Author: Stanley Bolten
NOTE: This is being leaked due to the conspiracy by the U.S. Probation Office pushing to set up Brian D. Hill for revocation after Brian losing his former Probation Officer Jason McMurray from supervising Brian. They want to end Brian Hill forever as the threatening email had said. The conspiracy to try to set him up with phony probation violation as well as the cover ups and lies used to extend Brian’s federal supervised release sentence from 2024 to 2028. We have EVIDENCE that the Virginia State Police refused to investigate any potential crimes and cover ups being committed after consulting with CORRUPT COMMONWEALTH ATTORNEY Andy Hall as that one email from Sgt. Glenn Armstrong proves that they were told something to have them indicate that “there is nothing of a criminal nature for the State Police to investigate.” Therefore, we will leak all of this stuff to embarrass the State Police and the evidence destroying (court order violating) Commonwealth Attorney for THEIR WAR ON USWGO Alternative News. The leaked files are below the paragraphs and are the heart of evidence proving the claims in this article. This leak isn’t to attack the State Police in any way but is to expose corrupt prosecutor Glen Andrew Hall for being the sole cause of extending Brian’s federal supervised release and covering up evidence.
Evidence is now surfacing proving that last year the CORRUPT Commonwealth Attorney Glen Andrew Hall aka Andy Hall of Martinsville, Virginia, has BLOCKED or attempted to thwart any of Brian’s request for a criminal investigation to the State Police of Virginia. The request which was originally lodged by Brian D. Hill (USWGO Alternative News). Those requests were drafted by Brian Hill but was submitted to the State Police by and through his mother since Brian isn’t allowed to use the internet. Last year, Brian reported evidence of criminal activities which are in fact crimes to the State Police of Virginia. The threatening email itself is already a crime, they refused to fully investigate that. They refused to investigate whether there was any possible attempt to murder Brian Hill with carbon monoxide gas by installing metal tin on top of the chimney. Brian had his mother email evidence of different matters because Brian had suspected he was purposefully poisoned with carbon monoxide in 2017-2018 in a possible attempt to murder Brian. Instead of Brian dying, Brian was involuntarily intoxicated which had caused him on September 21, 2018, to be arrested for indecent exposure in the middle of the night in what the entire incident didn’t make any sense. Brian stated to the federal court in writing that he felt he “may have been drugged”, felt he may have had blacked out, and kept sitting on benches in slopy handwriting while in Martinsville City Jail. Brian even made paranoid statements in his letter which of course can be caused by intoxication. Evidence was proven to have been covered up by both Sovah Hospital of Martinsville and covered up by the Commonwealth Attorney Glen Andrew Hall as revealed by a response to Brian’s FOIA request by Police Chief Rob Fincher. Brian asked the Virginia State Police to investigate but they spoke or communicated with Andy Hall according to the email from Sgt. Glenn Armstrong, and the Virginia State Police Sgt. Armstrong said that: “After reviewing it and speaking with Martinsville Commonwealth’s Attorney Andrew Hall, there is nothing of a criminal nature for the State Police to investigate.” The State Police which are law enforcement are not lawyers, so they take the advice of the state prosecutor even if the state prosecutor is CORRUPT, the same prosecutor OUT TO GET BRIAN HILL told the State Police things that made them believe that there is “nothing of a criminal nature for the State Police to investigate“. That means either Andy Hall may have told the State Police that there was no criminal violation of any law here to potentially investigate in any evidence ever emailed to them. The same Commonwealth Attorney who illegally destroyed the body-camera footage in Brian’s criminal case after three court orders demanding this evidence be produced. Andy Hall the corrupt state prosecutor for Martinsville has BLOCKED any potential investigation from being started by the Virginia State Police or this prosecutor had somehow given advice to the Virginia State Police to make it where they are not going to do anything about any requests from Brian Hill to investigate any potential crimes committed in the handling of his state criminal case and anything which caused him to be wrongfully convicted on December 21, 2018, on the day of the winter solstice. Freemasons/Mason are likely involved here since dates are everything to them, and Brian was convicted exactly on the day of the winter solstice. City of Martinsville has a Masonic lodge, hmmmm. Refusing to investigate is very suspicious and shows that the Deep State is still after Brian Hill just as somebody from the CIA had texted him. Also see article: Who Polices Prosecutors Who Abuse Their Authority? Usually Nobody — ProPublica.
