Author: Stanley Bolten
Brian’s family leaks more things to the internet. Brian D. Hill, formerly of USWGO Alternative News, contacted the FBI Office in Roanoke, VA by phone. Recorded the phone call legally under one party consent (they record your calls too…). Explained to them that he had evidence of federal obstruction of justice (which is a federal crime) under 18 U.S. Code § 1519 – Destruction, alteration, or falsification of records in Federal investigations and bankruptcy. Brian had evidence that the obstruction of justice was conducted by Glen Andrew Hall aka Andy Hall, the corrupt Commonwealth’s Attorney for the City of Martinsville. Brian had evidence that the U.S. Probation office was investigating after Brian being jailed in 2018 in the middle of the night for behavior under mysterious circumstances. Brian was arrested in September 21, 2018, and the supervised release violation charge was filed against Brian on November 13, 2018. During that investigation to determine whether Brian Hill violated the terms of his supervision, evidence was omitted/kept-secret/concealed from the investigation (body camera footage, and drug testing/lab testing was all covered up) and then later was admitted to being covered up in violation of three court orders. The Virginia State Police also refused to investigate after consulting with Andy Hall, the corrupt Commonwealth’s Attorney. WHAT A CORRUPT FBI SCUM WE HAVE RIGHT NOW. The FBI really love targeting every single person who was present at the U.S. Capitol in Washington, DC on January 6, 2021, even when peacefully present; but could care less about corrupt prosecutors in the Commonwealth of Virginia. See how rude and nasty that FBI duty agent was, a real bitch/witch. Probably a Hillary Clinton and Obama supporter, maybe she could be such, just saying in my own opinion. Hear this FBI duty agent in the below recording. and
Let us see the U.S. Code on federal obstruction of justice criminal act, where destroying evidence subject to any federal criminal investigation by any agency or department of the United States is a federal crime itself. The U.S. Probation Office is a federal law enforcement agency, despite being of the judicial branch of government. The law is the law. That FBI duty agent was apparently ignorant of the actual law itself.
18 U.S.C. § 1519 (“Whoever knowingly alters, destroys, mutilates, conceals, covers up, falsifies, or makes a false entry in any record, document, or tangible object with the intent to impede, obstruct, or influence the investigation or proper administration of any matter within the jurisdiction of any department or agency of the United States or any case filed under title 11, or in relation to or contemplation of any such matter or case, shall be fined under this title, imprisoned not more than 20 years, or both.”)
The law actually says: “investigation or proper administration of any matter within the jurisdiction of any department or agency of the United States“. That includes the United States Probation Office. So they were investigating Brian Hill for almost a few months before charging Brian with a violation of supervised release aka non-compliance. Yet evidence was illegally destroyed by Andy Hall of the Commonwealth’s Attorney office for the City of Martinsville, Virginia. Federal law to the letter was violated. Why did the FBI refuse to investigate??? Why did they consider this only a state matter when a federal probation office was investigating who they supervised, and the evidence illegally destroyed would influence a federal probation office investigation in determining whether Brian actually violated the terms of his supervision??? Why did the FBI allow evidence to be spoliated/destroyed which blinded (symbolically) the U.S. Probation Officer Jason McMurray and any other Probation Officers conducting any inquiry and investigation??? Because the FBI is corrupt and compromised. The FBI has been corrupted since J. Edgar Hoover who was blackmailed. Read books by Whitney Webb.
Also, the State Police were told by this same corrupt Commonwealth’s Attorney things which caused them to not investigate Brian’s requests for investigating the cover ups and corruption in his state criminal case.
It is the same FBI who threatened to plant child porn on the computer of Sharyl Attkisson’s husband. See article: U.S. FBI tried to frame up Sharyl Attkisson’s husband with child pornography/porn according to her testimony in FreedomWorks Congressional Committee hearing – May 11, 2022 – Justice for Brian D. Hill of USWGO Alternative News.

F*CK THE FBI. They can burn in HELL for their corruption and crimes.
The child porn is a official WEAPON for CHARACTER ASSASSINATION as Brian Hill warned last decade in 2013. Now, SINCE 2012, child porn is a weapon to plant on anybody. The Obama Administration loves making his political enemies into sex offenders through the corrupt DOJ and FBI. America Livewire has disappeared forever but posted an article in 2013, pushed behind-the-scenes by Brian D. Hill talking about: “The Government Is Planting Child Porn On Your Computer | American Live Wire“. Tried to get whistleblowers to expose the child porn set ups since 2013 because: “Child porn can be used as a powerful weapon to ruin somebodies life since all someone needs is one or a few more child porn images and their computers are seized forever as evidence in a criminal trial, the person risks a lifetime permanent and mandatory sex offender registration, and prison time.” See article: The FBI Plants Child Porn in Computers and Uses it to Blackmail People (Video) | Alternative | Before It’s News.
Sharyl Attkisson is “an American journalist and television correspondent. She hosts the Sinclair Broadcast Group TV show Full Measure with Sharyl Attkisson. Attkisson is a five-time Emmy Award winner, and a Radio Television Digital News Association Edward R. Murrow Award recipient. She was formerly an investigative correspondent in the Washington bureau for CBS News and a substitute anchor for the CBS Evening News and then went to The Daily Signal, a conservative political news website.” See Wikipedia.
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