Author: Stanley Bolten
Note: Please read relevant article about Roger Stone agreeing to help Brian Hill be fully pardoned, but somebody thwarted Roger Stone’s efforts to have Brian Hill be granted a full unconditional pardon. This will work against Robert Bridge. If Brian was pardoned then his case could be erased and evidence erased along with it. Because of the efforts by the deep state to prevent Brian from being pardoned, now Robert Bridge will be primary suspect for Brian being framed with child porn.
It is time to reveal those who I believe may allegedly be responsible for framing Brian D. Hill, formerly of USWGO Alternative News with child porn. We Are Change did an article on this in 2016, as well as that article referenced on ActivistPost in 2019, about the State Bureau of Investigation case file claiming that it was downloading between July 20, 2012, and July 28, 2013. Brian’s computer was seized on August 28, 2012, as proven by Search Warrant execution date. The only way this allegation becomes plausible is if former police detective Robert Bridge of Reidsville PD knew anything about computer hacking himself, or even placing of computer viruses or having knowledge of computer viruses, hacking, or Trojan horses. If he knew enough about computer IT Security and hacking, then this makes him the primary suspect or culprit as to who was responsible for this child porn frame up in 2012. It is time to point the finger at him and give him an opportunity to respond. If he reads this article, he has the right to email us his response, and we will create a new post with his response and link his response to this exact article with an update paragraph marking the date and time. If we get hacked instead and no response emailed, then our suspicions are further warranted. Robert Bridge may have worked for the CIA or NSA. Brian suspected he was being targeted by the NSA/CIA. There is evidence we have not released where Brian was being targeted by the CIA, NSA, or computer hacker last year who got a hold of Brian’s private phone number last year and knew everything about him by taunting him. So Robert Bridge may or may not be responsible for that as well, hopefully he will admit to that or hopefully somebody is aware whether he did that or not.
First of all let us post here links to Brian’s grandparents having Brian file in Federal Court, the investigation report reviewing the filed evidence in Federal Court concerning the child porn frame up of Brian D. Hill. An investigation report by Stella Forinash and Kenneth Forinash. Brian’s family had suspicions that it was Robert Bridge after the investigation into his LinkedIn profile. This is his public bragging rights profile (LinkedIn) where he bragged about where he worked in the past and his current career as of now unless he is unemployed. LinkedIn is usually an employment opportunity and bragging profile platform to brag about your history of employment, where you worked, when you worked at every job, and when you quit and found another job. We will get to that after the documents as to Robert Bridge admitting to sending child porn to Brian Hill’s computer, under the guise of claiming only to thwart the alleged plot to download child porn off of emule. Brian kept warning about a specific computer virus from ESET VirusRadar which started appearing in the year of 2012, the same year Robert Bridge sent child porn to Brian’s computer, using special “law enforcement” tools. He admitted to viewing child porn videos in the search warrant affidavit.
Brian kept admitting in his federal criminal case to having a special emule.exe virus called win32/MoliVampire.A, due to him witnessing three programs running in the task manager: emule.exe, areas.exe, and shareaza.exe. See file 131648855-USWGO-Virus-Report-0001.pdf. He said so in federal court documents (Document 51). Brian warned NC State Crime Laboratory counsel J. Joy Strickland of North Carolina Department of Justice in 2013 (Document #84, Attachment #5), according to federal court records. The virus was found and detectable in anti-virus DATABASE on the date of July 26, 2012, coincidentally around the exact same month Brian Hill stated that the virus took over his computer and assumed that it framed him with child porn. According to the investigation file by Stella Forinash, Robert Bridge admitted to using special “law enforcement” tool, which is code-word for whatever he wanted to use without public oversight regarding how the “law enforcement tool” conducted it’s alleged online investigation. They could frame people with child porn using a special “law enforcement tool”. Robert Bridge admitted to randomly finding Brian’s IP Address around the time Brian was emailing town of Mayodan officials, state officials, and pretty much included Rockingham County Sheriff Sam Page and Reidsville city officials. Brian had the very same IP Address with different government officials, coincidentally then that IP Address was being randomly picked in a suspicious child porn investigation which popped up. Detective Robert Bridge related to sibling Melanie Bridge who worked for Phil Berger Junior, District Attorney of Rockingham County. The SBI report shown only one download dates for possible alleged child porn, 11 months of that time it was in the custody of Mayodan Police Department and regional State Bureau of Investigation office in Greensboro, North Carolina. No other child porn or emule download dates were possibly found by forensics. Only date was the same date mentioned directly by detective Robert Bridge of Reidsville Police Department. Only logical conclusion would be that Robert Bridge allegedly HACKED INTO BRIAN’S COMPUTER without a search warrant, without a surveillance search warrant necessary to make the hacking legal only when it is to find evidence of a crime, but hacking to plant child porn would still be illegal even with a authorized search warrant. Planting evidence is not a fact of guilt, it is a fact of innocence. Here are the investigation file documents. These were filed with the federal court this year and can be accessed at
MEMORANDUM of Stella and Kenneth Forinash Attachments.pdf – memorandum by Brian Hill about documents from both witnesses investigating from the public angle of things.
1 Brian Hill’s proof of inocence for the court in 2022.pdf – Brian’s proof of innocence by Stella/Kenneth Forinash report
2 Who is Brian Hill -Pictures & Descriptions.pdf – Who is Brian Hill from Forinashes.
3 Brian’s treatment in jail with brittle diabetes, autusm & OCD.pdf – Proof of Brian being tortured with the report pointing to the limited released medical records proving torture of brittle diabetic to coerce false guilty plea in the federal prosecution’s attempt to cover up the Robert Bridge information.
4 Threats.pdf – Report of the threatening emails and things against Brian Hill and Attorney Sue Basko
5 INVESTIGATION 1(4) CORRECTIONS ON PAGE 19 in Joy Strickland paragraph.pdf – Investigation Report 1 from Stella/Kenneth Forinash.
6 INVESTIGATION 2(2).pdf – Investigation Report 2 from Stella/Kenneth Forinash.
7 Danville, VA – