Author: Stanley Bolten
The 40 years of federal imprisonment against Joshua Schulte, a whistleblower who leaked CIA hacking tools to Wikileaks (Vault-7 hacking tools) proving that the Feds can plant child porn on any computer or cell phone (Even Real Raw News admits there were Federal plans to plant child porn on Trump supporters). The imprisonment of this whistleblower (who also got framed with a child porn charge) means that the CIA/NSA/FBI/DOJ sends a message to the entire world: THE MESSAGE IS!!!! The CIA/NSA/FBI/DOJ can plant child porn on any American citizen or on anybody around the world and blowing the whistle means having child porn planted on the whistleblower and facing espionage charges and any other federal charges (then you will go to a SUPERMAX PRISON). That means the Feds are telling the average American, we-the-FEDS (referring to them) will just plant child porn on you and you will be a registered sex offender if you take on any of the INTELLIGENCE COMMUNITY or any of their unAmerican agenda, the bureaucrats of the Deep State, the Swamp, and criminals who have hijacked the United States of America, it’s government, it’s regime. We have plenty of evidence and videos to share about how the Deep State can and will just plant child porn on you or anybody and not give a care that your a virgin sitting on the sex offender registry, like Brian D. Hill, formerly of USWGO Alternative News. In 2016, We Are Change did a wonderful article exposing the child pornography set up campaign against Brian Hill by exposing the Galileo’s Remote Control System hacking tools. However, for behind the scenes pressure or whatever the reason is, We Are Change had taken down the article in May of 2023. It was archived and can still be accessed.
A lot of hacking tools were leaked to Wikileaks:
1. Vault 8: Hive
2. Vault 7: Protego
3. Vault 7: Angelfire
4. Vault 7: ExpressLane
5. Vault 7: CouchPotato
6. Vault 7: Dumbo
7. Vault 7: Imperial
8. Vault 7: UCL / Raytheon
9. Vault 7: Highrise
10. and more hacking tools

Even credible news anchor and journalist Sharyl Attkisson admitted that there was a child pornography set up being threatened by the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) to be conducted on her husband’s computer which would negatively affect her as well since she is a the wife of who the FBI threatened to plant child pornography on. Even the American Livewire had an article in 2013 about the Government can plant child pornography on the U.S. citizens. Article title: “The Government Is Planting Child Porn On Your Computer | American Live Wire“
The information has been used in the documentary: The Deep State can Frame You – the Documentary exclusively put together by Brian D. Hill to expose the child porn frame up operations being conducted by the criminal elements of the Federal Government, by the Deep State, by the rogue actors/actresses inside of the Intelligence Agencies worldwide. See There is even a record number of local police officers being caught with child porn like never before, hundreds of police officers were charged with child porn or child sex crimes known to internet news articles or online news outlets. So the increasing trend of police officers being caught with child porn shows the growing suspicion that police officers are being taught by the Feds to plant child porn on people by being trained to look at child porn and wanting child porn, then they are blackmailed and likely ordered to plant child porn on political targets or face arrest for possession charges. Then they become part of the nationwide, worldwide criminal operations. The blackmail scheme, just like the whole Jeffrey Epstein saga, what Attorney Lin Wood has spoken of.
Even U.S. Senator Chucky Schumer told Rachel Madcow, I mean Rachel Maddow, that if anyone takes on the intelligence communities, they have six ways to Sunday at getting back at you.

A former CIA staff person or CIA case agent named Mike Glover had admitted that the CIA can frame people ([sic.] with crimes) and paint people in a weird way, his words and not ours. This was in an interview with Glenn Beck. Watch the video and see the partial transcript of his words below.
Alternate video link in case of censorship by YouTube:
Mike Glover in interview with Glenn Beck, Ep. CHILLING: Veteran DESTROYED by Deep State. Are You Next? | The Glenn Beck Podcast | Ep 184.
…and look to give CIA credit there’s a lot of these type of things they do which benefit our intelligence understanding uh whether it’s you know framing people or putting them in a weird way. The the benefit exists. The problem is the CIA because it’s not held accountable for a lot of these things because they could stamp covert action on the document, they could literally classify anything at any time period they want where nobody because it’s a compartmentalized operation, nobody will have access to that. It’s called a Special Access Program (sic. SAP). I mean there I’ve been involved in special access programs in the military were only a handful of people in my own organ…organization knew about it and so when you’re part of a SAP program when it’s covert action when you have no obligation to communicate what you’re doing to Congress to people and it’s just something that’s done in the basement of a building inside of Langley headquarters that is a problem…
Then of course there are a number of child porn set up attempts on patriots. From former news reporters of Infowars such as Millie Weaver, Aaron Dykes and Melissa Dykes (formerly Melissa Melton), to the founder of such as Alex Jones, and to other alternative media heads including Stewart Rhodes of Oath Keepers. The political hackers squad was a weird group of unknown assailants claiming responsibility for planting child porn on activists and alternative media under the direction of the Barack Obama presidential administration. There are many examples of victims of these orchestrated and organized child pornography set up campaigns and operations. Brian warned that by Joe Biden (who works with Barack Obama) being elected (even if illegitimately), then the Feds will start planting child porn again. Look at Sharyl Attkisson’s admission in the year of 2022. The set ups continue under the corrupt federal agencies. Now the Real Raw News website is acknowledging that Trump supporters are being framed with child porn now. So Brian’s warning came true because Brian was a victim of a federal child pornography set up operation with involvement of the Rockingham County District Attorney’s Office in North Carolina as shown in the search warrant affidavit by former Reidsville detective Robert Bridge, and others. Robert Bridge admitted to using special tools. Brian’s grandmother Stella Forinash said when she read the search warrant affidavit, she believes Detective Bridge was admitting into hacking into Brian’s computer, which is backed by the photographs showing the download dates in the North Carolina State Bureau of Investigation (SBI) case file photograph concerning the criminal investigation into Brian Hill from 2012 to 2013.
Brian D. Hill is a victim of a child porn set up operation.
I disagree with this cited blog’s theme of just blaming Jews when the Deep State is all over the world, The Deep State has different religions and are also atheists too. The Chinese intelligence are not Jews. British Intelligence are not Jews. This deep state encompasses all skin colors and religions and creeds. There are corrupt people on both the left and the right sides of government. But I will cite that this blog does get it, that the CIA framed this whistleblower Joshua Schulte with fake child porn charges.
4 thoughts on “U.S. CIA sends a message to the entire world: CIA/FBI/NSA/DOJ can PLANT CHILD PORN on anybody for any reason; and exposing it will be 40 years or more in FEDERAL PRISON”