Author: Stanley Bolten – Please up vote this comment so that Tucker can read it.
Tucker Carlson also needs to check his computers for child porn. They framed journalist Brian D. Hill, formerly of USWGO Alternative News, and the CIA has been targeting Brian Hill ever since. Whatever Brian Hill did to be targeted in that manner. Brian was exposing P-Code, FamLink/SACWIS, overheard Ted Gunderson when Brian was a co-host with Dr. Shirley Moore’s JusticeForUs. Brian was framed with child porn. They tried to do that with Sharyl Attkisson. Tucker Carlson needs to encrypt his laptop or computer, wipe his computers. VAULT7 and CIA have hacking tools. Tucker Carlson needs to check his computers. NOW!!!!!! Brian was set up, Matt DeHart was set up, they even tried to set up Alex Jones. They are relentless. Watch the documentary: The Deep State can Frame You the documentary on Rumble. Tucker, Brian needs to be interviewed, he is a victim and a witness. – Stanley Bolten emergency comment

2 thoughts on “Stanley Bolten to Tucker Carlson: “Tucker Carlson also needs to check his computers for child porn. They framed journalist Brian D. Hill, formerly of USWGO Alternative News, and the CIA has been targeting Brian Hill ever since. Brian was framed with child porn.””