Author: Stanley Bolten
Brian D. Hill, formerly of USWGO Alternative News, his mother Roberta and Stanley Bolten had emailed Mike Lindell, My Pillow guy, who founded Frank Speech, informing him of the Deep State persecution war against Brian Hill, corrupt federal judges refusing to let him be found actually innocent. Deep State has gone to war with Brian, and Mike Lindell was informed about it all before the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) just seized his cell phone. Before we get to the leaked emails, for our protection, leaked by family, we will also copy and paste what the DOJ letter said to Mike Lindell but he leaked that document as they took his personal and business work cell phone away which had access to the emails at his email addresses: or The leak is done to protect Brian Hill and Roberta Hill from being wrongfully targeted by the FBI and possibly framed again. These are leaked for protection of Brian D. Hill regarding communications with THE MIKE LINDELL the MYPILLOW GUY. The leaked pdf document of over 150 pages of many emails sent to Mike Lindell and read receipts sent by Mike Lindell. He did review over many pieces of evidence, news updates, and information regarding the frame up of Brian D. Hill, formerly of USWGO Alternative News with child porn. See We Are Change and Activistpost articles: WRC EXCLUSIVE: Alternative Media Writer Brian D. Hill Setup On Child Pornography Possession: | We Are Change; CAN OF WORMS: Infowars Targeted By Child Porn And MSM, Not The First Time Alternative Journalists Set Up – Activist Post
Here is a photograph of the leaked document, leaked by Mike Lindell himself and the leak is concerning the DOJ grand jury subpoena document. He posted it on streaming video live, and was OCR text created by Google AI systems.

AI OCR: U.S. Department of Justice
leaked photograph of document from Mike Lindell himself
Cole Finegan
United States Attorney
District of Colorado
September 7, 2022
Re: Grand Jury Subpoena # 22-105
Dear Subpoena Recipient
An official criminal investigation of a suspected felony is being conducted by an agency of the United States and a Federal Grand Jury In the District of Colorado. As a subpoena recipient, you are not under an obligation of secrecy. However, we request that you not disclose the existence of this subpoena for an indefinite period of time. Although the law does not require non-disclosure unless a court order is issued, we believe that the impact of any disclosure could be detrimental to the investigation.
If you do not believe that you can comply with this request, please notify the undersigned Assistant United States Attorney before you disclose the existence of this subpoena. Thank you.
By: Aaron Teitelbaum
Aaron Teitelbaum
Assistant United States Attorney
Here are the leaked email records published for safety:
Mike Lindell leak emails.pdf – Emails from family to Mike Lindell, copy of emails from Stanley Bolten emailed to Mike Lindell, read receipts sent from Mike Lindell
Proof of leak: