by Laurie Azgard
Brian D. Hill, formerly of USWGO alternative news filed two petitions for appeal with the Court of Appeals of Virginia. They disappeared days later and he is now being held hostage to his corrupt compromised defense attorney John Jones who is refusing to file any pleadings with the Court which is a plot to dismiss Brian’s direct criminal appeals. Brian is being held hostage to a corrupt court appointed lawyer who was caught not filing any pleading with the Court before Brian’s appeals were dismissed by the Court for no filings by the deadline. This blog forgot to include Brian’s other appeal. Brian filed three petitions for appeal with the Virginia Appeals Court. Two of them had been disappeared by the Clerk’s office without explanation. The Clerks are putting Brian in a position of a second legal hostage situation where Brian is being held hostage to his court appointed lawyer holding Brian’s fate in his hands and that lawyer failed him and is refusing to even communicate with his client, yet is being held to be forced to do what this lawyer wants and this lawyer is wrecking his appeals without explanation. Another situation of being held hostage to corrupt Federal Judges and now corrupt lawyers that is supposedly representing him. The treason keeps stacking up high and the Judicial Corruption continues on as usual against Brian.
Brian had filed an emergency motion to keep his own lawyer from holding his appeals hostage to wreck his appeals. This has become an unconstitutional errors of epic proportions, a Constitutional crisis against Brian. They have compromised his court appointed lawyer. His lawyer was likely being pressured, blackmailed, threatened, or compromised.
The other petition for appeal is below:
AppealPet3-29-2021.pdf – Second Petition for appeal
Xfinity Connect VACES eFiling submission for Brian David Hill v_ Commonwealth of Virginia, City of Martinsville has been reviewed and accepted Printout-3-30-2021.pdf – Filing accepted by the Clerk of Court then was disappeared by the same Clerk’s office without a valid explanation
This lawyer did not file any petition for appeal, yet the Clerk is demanding that Brian file through his lawyer who did not file anything by the deadline and thus both appeals can be dismissed again. Brian is being held hostage to his corrupt court appointed lawyer. The evidence is here, it is undeniable.
Brian was angry and had his mother file his emergency motions to stop what his corrupt and compromised court appointed lawyer had done.
See the documents:
Xfinity Connect Emergency Motions for NEW COUNSEL, case no_ 1294-20-3 and 1295-20-3, Court of Appeals of Virginia Printout.pdf – Brian’s mother sent email on those emergency motions filed by his son over his corrupt compromised court appointed lawyer John Ira Jones, IV.
Xfinity Connect VACES eFiling submission for Brian David Hill v_ Commonwealth of Virginia, City of Martinsville has been reviewed and accepted Printout (2).pdf –
Xfinity Connect VACES eFiling submission for Brian David Hill v_ Commonwealth of Virginia, City of Martinsville has been reviewed and accepted Printout(2).pdf
The clerks seemed kinda worried that Brian is almost threatening to sue the Clerks and the Court or file a writ of mandamus and prohibition as Brian’s mother is hinting that her son Brian is threatening to do so. They accepted his filings even after the clerk’s office closed at around 4:45pm.
If his lawyer John Jones had personally felt that Brian’s appeals were frivolous and had no merit at all, he should have filed a document with the Court with those beliefs. None of that had happened. Instead this lawyer just ignores his own client and doesn’t file anything with the Appeals Court.
This is definitely sounding like a legal hostage situation to me, where his lawyer could have been threatened or blackmailed or pressured behind the scenes to just wreck Brian’s appeals by not filing anything or doing anything.
Brian is definitely on the right track here when such flak is being thrown at him, Brian is over the target.
Brian writes a letter to that same Court weeks prior letting them know that Brian’s lawyer is ignoring Brian’s text messages. That same lawyer is ignoring Brian’s mother’s emails but that same lawyer had emailed Brian’s mother last year and responded to Brian’s text messages last year. However this year his lawyer is ignoring the emails and text messages. Sounds to me that the deep state swamp had THREATENED or BLACKMAILED Brian’s court appointed lawyer. This is CRIMINAL, this is obstruction of justice. This is interference with Brian’s criminal case appeals.
The FBI should be taking action but they are USELESS.
5 thoughts on “Virginia Appeals Court unlists USWGO news Brian Hill’s two Petitions for Appeals; holds him HOSTAGE to corrupt Lawyer who is likely compromised or threatened or blackmailed”