Note: See the complaint I filed against TrustPilot over the censorship. I am presenting the fact that TrustPilot censored a legitimate review when I have to show evidence of my claims to prevent me from being sued for defamation. TrustPilot offers no mechanism for uploading pdf files proof. So a link was posted at the bottom. The review was allowed for over a year then out of the blue it was censored.
Author: Stanley Bolten
Do not trust TrustPilot the rating and review website. They are now deleting or censoring or disabling honest and truthful reviews. They are on the side of ProtonMail who are on the side of the U.S. Department of InJustice (DOJ) and the corrupt U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). Last year, ProtonMail had suspended the email account of for sending an email to the CORRUPT assistant U.S. Attorneys such as Anand Prakash Ramaswamy, Angela Hewlett Miller, and John McCree Alsup (Middle District of North Carolina, U.S. Attorney Office). Last year after that email was sent criticizing those people in an email (protected under the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution), one of them retaliated against Stanley Bolten and ProtonMail permanently suspended sending emails from their service for “ABUSE or FRAUD”. After they did that, I written a truthful but bad review on TrustPilot about how ProtonMail had censored me, Stanley Bolten (violated the U.S. Constitution since it was at the direction of the U.S. Department of Justice). That review was created on May 30, 2022. Over a year later, it was flagged without explanation as to who flagged it. Now TrustPilot is censoring and disabling and/or removing older reviews which criticize a company even when it is honest, because this happened to me. So now you should not trust TrustPilot as they are now engaging in censorship and removal of honest truthful reviews under the guise of “Content Integrity”. TrustPilot is now doing the bidding for the U.S. Department of Justice/inJustice. That violates the U.S. Constitution under the First Amendment, freedom of speech. A private company cannot be compelled or even suggested by a U.S. Government agency, State government agency, or even a law enforcement agency to remove and censor a legal/lawful post or legal content protected as free speech. It appears that Artificial Intelligence (AI) may have been used to censor this truthful honest review about ProtonMail going to bat for the corrupt U.S. Department of Justice. Again see article: ALERT!!! DEEP STATE TARGETS Stanley Bolten ProtonMail account; over exposing the Judicial Corruption; pedophile judges and politicians; DOJ corruption!!!! DOJ may be attacking us NOW!!!! – Justice for Brian D. Hill of USWGO Alternative News.
Roundcube Webmail About your review of – Email about review being taken down, censored.

Review censored: October 16, 2023
TrustPilot doesn’t want honest truthful reviews when they criticize a company, especially a company who protects and defends the corrupt U.S. Department of Justice from any emails to them criticizing their handling of a criminal case, the company known as ProtonMail who disabled sending of emails permanently from ProtonMail over what was emailed to corrupt assistant U.S. Attorneys such as Anand Prakash Ramaswamy, Angela Hewlett Miller, and John McCree Alsup (Middle District of North Carolina, U.S. Attorney Office). See the email:
See the so called “abusive” or “fraudulent” email which ProtonMail suspended Stanley Bolten over. Suspended for telling the truth. Now we are being censored again, this time by somebody who flagged that review, a review which was honest and truthful. That review was made on May 30, 2022, and for over a year it stood without any issue and without any legal issue. So now they are targeting older reviews made a year ago or longer. Expect TrustPilot to start censoring other reviews as well if they have not been censored already. When they censor negative reviews, then TrustPilot is no longer trustworthy, becomes kind of like a FRAUD. When they only allow positive reviews then it is a fraudulent review website or should not be trusted to have always completely honest reviews when they censor reviews. Yeah they claim “promotional” for a link to the article with the evidence, but that proves that the review is truthful and is not defamatory. Without proof to back a review, we risk a defamation lawsuit from ProtonMail for such review. We uploaded the proof and the printed emails. So now you cannot show the proof on TrustPilot that ProtonMail engaged in political censorship at the direction of the U.S. Department of Justice employees. This violates the U.S. Constitution. When a private company suspends an email account without warning (without at least first a warning not to send an email which may have hyperbole or any truthful but inflammatory language) at the direction of the U.S. Department of Justice who is the U.S. Government, then the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution is violated because then the government is meddling with a private company to suspend a person’s freedom of speech, and the right to peaceably criticize an employee of the U.S. Government. As long as you don’t harass the government official, you have the right to tell a Government employee that he is a liar and is prosecuting a fraudulent criminal case against an innocent man, Brian D. Hill, formerly of USWGO Alternative News. If the Government employee doesn’t like it, well then he can block such emails and delete them, and even send a response asking not to send anymore emails. Ramaswamy didn’t do that, no. Instead they play dirty.
First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution is being intentionally eroded by the U.S. Department of InJustice. The DOJ should change it’s name to GESTAPO or RED GUARD. They are corrupt and tyrannical.
See the documentary that the Department of InJustice doesn’t want you to see. If they have their way, this documentary will disappear too. They like censorship and throwing innocent people in prison like Owen Shroyer.