Author: Stanley Bolten
News came out that the judge dismissed the criminal case of famous celebrity Alec Baldwin for the prosecutorial error or misconduct of evidence suppression. NYTimes says: “Alec Baldwin Manslaughter Trial in ‘Rust’ Shooting Dismissed Over Evidence – The New York Times” and “A judge in New Mexico dismissed the case against Alec Baldwin on Friday after finding that the state had withheld evidence that could have shed light on how live rounds got onto a film set where the cinematographer was fatally shot.” Yet the issue which comes out of this famous criminal case is that judges normally dismiss a criminal case if evidence was suppressed (Brady v. Maryland, Giglio v. United States) and was not given to the criminal defendant prior to a trial in a court of law. This is pretty much the same type of issue where in the criminal case of Commonwealth of Virginia, City of Martinsville v. Brian David Hill (Brian D. Hill, USWGO Alternative News), the evidence of police body-camera footage and drug tests (testing for any intoxication, whether voluntary or involuntary) wasn’t just suppressed illegally but was secretly destroyed as revealed in 2023 after the old corrupt Police Chief G. E. Cassady retired from Martinsville Police Department. The new appointment of Police Chief Rob Fincher gave Brian an opportunity to ask for the police body-camera footage in the FOIA request. The response was that the body-camera footage and cop-car footage of Brian Hill before his arrest and during his arrest had once existed but was silently spoliated because it was NOT marked as evidence. Spoliated meaning evidence was erased, destroyed, covered up. It violated three court orders in Brian’s state criminal case. The evidence of recorded body-camera footage and drug tests would have proven either two things in Brian’s behavior on September 21, 2018, that (1) Brian was drugged involuntarily or was intoxicated involuntarily, or (2) that the stress and anxiety caused Brian to have a psychotic breakdown or mental breakdown where he ran into the woods and on a walking trail until a car saw him and reported Brian to police while Brian was having this mental breakdown. Whatever the police saw in the body-camera footage scared them, that it would hurt the prosecution and be favorable to Brian’s claim of innocence, so they had to go around letting it be erased, to be destroyed silently in the dark of the night. That is clear cut evidence that was ordered by the court, and they the prosecution team destroyed this “evidence”. Alec Baldwin got out of his criminal trial on this technicality. Why was Brian Hill not getting out of his criminal charge with no victims on ANY technicality???
Alec Baldwin was probably truly guilty of his charge of involuntary manslaughter but gets away with it on a mere technicality of evidence suppression by the prosecutor/prosecution-team/law enforcement. Yet in Brian’s case, Brian was innocent of indecent exposure (corrupt lawyer Fred Smith protecting Judge Greer admitted Brian was innocent in secret recording) for a number of facts and reasons as stated in the petition to Governor Glenn Youngkin for a pardon of innocence aka an absolute pardon on Brian Hill. Brian wasn’t just innocent because he was not obscene the nighttime he was found naked wandering around a walking trail, Brian was given drug test by Sovah Hospital but then the results were never listed, it was DELETED FROM THE CHART. So, drug tests conducted on Brian were covered up even though billing records prove that IV cath tubes were used when Brian was in the emergency room before Brian was arrested. The police body-camera footage in Brian’s indecent exposure case was also covered up.
Everyone is probably wondering why Alec Baldwin wins in his criminal case over mere evidence suppression before the jury trial over involuntary manslaughter, but Brian D. Hill is still wrongfully convicted of his state charge despite evidence destruction and the prosecutor Glen Andrew Hall’s refusal to follow three basic court orders for discovery materials including any recorded statement the defendant had made to a law enforcement officer (body camera footage).
The issue is, Brian Hill is a victim of JUDICIAL CORRUPTION and is still (even to this day) being targeted by the CIA/NSA/FBI/DHS/DOJ corrupt Deep State. See how the CIA sent a threatening text message to Brian Hill, managed to somehow get the Virginia State Police to refuse to investigate Brian’s case and has the FBI refuse to investigate the evidence destruction which was subject to an investigation by the U.S. Probation Office. Instead, the U.S. Probation Office has lied about Brian Hill in their records and court filings, then turned around and harassed Brian over video games which his prior Probation Officer Jason McMurray of Roanoke, VA had approved previously. Not just targeting Brian over his video games but tried to set up Brian for a probation violation charge after removal of Jason McMurray from Brian’s federal supervision altogether.
