A video about the different child porn set up attempts, also mentions about Brian D. Hill. This was done to Melissa Melton, Millie Weaver, and many others. It happened to Luke Rudkowski, it happened to many others. If Patriots don’t start defending the fallen victims, we will all be next. Even I can be next.
Tag: framed
QAnon hit with hardcore propaganda attacks, now accused of pedophilia operations; especially after frame up attempt #QAnon #WWG1WGA #Patriots
A news hit piece type propaganda was recently released and published online entitled “Hacker collective Anonymous reveals ‘QAnon’ controlled by “hardcore pedophiles” – The Internet Chronicle”. It is attempting to insinuate that QAnon is full of pedophiles at the top of the group, that of course comes out after a year ago when Alex Jones had also claimed QAnon may had been responsible for sending him child pornography files through an email address “qanon@onionmail.info”.
QANON possibly being framed with new Set Up Attempt on Alex Jones
by: Laurie Azgard The latest child pornography set up attempt on Alex Jones of infowars.com, shows a deeply disturbing trend of anonymous email senders emailing child pornography to political activists and alternative media in attempts to frame them for federal charges. The most disturbing thing about all of this was that somebody had decided to…
The best five USWGO news interviews Brian D. Hill did before he was framed
Stanley Bolten, Here are the five best interviews Brian D. Hill of USWGO Alternative News had done before he was framed by somebody or a group of people that had sent him multiple tormail.org messages. Brian had interviewed a variety of people, one of them named Virgil H. Goode a former Congressman in Virginia and…
USWGO News Brian D. Hill files response to Government’s motion to dismiss 2255 motion
Stanley Bolten, I have had the chance to go through Brian D. Hill’s (USWGO Alternative News) response to the Government’s motion to dismiss his 2255 motion to vacate his entire criminal conviction on the ground of mainly (1)actual innocence and other misc. constitutional grounds including prosecutorial misconduct. Read the new entries below: RESPONSE in Opposition…