Brian D. Hill, formerly of USWGO Alternative News, filed an informal appeal brief against the corrupt Dishonorable U.S. Magistrate Judge Joe L. Webster (Durham, North Carolina Federal Courthouse, Middle District of North Carolina) denying his motion to reconsider his corrupt order labeling Attorney L. Lin Wood and Brian D. Hill as both delusional for mentioning about the Lizard Squad obtained blackmail scheme videos of child rape and murder concerning “judges” and “officials”/politicians.
Tag: US Court of Appeals
Federal Courts stall USWGO News Brian D. Hill’s cases after allegations of CHILD RAPE and MURDER against the Judges!!!
the source. Ever since those allegations were brought up, his Federal and State criminal cases have stalled without explanation, no judicial decisions are being made at this time, whatever the case may be. Bringing forth allegations that Judges involved in Brian’s criminal and/or civil cases may have done heinous acts such as raping kids and being videotaping doing such heinous acts, and those type allegations of a criminal nature regarding our Judges in our Courts would cause an internal investigation if not FBI and DOJ investigations if the source is credible. Even informed his Probation Officer of the blackmail and a possible suspect of who may have the motive to frame Brian with child porn to ruin his character with character assassination or the child porn set up may have been a revenge plot against Brian in 2012 over something of Brian having evidence in 2012 against somebody in regards to something involving Brian, but Brian is not at liberty to bring up the suspect’s name until he/she has been charged and convicted in Court in the future. The only Court not stalling Brian’s case is the U.S. Supreme Court unless allegations of child rape and murder are made against the Justices of SCOTUS. The letters not being released are not being released in case the Feds want this kept secret or prefer that it be kept secret until all matters are sorted out. This may be good news for Brian depending on if our suspicions are true, and Brian’s suspicions are proven true.
Brian D. Hill of USWGO news files the Petition for Rehearing in the Fourth Circuit US Appeals Court in dismissal of his 2255 Writ of Habeas Corpus Appeal; citing Actual Innocence – Your opinions: @LLinWood @SidneyPowell1 ?
Brian D. Hill, formerly of USWGO alternative news, files his petition for rehearing in the corrupt “Fourth Circuit” “U.S. Court of Appeals”, in their bid to wrongfully dismiss his writ of habeas corpus through his 2255 motion, again citing that actual innocence overcomes any procedural bars including the one-year statute of limitations. This petition was timely filed. The opinion of this corrupt panel of appellate judges proves that they have completely ignored the very issue and the merits of Brian’s “ACTUAL INNOCENCE” claim, and their case law only replies upon the Anti-Terrorism and Effective Death Penalty Act [AEDPA] strict limitations law forbidding Brian from filing his writ of habeas corpus after one year from the final judgment of criminal conviction. However Brian filed in both his appeal brief and in his 2255 motion case that “actual innocence” is not subject to a one year time-bar. The “Fourth Circuit” judges have completely ignored Brian’s actual innocence and dismissed his appeal case by claiming it was procedurally dismissed as time barred.
U.S. Appeals Court dismisses 2255 Habeas Corpus Actual Innocence and Fraud claims; unpublished short opinion as always, denies certificate of appealability
The corrupt “United States Court of appeals for the Fourth Circuit” completely dismissed former USWGO alternative news reporter Brian D. Hill’s fraud upon the court ground and his actual innocence ground in his 2255 case under federal Writ of Habeas Corpus. It is a short memorandum opinion, then simply dismissed. No ruling on the actual merits, I do not believe that the corrupt “Fourth Circuit” is even reviewing over the evidence at all. The opinion being short for such a complex criminal case is very revealing that the Fourth Circuit federal court of appeals could care less about any appeal that Brian files at all.
Appeal brief filed in U.S. Appeals Court; Challenging Adolf U.S. Judge Schroeder’s claim of “meritless” and ignoring the Law
Brian D. Hill of USWGO alternative news had filed an appeal brief in his federal criminal case, challenging U.S. District Court tyrant judge Adolf Thomas David Schroeder claiming that all affidavits, witnesses, evidence, and testimony in support of Brian’s claims of fraud upon the court against AUSA Ramaswamy are all “meritless”. How are all affidavits, witnesses, and witnesses without cross examination meritless????
U.S. Supreme Court dockets case on fraud upon the court, unlawful/unconstitutional jurisdictional defects
by Laurie AzgardUpdate on 6/16/2020 11:07PM: Solicitor General files waiver of response to the Petition for Writ of Certiorari in U.S. Supreme Court on issues of fraud upon the court, failure to act on pending motions The U.S. Supreme Court has now done it’s job by docketing the case of In re: Brian David Hill,…
U.S. Supreme Court received petition to review Fraud Upon the Court claims, however not docketed
Documents from Brian’s family was received showing that last month a petition for a writ of Certiorari, and a letter were mailed to the U.S. Supreme Court. It appears that they have accepted it but hjave not yet docketed it and it appears to have already been about a month since they had received the petition from Brian D. Hill, formerly of USWGO alternative news. The petition is in regards to claims of multiple “fraud upon the court” by the federal prosecutors and the federal probation office. Those frauds have been ignored by the DisHnorable Thomas David Shroeder, a federal judge located in the Winston-Salem, North Carolina federal courthouse. This judge is a piece of garbage, a piece of trash who never should have been appointed by the Globalist and Skull-and-bones ex-president George W. Bush.
Petition for rehearing on both appeals revives Appeals dismissed by Deep State Assassins
by Laurie Azgard See post: Corrupt Richmond U.S. Court of Appeals Rubber-Stamps ruling allowing Corrupt Federal Judge to remain in Case; Doctor Transcripts at will! The corrupt federal appeals court judges [puppets] in Richmond, Virginia, that are doing the bidding of Langley, VA the Deep State assassins of the Swamp have failed as Brian Hill’s…
Corrupt Richmond U.S. Court of Appeals Rubber-Stamps ruling allowing Corrupt Federal Judge to remain in Case; Doctor Transcripts at will!
by Laurie Azgard The epitome of corruption is at an all-time high at the U.S. court of appeals for the fourth circuit in Richmond, Virginia. Corrupt federal judges who were appointed by globalist Presidents have shown their true colors in the case of United States of America v. Brian David Hill. That is the criminal…
US Court of Appeals refuses to mandate Judge to tackle Frauds upon the Court by US Attorney; Petitioner fights back!
by Laurie Azgard The U.S. court of appeals for the fourth circuit in Richmond, Virginia has decided to protect the corrupt federal judge Thomas David Schroeder who has became a judicial dictator, engaging in a coup d’état overthrowing our case law and overthrowing the authorities set by the U.S. Supreme court and lower appellate courts….