Brian D. Hill, formerly of USWGO alternative news filed two petitions for appeal with the Court of Appeals of Virginia. They disappeared days later and he is now being held hostage to his corrupt compromised defense attorney John Jones who is refusing to file any pleadings with the Court which is a plot to dismiss Brian’s direct criminal appeals. Brian is being held hostage to a corrupt court appointed lawyer who was caught not filing any pleading with the Court before Brian’s appeals were dismissed by the Court for no filings by the deadline. This blog forgot to include Brian’s other appeal. Brian filed three petitions for appeal with the Virginia Appeals Court. Two of them had been disappeared by the Clerk’s office without explanation. The Clerks are putting Brian in a position of a second legal hostage situation where Brian is being held hostage to his court appointed lawyer holding Brian’s fate in his hands and that lawyer failed him and is refusing to even communicate with his client, yet is being held to be forced to do what this lawyer wants and this lawyer is wrecking his appeals without explanation. Another situation of being held hostage to corrupt Federal Judges and now corrupt lawyers that is supposedly representing him. The treason keeps stacking up high and the Judicial Corruption continues on as usual against Brian.