The corrupt Commonwealth Attorney Glen Andrew Hall, Esq. and his corrupt Court of Appeals of Virginia are ganging up to bully and steal the SSI disability money of Brian D. Hill, the former news reporter of USWGO Alternative News who has Autism and has been diagnosed at age 4 of having Autism Spectrum Disorder.
Tag: Corrupt Judges
Federal Appeals Court IGNORES THE LAW, throws out Habeas Corpus Appeal and Hazel Atlas Fraud Motions Appeal
The U.S. (Federal) Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit in Richmond, Virginia has totally IGNORED THE LAW, they have ignored the laws of the Court and laws of SCOTUS. They just threw out Brian D. Hill of USWGO Alternative News’s three remaining Federal Appeals. Two appeals were consolidated into one in his Writ of Habeas Corpus denial appeal (2255 motion). They threw both of them out without an opinion, without comment, denying both Petitions for Rehearing, on the date of August 17, 2021. Anybody reading this article should get this out to every lawyer, to every single person who may be ignorant about the Federal Court System and how corrupt it truly is. This was never about what crime they had originally charged Brian with. This was about the Obama Administration or any other Cabal associate getting revenge on Brian for operating USWGO Alternative News from 2009 to 2012, and/or for defeating Righthaven LLC by not settling with them until they knew they had no standing to have ever sued and folded. It is clear as day that this is about revenge. When Judges ignore the laws when favorable to Brian Hill who was charged with a crime in 2013, then the Judges are not following the law. They disagree with a law and not follow it and not rule a law unconstitutional but just simply refuses to enforce any law favorable to Brian the criminal defendant, then that is TREASON OF THE HIGHEST ORDER.
YouTube videos about Brian Hill of USWGO news being Tortured into Falsely Pleading Guilty, and Brian being held hostage to an Illegal Sentence; goes viral with over 10,000 views on each video
Brian D. Hill, formerly of USWGO Alternative News had finally gotten the publicity he deserves with the YouTube videos about him being tortured into falsely pleading guilty and being held hostage by DisHonorable Judge Thomas David Schroeder, they are over 10,000 views and one video has over 100 likes. The information is credible and backed by solid uncontested evidence.
Proof that Brian D. Hill; USWGO Alt. News, was TORTURED into Falsely Pleading Guilty
Mirrored at:Internet ArchivePocketNet Proof that Brian D. Hill; USWGO Alt. News, was TORTURED into Falsely Pleading Guilty; like Trump Supporters, and is also being HELD HOSTAGE by Corrupt Federal Court System First campaign Video “Proof that Brian D. Hill; USWGO Alt. News, is INNOCENT, being HELD HOSTAGE by Corrupt Federal Court”: The proof is provided…
Federal Courts ‘continue to stall’ USWGO News Brian D. Hill’s cases after allegations of CHILD RAPE and MURDER against the Judges!!!
The Corrupt Middle District of North Carolina and Corrupt Fourth Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals in Richmond, VA continue stalling all Federal criminal and civil appeals after Brian D. Hill, formerly of USWGO Alternative News had accused any or all Judges involved in his cases of raping kids and being videotaped doing such behavior and being blackmailed with such behavior, citing Lin Wood’s statements in January, 2021.
Proof that Brian D. Hill; USWGO Alt. News, is INNOCENT, being HELD HOSTAGE by Corrupt Federal Court System (VIDEO)
The corrupt Federal Judge Thomas David Schroeder, Middle District of North Carolina had denied uncontested motions which would have ended the illegal fraudulent criminal sentence of Brian D. Hill, formerly of USWGO Alternative News. Brian is ACTUALLY INNOCENT and had been proven with the uncontested motions of Brian’s actual innocence. It may take a lot of time to review over the Federal Pleadings but all prove Brian’s innocence. Brian was entitled to remedy and relief as a matter of law aka Local Rule 7.3 and Due Process Clause. Even the U.S. Supreme Court said Actual Innocence overcomes procedural time bars. Fraud on the Court and proven fraud perpetuated by the U.S. Attorney Office which are Government lawyers mean that Brian David Hill is innocent of his charge possession of child pornography.
If Attorney Lin Wood was wrong about any of his claims? WHY is he still licensed to practice law while Rudy Giuliani was suspended in Washington DC and New York to practice law days to weeks ago?
If the Trump supporting lawyer L. Lin Wood was wrong about any of his claims about the politicians and judges being blackmailed with child rape and murder, then why is his law licensed still in good standing up to this point? Also an opinion article was published by Laurie Azgard on whether John McAfee’s encrypted blackmail DATA is similar or is the same as L. Lin Wood’s blackmail DATA.
CORRUPT U.S. Supreme Court throws out Actual Innocence Appeal without Comment
Author: Stanley Bolten The corrupt U.S. Supreme Court threw out Brian’s third Petition for a Writ of Certiorari. That is Brian D. Hill, formerly of USWGO Alternative News. This appeal to SCOTUS was based upon the Virginia Supreme Court claiming that Brian has no right to overturn his wrongful conviction on the ground of ACTUAL…
Federal Courts stall USWGO News Brian D. Hill’s cases after allegations of CHILD RAPE and MURDER against the Judges!!!
the source. Ever since those allegations were brought up, his Federal and State criminal cases have stalled without explanation, no judicial decisions are being made at this time, whatever the case may be. Bringing forth allegations that Judges involved in Brian’s criminal and/or civil cases may have done heinous acts such as raping kids and being videotaping doing such heinous acts, and those type allegations of a criminal nature regarding our Judges in our Courts would cause an internal investigation if not FBI and DOJ investigations if the source is credible. Even informed his Probation Officer of the blackmail and a possible suspect of who may have the motive to frame Brian with child porn to ruin his character with character assassination or the child porn set up may have been a revenge plot against Brian in 2012 over something of Brian having evidence in 2012 against somebody in regards to something involving Brian, but Brian is not at liberty to bring up the suspect’s name until he/she has been charged and convicted in Court in the future. The only Court not stalling Brian’s case is the U.S. Supreme Court unless allegations of child rape and murder are made against the Justices of SCOTUS. The letters not being released are not being released in case the Feds want this kept secret or prefer that it be kept secret until all matters are sorted out. This may be good news for Brian depending on if our suspicions are true, and Brian’s suspicions are proven true.