Note: See the complaint I filed against TrustPilot over the censorship. I am presenting the fact that TrustPilot censored a legitimate review when I have to show evidence of my claims to prevent me from being sued for defamation. TrustPilot offers no mechanism for uploading pdf files proof. So a link was posted at the…
Tag: U.S. Department of Justice
Message from Stanley Bolten to U.S. Solicitor General Elizabeth Prelogar: “When you are made aware of issues and emergency motions. . .sitting on it and allowing the petitions to be thrown out. . .you are aiding and abetting fraud, aiding and abetting destruction of evidence” (citation omitted)
My email to U.S. Solicitor General Elizabeth Prelogar today is clear in response to the Solicitor General’s waiver of responding. That is in the trio of U.S. Supreme Court petitions of Brian D. Hill, the former news reporter of USWGO Alternative News. That if the Solicitor General attempts to do anything to throw out Brian’s petitions, then they are just as guilty of “fraud, aiding and abetting destruction of evidence, aiding and abetting perjury, aiding and abetting all federal crimes committed by the U.S. Attorney Office in Greensboro, NC.” The warning is clear to the Corrupt U.S. Department of Justice. They are guilty of manufacturing evidence against Brian David Hill of USWGO Alternative News to retaliate against Brian D. Hill and shut him up forever and even trying to get him to kill himself. They failed. The Department of Justice should be arrested for planting child porn or allowing the State Bureau of Investigation to plant child porn and then provide manufactured evidence to the Corrupt U.S. Attorney Office of Greensboro, North Carolina. This is not the first time that the State Bureau of Investigation in North Carolina had manufactured evidence to obtain favorable criminal convictions in the Court system. They manufactured evidence in a murder case against Dr. Kirk Turner for a case which was a clear self defense. The same SBI who framed Dr. Kirk Turner for a murder charge had framed Brian D. Hill with child pornography, IT IS A FACT. Uncontested, undisputed FACT.
U.S. Solicitor General waives right to respond to all of Brian’s trio Supreme Court petitions which may be an attempt to push for the Supreme Court to toss them all out
The U.S. Solicitor General had filed waiver of right to respond to all three U.S. Supreme Court petitions which Brian had filed earlier this month in October. This is in hopes that all three petitions get denied systematically and thrown out like all of the other Supreme Court petitions filed by Brian. The Solicitor General knows that they are in a very difficult position to battle against Brian with the facts he brought out, so they find it easier to just usually just file the waiver to respond to make the petitions appear insignificant for review.
USWGO Alt News reporter responds to U.S. Senator Kaine on corrupt FBI lies
Stanley Bolten, Note: USWGO Alt News reporter mails remaining 2nd joint letters to Congress News reporter Brian D. Hill, formerly of defunct USWGO Alternative News, has filed a response letter and evidence disc to U.S. Senator Tim Kaine of Virginia regarding the corruption of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). Copies mailed to U.S. Senator…
We support #FireSessions Petition because he is allowing corrupt Asst. US Attorneys
Stanley Bolten, I have signed the #FireSessions Petition, the petition located at We the People petition website, to support that U.S. President Trump fire U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions. My reason is because the corruption in the United States Attorney Office in Greensboro, NC getting away with criminal behavior. An article is on the…