Brian was also charged with criminal contempt of court last year for criticizing Judge Giles Carter Greer for judicial corruption of not charging the prosecutor Andy Hall with contempt of court for refusing to comply with three court orders asking for discovery evidence material to be turned over to the defendant Brian D. Hill for his 2018 charge. Instead, the Commonwealth Attorney HAD A DUTY to produce this evidence to the court but never did by not marking the body-camera footage as evidence. A true cover up, which is prosecutor/prosecutorial corruption in any criminal case. Brian also had evidence he was appointed legal counsel (FRED SMITH, Martinsville lawyer) who lied to the Assistant Attorney General in a weird move to mess up Brian’s appeals in the Court of Appeals of Virginia. The private conversations with the court appointed legal counsel Fred Smith which were record was released to the internet by Brian’s family to expose the local judicial corruption being used as a political weapon to extend Brian’s federal supervised release from 2024 to 2028. The U.S. Probation Office used the local judicial corruption (corrupt prosecutor, corrupt judge) of Martinsville, Virginia, to extend Brian’s supervised release and revoke his supervision sending Brian to federal prison in 2019. CORRUPT FEDERAL JUDGE ADOLF THOMAS DAVID SCHROEDER who may as well be running as a dictator of a struggle session under a communist court in China or North Korea.
We have some leaks being produced by the family of Brian D. Hill, formerly of USWGO Alternative News. These leaks are now necessary due to the CORRUPT U.S. Probation Office working with U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) attempting to crack down on Brian D. Hill and his mother Roberta over Brian having access to video games, any smart TV (it may be almost impossible to find a regular TV for sale) or even have access to a mp3 player over matters which were previously approved by Brian’s former senior federal probation officer Jason McMurray of Roanoke, Virginia. Brian was approved accessed to any “computer” as long as it wasn’t connected to the internet. A cell phone is a computer now by definition since you can install and remove applications aka software. As well as approving video game playing on both Nintendo Switch and XBOX (the old XBOX), as well as allowing Brian and his mother to watch ROKU since it is only a streaming device not capable of normal web browsing. Not capable of downloading any files. We suspect (not have exact proof of unless somebody can give us proof) that the Feds/Deep-State/CIA/NSA/FBI/DOJ/DHS may have influenced Andy Hall to convict Brian Hill in 2018 so that the FEDS can extend Brian’s federal supervised release sentence for four more years to keep Brian off of the internet for a longer period of time thwarting Brian’s constitutional right to both freedom of speech and freedom of the press.
1. Declaration on State Police visit – March 18, 2023(3).pdf – or JusticeForUSWGO.NL – Declaration on State Police visit with Brian Hill and Brian’s mother explaining things.
2. Carbon Monoxide.pdf – or JusticeForUSWGO.NL – Evidence that the State Police officer admitted to speaking with Andrew Hall (prosecutor/Commonwealth Attorney of Martinsville).
3. Evidence of threatening email.pdf – or JusticeForUSWGO.NL –
a. Xfinity Connect WE____WARNED_____YOU____BITCH Printout.pdf – or JusticeForUSWGO.NL –
b. source-mar-4-2023.txt – or JusticeForUSWGO.NL –
4. My son would like to report evidence of carbon monoxide poisoning attempt in 2017, caused incident in 2018.pdf – or JusticeForUSWGO.NL –
a. 1-300-dollar-check-evidence.pdf – or JusticeForUSWGO.NL –
b. 2-letter-office-dispute-res-eric-ferguson.pdf – or JusticeForUSWGO.NL –
c. 3-telephone-records-logs.pdf – or JusticeForUSWGO.NL –
d. 4-letter-office-dispute-res-eric-ferguson.pdf – or JusticeForUSWGO.NL –
e. 5-response-from-eric-ferguson.pdf – or JusticeForUSWGO.NL –
f. 6-JaCody-Cassell-denied-allegations-complaint.pdf – or JusticeForUSWGO.NL –
g. 8-carbon-monoxide-damage-photo.pdf – or JusticeForUSWGO.NL –
h. 9-Pete-Compton-ACE-Chimney.pdf – or JusticeForUSWGO.NL –
i. Letter to VA State Police – March 2, 2023(3).pdf – or JusticeForUSWGO.NL –
5. Re My son would like to report evidence of carbon monoxide poisoning attempt in 2017, caused incident in 2018.pdf – or JusticeForUSWGO.NL –
a. 7-Complaint-to-Franklin-County-May-27-2022(2).pdf – or JusticeForUSWGO.NL –
6. Police misconduct complaint, Attorney General’s office said you would assist.pdf – or JusticeForUSWGO.NL –
a. Letter to VA State Police – March 4, 2023(9).pdf – or JusticeForUSWGO.NL –
b. 1.criminal complaint and warrant_Redacted.pdf – or JusticeForUSWGO.NL –
c. 2.transcript.statements-oath-robert-jones.pdf – or JusticeForUSWGO.NL –
d. 3.officer-jones-admitted-not-obscene.pdf – or JusticeForUSWGO.NL –
e. 4.billing-records-hospital.pdf – or JusticeForUSWGO.NL –
f. 5-Pete-Compton-Letter.pdf – or JusticeForUSWGO.NL –
g. 6-Medical Records 9-21-2018 color.pdf – or JusticeForUSWGO.NL –
h. 7.Brian Hill FOIA Request.pdf – or JusticeForUSWGO.NL –
i. 8.DrConradDaumPiedmontCommunityServices_Redacted.pdf – or JusticeForUSWGO.NL –
j. 9-CarilionClinicDoctorLetter.pdf – or JusticeForUSWGO.NL –
k. 10.Document 153.pdf – or JusticeForUSWGO.NL –
l. Office of the Attorney General Assistance Request(highlight).pdf – or JusticeForUSWGO.NL –
Brian had his mother report a criminal threatening email to the Virginia State Police as well. The State Police spoke with Brian, and pretty much lectured Brian about not sending any more evidence to the Virginia State Police. Brian produced a typed statement of the State Police visit, last year. They pretty much insinuated in a unique way (by talking about a case where the State Police Agent knew somebody committed the crime, but the prosecutor declined to prosecute) the major probability that the Commonwealth Attorney wouldn’t prosecute even if there was evidence of a crime (by a third party or involved party) which caused Brian’s wrongful conviction of indecent exposure. Refusal to investigate the involuntary intoxication of Brian Hill which caused the weird behavior on September 21, 2018. They would not investigate the threatening email any further either. There are a lot of laws on the books. The State Police should at least understand why these emails are being leaked a year after they were sent and a year after the State Police admitted to speaking with Andy Hall. We all believe and suspect that they were pretty much told even if a criminal investigation were conducted by the State Police, ANDY HALL WILL REFUSE TO PROSECUTE because they got their man, Brian D. Hill, formerly of USWGO Alternative News. The CORRUPT Commonwealth Attorney of Martinsville VA will never prosecute anybody who would jeopardize their criminal prosecution and criminal conviction of Brian Hill. Brian is a target of the Deep State and will be a target for the rest of his life until Brian is dead, because that is the way things are. Unfortunately.
You have the evidence, the documents, the emails, the pictures in this article. This is a REAL LEAK because the prosecutorial corruption is happening in the City of Martinsville, Virginia. They are holding Brian Hill hostage (thanks to judge Greer) to the corrupt U.S. Probation Office also holding Brian Hill hostage demanding that he not play video games for likely the rest of his life. Dealing with USPO Haylea Workman and a chrome-dome federal probation supervisor tyrant. They are all tyrants now. Tyrants run America and the corrupt courts.

Here is a photo of the corrupt prosecutor who should be under any kind of investigation for his evidence destruction and corrupt prosecution. He needs to ACQUIT BRIAN D. HILL NOW. Stop the BULLSHIT. This is BULLSHIT.

Look at the crimes Mr. Hall is part of. He allowed evidence to be unlawfully destroyed. Here are a few photos below to sum it all up.

Two court orders were not complied with before the destruction of the body-cam footage evidence. Right after the court had ordered so. This is obstruction of justice since Brian was charged with a federal probation violation as well in 2018. It is federal obstruction of justice for anybody including law enforcement to destroy evidence in their possession which could influence or obstruct a federal investigation. CORRUPT COMMONWEALTH ATTORNEY Glen Andrew Hall should be one of the primary suspects. HALL IS GUILTY OF EVIDENCE DESTRUCTION AND SHOULD FACE TRIAL FOR WHAT HE HAD DONE, TREASONOUS TRAITOR ANDY HALL.

F**K THE CIA, those dumb bastards. The CIA needs to pay for their crimes against the American citizens. ARREST THEM ALL!!!!!
9 thoughts on “LEAK: Commonwealth Attorney Andy Hall BLOCKED any of Brian’s pushes for a criminal investigation by Virginia State Police into the criminal case of Brian D. Hill while this same Commonwealth Attorney destroyed evidence by not marking body-camera footage as evidence”