The judge in New Mexico did the right thing legally as a matter of law to dismiss the criminal case of Alec Baldwin because discovery usually works both ways in a criminal case to protect the due process of law for all criminal defendants, allowing both the prosecution of a criminal case and the defense to present a fair trial by presenting the facts and any reasonable doubts to determine the guilt or innocence of the one who is tried for an accusation of a crime. A trial by ambush is not a fair trial. The judge even said in Baldwin’s case that: “There is no way for the court to right this wrong,” and said the state’s discovery violation regarding the late disclosure of a supplemental report on the ammunition evidence “injected needless delay into the proceedings,” approached “bad faith” and was “highly prejudicial to the defendant.” They tried a trial by ambush by delaying evidence from surfacing until the jury trial had already begun. In Brian Hill’s criminal case, it was worse. There was hidden suppressed evidence which was never shown to the General District Court during Brian’s trial on December 21, 2018. That’s another way of an unfair trial far worse than just simply delaying evidence like in the Baldwin case.
But here is the corrupt Martinsville Circuit Court JUDGE Giles Carter Greer who refused to right the three wrongs by Glen Andrew Hall who is nicknamed Andy Hall of the Commonwealth’s Attorney office for the City of Martinsville. This judge is so corrupt that he targeted somebody simply asking for his recusal from a civil case involving a bank. This judge is a PUPPET, yes, he has skeletons in his closet like so many other corrupt judges and politicians, so he is just being used to extend and revoke the federal probation of Brian D. Hill. Judge Greer is simply that, he is nothing more than a corrupt PUPPET JUDGE who targeted Brian Hill. Question is who pulls the judge’s strings??? The Deep State??? The CIA??? Blackmail??? There needs to be investigations into this as to why Brian Hill is being put through all of this garbage.

Here is what Judge Greer did in Brian’s case which is not law, not justice, not a fair trial, and not Constitutional. He unconstitutionally convicted Brian D. Hill, formerly of USWGO Alternative News. We have the evidence of this and evidence of this judge retaliating against Brian for simply saying the truth. This is contradictory to what the judge in the Alec Baldwin case had ruled. A criminal case should be dismissed or overturned anytime the prosecution had withheld credible/tangible-object evidence from the defendant or even destroyed evidence secretly (evidence subject of a court order) without informing the court and the defendant after a court order was entered demanding that discovery be turned over to the criminal defendant prior to the trial by bench or trial by jury.
First of all, this judge got evidence earlier last year on the record in his court record proving that body-camera footage from Brian’s indecent exposure case was secretly erased from the online storage server which manages evidence of recorded police body-camera footage. The police chief stated that it was up to the Commonwealth’s Attorney to mark the body-camera footage as evidence, and Andy Hall did not mark the body-camera footage as evidence. That did prejudice the defense and the evidence proving this beyond a reasonable doubt did not surface until last year thanks to Police Chief Rob Fincher. It could not have been discovered when corrupt Police Chief G. E. (Eddie) Cassady was the police chief before he stepped down who didn’t do anything about the drug houses. People have called the police over drug incidents which were ignored when Cassady was the police chief. We have several sources who confirmed this so suing us for defamation would fail because the witnesses and evidence are there to show that the old police chief didn’t care about the drug stuff going on. After the new police chief went into power, the evidence surfaced proving to the judge that the body-camera footage had existed when the courts ordered the evidence to be turned over to the criminal defendant Brian David Hill prior to the bench trial in the General District Court and jury trial in the Circuit Court for the City of Martinsville. This wasn’t just evidence suppression, it was outright destruction of the evidence. It is fraud.
This corrupt judge Giles Carter Greer (Judge Greer) denied every motion for acquittal including the Motion to Acquit based on evidence of extrinsic fraud (it is extrinsic fraud when Brian had no hard evidence of body-camera footage destruction until February of 2023, after the motion was filed). Brian filed a motion to reconsider the decision and that same judge denied that motion on the very same day it was filed, how corrupt is that??? In the Alec Baldwin case, the motion was granted dismissing the case over mere trial by ambush tactic by the District Attorney in that case. However, Judge Greer does whatever he wants and allows the trial by ambush tactic in the General District Court of covering up any evidence favorable to the criminal defendant and this would have been allowed in the Circuit Court had Brian not withdrawn his appeal. That is not the way criminal trials should be prosecuted, because it is FRAUD. It is fraud because then the prosecution is presenting a narrow one-sided story of what they claim is a crime being committed. They destroy any evidence proving the innocence of who they prosecute in court, so they only get one verdict: GUILTY!!!!!. It is a humiliation ritual what they put Brian Hill through. It is a kangaroo court, a struggle session. This type of prosecutorial misconduct is scary and puts innocent people away in prison.
