set people up with crimes and throw anybody they want in jail; (4) U.S. CIA sends a message to the entire world: CIA/FBI/NSA/DOJ can PLANT CHILD PORN on anybody for any reason; and exposing it will be 40 years or more in FEDERAL PRISON; (5) Mike Glover admitted to Glenn Beck in an interview last year that the CIA can frame people or put them in a weird way.
The evidence is now being leaked (with redactions) proving that hackers had hijacked an email address at domain which is part of our account at This also is part of JusticeForUSWGO.NL, and even Stanley Bolten has an email at the web hosting account. The leaked emails with redactions (redacted to protect privacy) prove that somebody was trying to set up Justice for Brian D. Hill of USWGO Alternative News blog with financial fraud.
This hacker took control of an email address, then turned around and sent emails using identity theft or a false identity. The emails were sent to companies/corporations/businesses asking to update payroll information, most likely in an attempt to change the bank account or any financial information to possibly steal payroll money from an employee or ex-employee of one of these companies/corporations/businesses. They were notified that the email was hacked into, and email was locked to prevent any other hacker from attempting to do the same thing. The set-up attempt was foiled.
1. Roundcube Webmail __ Payroll Update Request_Redacted.pdf – One of the identity theft emails from the hacker using one of our email accounts to try to set us up with financial fraud.
2. Roundcube Webmail _ Re Payroll Update Request_Redacted.pdf – Brian ordered his family and friends to send an email on his behalf to the victims of this financial fraud notifying them that the email was hacked. This foiled the set up operation. They know it was a hacker attack, an identity theft. This foiled the financial fraud plot.
3. Roundcube Webmail __ ALERT This email was hacked into, disregard past emails_Redacted.pdf – Brian ordered his family and friends to send an email on his behalf to the victims of this financial fraud notifying them that the email was hacked. This foiled the set up operation. They know it was a hacker attack, an identity theft. This foiled the financial fraud plot.

The hackers were trying to set up Brian D. Hill’s friends, family, or even creating a fake identity of Brian himself to set him up with a federal crime, a felony. The hacker or hackers attempted to set us up with wire fraud and identity theft. The set-up attempt had failed.
The Deep State has been coming after us. Coming after Brian’s family members, Brian’s friends, and having the U.S. Probation Office harassing Brian. Brian’s military veteran grandpa is currently being harassed by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). They are demanding information from Brian’s grandpa even though it is clear no money is owed to the IRS. So, the IRS has started harassing Brian’s family member as well.
See how the CIA sent a threatening text message to Brian Hill, managed to somehow get the Virginia State Police to refuse to investigate Brian’s case and has the FBI refuse to investigate the evidence destruction which was subject to an investigation by the U.S. Probation Office. Instead, the U.S. Probation Office has lied about Brian Hill in their records and court filings, then turned around and harassed Brian over video games which his prior Probation Officer Jason McMurray of Roanoke, VA had approved previously. Not just targeting Brian over his video games but tried to set up Brian for a probation violation charge after removal of Jason McMurray from Brian’s federal supervision altogether.
See what the corrupt Deep State doesn’t want you to see:
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