Author: Stanley Bolten Brian D. Hill, formerly of USWGO Alternative News had filed a Motion for Sanctions in the Court of Appeals of Virginia against Ashby R. Pritchett of the Circuit Court for the City of Martinsville. As well as additional motions asking to restart two appeals. The reason why is that he had filed…
Tag: Martinsville Police Department
Corrupt Virginia State Bar refuses to investigate Glen Andrew Hall for his CRIMES, Commonwealth Attorney of Martinsville can break any law they want without any consequences!!!!!!
The CORRUPT State Bar of the Supreme Court of Virginia (British Accredited Registry = BAR), refuses to investigate Glen Andrew Hall for his CRIMES in the case of Commonwealth v. Brian David Hill back in September 21, 2018. Brian D. Hill is formerly the reporter of USWGO Alternative News. Glen Andrew Hall is the Commonwealth Attorney for the City of Martinsville and is one of the MOST CORRUPT of government lawyers in our opinion. He deliberately prosecuted a case knowing that it lacked three elements of probable cause of Brian’s criminal charge. One such element was falsely projected that Brian was “medically and psychologically cleared”. After examination and cross examination of witness Officer Robert Jones (Martinsville Police Dept.) in the U.S. District Court, it was revealed that he didn’t know Brian was type 1 brittle diabetic. Officer Jones didn’t know that Brian had OCD which is part of Brian’s autism, didn’t believe Brian even had autism despite doctors letters and DMV handicap placard with doctor’s certification. The officer admitted under oath when he arrested Brian for his alleged charge that he never spoke with the Emergency Room doctor about any of Brian’s medical needs, never subpoenaed for Brian’s medical records, and never verified whether or not Brian was drugged with anything substance or drug whether illegal or legal. The officer had the false belief that Brian was medically and psychologically cleared, but that was a BIG FAT LIE. Brian was diagnosed with unknown psychosis a month after his arrest, and psychosis is a known documented symptom of CARBON MONOXIDE SUFFERERS. The psychosis diagnosis came from Dr. Conrad Daum, a forensic psychiatrist who had worked with Piedmont Community Services in Martinsville, Virginia. This is all entirely documented.
Corrupt Judge Giles Carter Greer (Martinsville Circuit Court, Virginia) denies all motions asking for acquittal or new trial – All in lockstep with Federal Court WAR against Brian D. Hill
Author: Stanley Bolten The Circuit Court of Martinsville Virginia, under presiding Judge Giles Carter Greer denied all of USWGO Alternative News Brian D. Hill’s motions asking for judgment of acquittal or new trial by jury based on new evidence disproving guilt (MEANS FACTUAL INNOCENCE, FACTS MEAN TRUTH) for his state charge and conviction for a…
Brian D. Hill of USWGO Alt. News fights back at CORRUPT U.S. Attorney, files proof of INNOCENCE to supervised release violation
The CORRUPT U.S. Attorney for the Middle District of North Carolina had filed a request to dismiss Brian’s actual innocence claims and all other claims including the Attorney Lin Wood blackmail claims made in 2021. Brian D. Hill fought back with evidence proving actual innocence to his supervised release violation triggered by his state criminal charge in 2018. Proves corruption of the U.S. Probation Office in Greensboro, North Carolina under the corrupt supervisory U.S. Probation Officer Edward R. Cameron, who is at the center of this corrupt supervised release violation charge. Edward Cameron should face obstruction of justice charges for convicting and charging innocent man Brian D. Hill. He is formerly with USWGO Alternative News. Brian was convicted twice for two crimes he is innocent of. He is innocent of his original child porn charge in 2013, and he is innocent of his state charge in 2018. The evidence proves it. Donald Trump and his people being persecuted in the corrupt legal system, Brian D. Hill was a test case back in 2013-214. Brian’s case in 2013 which was a test case by the deep state swamp was a success at convicting those who oppose the new world order with crimes whether they are guilty or innocent. It’s sole purpose was to frame Brian up to ruin his reputation with a computer crime so heinous that nobody would help him prove his innoc
The Proof/Evidence that CA/DA Glen Andrew Hall, Esq. of Martinsville violated Three Court Orders; Corruption of the Commonwealth Attorney Office of Martinsville, Virginia
Now comes the proof, the evidence as will be shown from Scribd and PDF Files. It will show from Point A to Point B how the corrupt city of Martinsville Commonwealth’s Attorney Glen Andrew Hall had violated multiple Court orders asking for the discovery materials and Brady materials pursuant to Brady v. Maryland. This is contempt of court and is an offense which can include jail time to compel compliance. The Court should have compelled Glen Andrew Hall to have retained the evidence and turn it over to the defense’s counsel. Court orders were not complied with by the Government of Virginia. May as well have a public online petition asking for the Judge to find Glen Andrew Hall guilty of contempt or charge him with contempt of court since the evidence is so obvious.
Commonwealth Attorney Glen Andrew Hall’s bullying against an Autistic Man; Court of Appeals joins in on bullying; Martinsville, Virginia bullying this Autistic man
The corrupt Commonwealth Attorney Glen Andrew Hall, Esq. and his corrupt Court of Appeals of Virginia are ganging up to bully and steal the SSI disability money of Brian D. Hill, the former news reporter of USWGO Alternative News who has Autism and has been diagnosed at age 4 of having Autism Spectrum Disorder.
Virginia Appeals Court retaliates against Brian Hill, throws out his Appeals, lying about him, Violating Federal Law. Retaliating over the Lin Wood Tweet revelations
hat Brian pays this corrupt (probably compromised) lawyer and the appeals were all thrown out. They did this probably to retaliate against Brian for his allegations insinuating that the judges of this Court may or may not have been blackmailed with child rape and murder as Attorney L. Lin Wood’s vague tweets could be saying regarding any or certain number of politicians and judges, but no names have come out of which judges could have been compromised and blackmailed. That corrupt Court of Appeals didn’t even respond to Brian’s allegations, which that right there is suspicious, there needs to be investigations and removals from office. That is why special counsel is necessary to investigate every state and federal Judge who may have been blackmailed or threatened. Investigations may be needed to investigate every judge of this Court of Appeals, they act just as corrupt as the Federal Courts.
Federal Courts ‘continue to stall’ USWGO News Brian D. Hill’s cases after allegations of CHILD RAPE and MURDER against the Judges!!!
The Corrupt Middle District of North Carolina and Corrupt Fourth Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals in Richmond, VA continue stalling all Federal criminal and civil appeals after Brian D. Hill, formerly of USWGO Alternative News had accused any or all Judges involved in his cases of raping kids and being videotaped doing such behavior and being blackmailed with such behavior, citing Lin Wood’s statements in January, 2021.
Are Bad Masons/Corrupt Masons and 322 Illuminati involved with Supreme Court decisions against Brian D. Hill of USWGO Alt News????? (Opinion Article)
The corrupt U.S. Supreme Court made sure to throw out Brian’s petition for Writ of Certiorari right on the day of the Summer Solstice, that is June 21. They, the secret societies and/or the Deep State may have been who has been targeting Brian D. Hill all along, the former news reporter of USWGO Alternative News. You can figure it out by the certain dates when Brian was targeted or certain dates when certain Courts have made bad decisions against Brian.
U.S. Supreme Court dockets Virginia Habeas Corpus appeal of Brian D. Hill
USWGO alternative news reporter Brian D. Hill’s third petition in the U.S. Supreme Court has been docketed and filed. This is regarding the Supreme Court of Virginia throwing out Brian’s appeal of his writ of habeas corpus petition being quickly denied because Brian was not in state custody at the time he filed his petition. Brian asserted that he has a constitutional right to prove factual innocence to his state charge and wrongful conviction. He said that decision by Virginia’s highest court conflicts with the SCOTUS decisions that “actual innocence” can overcome any procedural bar or defect. It conflicts with well-settled issues of law and puts America backwards sense the Innocence Project had won a lot of cases of those actually innocent of crimes they were convicted on and were exonerated by DNA evidence.