Brian then filed notices of appeal complaining about this judge’s behavior/conduct in an honest way (also on the we are sorry closed page). The judge than retaliated by charging Brian Hill with criminal contempt of court for vile, contemptuous, or insulting language directed to Judge Greer. The problem was those notices of appeal were directed at the Court of Appeals of Virginia and was not addressed to Judge Greer himself. So, either he had the clerk Jeanie Nunn file the criminal contempt charge or the clerk Jeanie Nunn decided to file the criminal contempt charge herself while Judge Greer did not know. Although this judge did have a history of charging somebody he doesn’t like with contempt according to Patrick County VA Blog – Real News in Patrick County Virginia. Free speech and setting the record straight!.
It is a fact that this very judge allowed Glen Andrew Hall to get away with destroying evidence in non-compliance with three court orders basically asking for discovery evidence. The body-camera footage is essential evidence to the case, it is material evidence. This same Commonwealth Attorney then turned around and blocked the State Police of Virginia from investigating evidence emailed to them by Brian’s mother on Brian’s behalf to investigate any crimes committed by this tyrannical corrupt judge and corrupt Commonwealth Attorney. The FBI refused to investigate Andy Hall for not giving this evidence to the U.S. Attorney and U.S. Probation Office while investigating Brian in 2018. Not only refusing to give them this evidence, but the evidence was also spoliated which is obstruction of justice. See 18 U.S.C. § 1519.

Then after your charged with criminal contempt of court, the very judge who is angry that you criticized him, will appoint you an attorney to represent you. Nothing bazaar going on here, right? WRONG. There is going to be a slick deal made to make the contempt case go away when dealing with a corrupt judge,
In fact, Judge Greer appointed the private attorney Fred Smith to represent Brian in the criminal contempt proceedings. Secretly recorded (but legal) audio recordings by Brian Hill, the client, revealed the true intentions of Fred Smith. That was to get the appeals knocked out of the way in exchange for making the contempt case go away. Nothing sounds fishy about that, right??? WRONG.
This attorney did a great job getting Brian’s contempt case dismissed but at a major price of his appeals being dismissed too as a repercussion. Brian had to file a motion for delayed appeals and file a complaint against this attorney. This attorney had sabotaged Brian’s appeals when he demanded that Brian not file anything in “state court” including the Court of Appeals of Virginia. This lawyer Fred Smith who was appointed by corrupt Judge Greer had deprived Brian of his procedural due process of law in the appellate system, the constitutional right to appeal in a court of law when statute makes appealing a matter of law. Then appealing becomes a protected due process of law under procedural due process of law.
It is clear that it is the duty of Governor Glenn Youngkin to fully pardon citizen Brian David Hill of Virginia. An absolute pardon is warranted here. This is such a waste of taxpayers’ money to pursue this matter any further in the judicial system. Brian Hill was a victim of both prosecutor corruption and judicial corruption.
The Alec Baldwin case makes it clear. Brian’s criminal case should have been dismissed once it was proven the body-camera footage was illegally destroyed secretly during the jury trial period being set for Brian Hill’s case. The court appointed attorney Matthew Scott Thomas Clark said in September or October 2019, to Brian and his family that he spoke with the Commonwealth Attorney and was told that the body-camera footage had been destroyed. This attorney acted like it was no big deal and said it would have been used against Brian. If that was even remotely the case, then they would have played the body-camera footage at General District Court trial on December 21, 2018. They did not. They knew that any behavior expert and/or a toxicology expert would have determined that Brian was intoxicated by a unknown drug, substance, or gas. Would have disproven even the element of indecent exposure even though case law said obscenity element is required in Virginia for a successful criminal conviction. It would disprove all essential elements; Brian is innocent and that is a fact.
Brian didn’t have a good attorney because he is not rich, he is not a celebrity like Alec Baldwin (Wikipedia). If Brian had hired the best criminal defense attorney money can buy, Brian’s case would have been dismissed at the General District Court phase; that is if the evidence not been destroyed. Brian would have been found to have not been obscene when he was out there at night. They would have found out that Brian was intoxicated, involuntarily. The whole case would have been thrown out of court, just like with Alec Baldwin. There is a clear two-tiered justice system. Ones protected by the Deep State and ones prosecuted by the Deep State.
1 thought on “Alec Baldwin’s criminal case was dismissed for evidence suppression, but Brian D. Hill was wrongfully convicted by prosecutorial misconduct of evidence destruction which would have proven Brian’s innocence in VA state case”