Note: The Deep State is gunning for him now, trying to set him up with some type of crime now in multiple aspects, they want Brian dead, suicided, or in federal prison. See articles: Documented possible assassination attempts on Brian D. Hill, formerly of USWGO Alternative News??? Are these really attempts on Brian’s life??? Threat emails and text messages indicate a plot or desire to kill Brian Hill! – Justice for Brian D. Hill of USWGO Alternative News. This is all we will show you, there is more stuff such as this hacker trying to send emails to companies and businesses asking for payroll information and trying to frame us as the culprits of financial fraud. The hackers are working overtime against us. Luckily the financial fraud set up scheme was foiled when they were contacted about the email being hacked busting their operation to set us up with wire fraud.
Author: Stanley Bolten
The Deep State has escalated the hacker attacks, threats, and other problems being waged against the family and friends of Brian D. Hill, formerly of USWGO Alternative News. These hackers are getting desperate because of the documentary: The Deep State can Frame You, the documentary on Rumble.
The reason the death threats and hacking operations (criminal operations) have intensified is because the CORRUPTION within the Virginia State Police is at the point where they are refusing to investigate any death threats against Brian D. Hill and his family. See article: LEAK: Commonwealth Attorney Andy Hall BLOCKED any of Brian’s pushes for a criminal investigation by Virginia State Police into the criminal case of Brian D. Hill while this same Commonwealth Attorney destroyed evidence by not marking body-camera footage as evidence – Justice for Brian D. Hill of USWGO Alternative News. Then there was an escalation months ago by the U.S. Probation Office in Roanoke, VA in the war against Brian. Tried to set him up with phony probation violations after the forceful removal of Brian’s former Probation Officer Jason McMurray, a Senior U.S. Probation Officer who had supervised Brian since 2015. The FBI had refused to do anything about the illegal destruction of evidence in a federal probation investigation which is a federal crime.
Now the attacks have escalated, hacker attacks, death threats behind the scenes. One death threat said they will kill Brian and his entire family. That is all we will say because of the situation.
As for the hacker attacks, they have infiltrated the web host of on Namecheap to the extent where the email accounts were hacked, emails deleted, mass emails sent, and even to the extent where they tried to set up us for financial fraud by sending emails to businesses asking for payroll information. The set up attempts have also escalated. The set ups to a certain degree were foiled once emails were sent to these businesses informing them that the email was hacked. We received some read receipts. So, they know we were hacked. This foils their set up attempt for financial fraud they were pushing for last month.
Here is the threat from the web host threatening to shut down All because of the hacker attacks escalating. PDF File of threat from Namecheap to suspend JusticeForUSWGO.NL. The hackers want to shut down the entire website so that all evidence is gone forever which negatively affects Brian’s state cases before the Court of Appeals of Virginia and the Virginia Supreme Court.

They don’t care that hackers started this up. We did everything we could from our end to secure the entire account but if the hackers do more stuff, they will cause Namecheap to shut down and shut down critical pieces of evidence leaked to the internet. If they succeed, once the hackers successfully could shut down the website and email accounts, they will probably plan an FBI raid or police raid to get rid of the hard evidence so that it never surfaces again. The plan for more covering up of their crimes against Brian Hill and his family and friends.
Here is an empty blackmail threat as there is no webcam footage but nevertheless told us what the password was, so these hackers are somehow able to get the password and threaten us with it. They are trying to threaten and intimidate us to stop JusticeForUSWGO.NL and

We have more weird hacker attacks coming at us.

Last but not least, we have tried to get a lot of people to watch the documentary: The Deep State can Frame You – the Documentary, but now the First Horizon bank declined the purchase transaction which doesn’t normally happen for purchasing these in the past. Brian authorized his family/friends to pay for promotion campaigns of more video hits/views and have people look at his documentary so more and more people will see it on the side feeds and search results at Now the debit card has been declined for further purchases of anything to do with promotion campaigns to increase Rumble views, likes, followers. They do not want this documentary to be put at high rank on

Out of the blue, the purchase was declined without a reason why. Declined by the bank, Why???? It wasn’t declined in the past for things like this as long as a VPN was not used. Now these purchases are just declined with no way around it.
Maybe this documentary scares them. People really need to start sharing it, commenting on it, liking it, and subscribing. We need to foil this suppression campaign by the Deep State using First Horizon Bank to decline purchases. Imagine what happens when the Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) gets fully implemented. Transactions will be declined across the board against political dissidents and political dissent.
Next was to use the other debit card to be used to purchase the Rumble video promotion package to have the video get more views and have a higher ranking on Rumble. Money was to be added to it but guess what??? The attempt to add the necessary payment funds kept failing there too. It kept refusing to add money to the other debit card. So both methods failed. When the bank declines the transaction, we go to adding money to the separate debit card to work-around this bank decline of a purchase. The workaround failed too.
We are now dealing with a barrage of hacker attacks, threats including death threats, and out of the blue card declined in regards to documentary promotion on Rumble. These efforts and hacker attacks are more organized than ever before.
This was the threat Brian’s mother received last year but the Virginia State Police refused to do anything about it. When the State Police and the FBI refuse to investigate the real criminals and go after them, Brian and his family/friends are sitting ducks (like the video game: Duck Hunt) to be attacked by this criminal group or criminal groups.

Here is the documentary promotion being declined:
the more people speak out, the more others get confidence to also speak out. Balance the Budget. Stop all the taxes. 10 % sales tax and no other taxes. Let local governments decide on what improvements they need. People can pay for the upgrades in their communities. Far less taxes, they will have money for projects they choose. Also use volunteer help.