Brian D. Hill, formerly of USWGO alternative news had filed his first direct appeal brief for his state criminal case in the Court of Appeals of Virginia. He had cited evidence filed in his case in Circuit Court proving that he was not medically and psychologically cleared on September 21, 2018. This disproves the element of the Martinsville Police criminal charge against him made on September 21, 2018. This can help prove his actual innocence. Also his appeal demonstrates that he never actually plead guilty at all. The Judge struck the words plead guilty as the Judge even knew at the time that Brian never said he was guilty and never thought that Brian was guilty but his lawyer was so ineffective that he had to technically convict Brian even though Brian never plead guilty.
Tag: Martinsville Police Department
Brian D. Hill of USWGO Alt. News requesting Transcripts from Martinsville Court, bringing up Lin Wood’s claims of Judicial Blackmail
Brian D. Hill, formerly of USWGO alternative news had filed a letter with the Court of Appeals in Virginia asking for transcripts from Martinsville Circuit Court. In that letter he decided to paste some censored Tweet screenshots from L. Lin Wood in January, about judges and politicians being blackmailed with child rape and murder. Is he essentially accusing the Judge in Martinsville, Giles Carter Greer and any or all Virginia Judges of being possibly a blackmailed Judge? He is putting out the information about this and this will likely stir up anybody who was ever blackmailed by the U.S. intelligence agencies as attorney Lin Wood had spoken of. Whether he is or isn’t, Brian is wasting no time filing the information on the state court record system with the Lin Wood tweets.
Brian D. Hill of USWGO Alt. News files Letter with Virginia Appeals Court over Judges being BLACKMAILED!!!!
Brian D. Hill, formerly of USWGO alternative news has finally filed evidence with the Court of Appeals of Virginia in a typed letter accusing the Virginia state judges of being possibly blackmailed, with up to nine exhibits concerning attorney L. Lin Wood’s tweets regarding the judges and politicians being blackmailed with child rape and murder, compromised Courts.
Federal Courts pick and choose who gets TRIAL BY JURY: A serial child pornographer gets a JURY TRIAL right but not a former news journalist
The U.S. Supreme Court has made a grave error yesterday on February 22, 2021. They deprived an innocent man Brian D. Hill of USWGO Alternative News of his Constitutional right to Trial by Jury but that right was given to a serial child pornographer named Andre Haymond. He gets his case heard before the Supreme Court, his case makes precedent in 2019, establishing that the serial child pornographer when he was caught twice with what appeared to be child porn, his appeal argued that he was deprived of his right to a jury trial. The SCOTUS agreed and overturned his case on that Constitutional ground. He has now become a serial child pornographer when he was found multiple times, and SCOTUS was sympathetic to him. SCOTUS was not sympathetic to an innocent man named Brian D. Hill, formerly of USWGO Alternative News. They get to pick and choose who gets the Constitutional right to Trial by Jury when accused of a crime including a new charge of Violating Supervised Release. They get to choose based on a particular statute paragraph or subparagraph. What the Supreme Court has done to Brian is laughable at the face of true justice, and the hypocrisy.
Virginia Supreme Court confirms Oral Argument of Brian D. Hill of USWGO Alt News before panel of Justices
The official website of the Supreme Court of Virginia confirms oral argument for Brian D. Hill formerly of USWGO alternative news. He will bring forth arguments as to why he should be found actually innocent of his original Virginia criminal charge after Brian was reportedly poisoned with carbon monoxide.
U.S. Court of Appeals throws out Probation Revocation Appeal, ignores evidence and case law, bucks the Supreme Court, acting like Nazi Gestapo Tribunal
The fourth circuit of the U.S. Court of Appeals have gone and done it this time, they lie again in opinions against the appeals of Brian D. Hill of USWGO alternative news and then toss out each and every appeal Brian had ever filed requesting relief. This time they throw out appeal of the supervised release revocation judgment by the DisHonorable Thomas David Schroeder that was entered on October 7, 2019. They did so knowing about the fraudulent begotten judgments, knowing of the lies of the government.
BREAKING: More evidence that USWGO news reporter Brian D. Hill was under Carbon Monoxide poisoning
by: Laurie Azgard Evidence has now surfaced further proving that Brian D. Hill [USWGO alternative news] was under carbon monoxide poisoning. It showed an abnormal high red blood cell count, and one of the causes is “chronic carbon monoxide exposure”. View the PDF here. This report from Carilion Clinic laboratory-work shows that Brian David Hill…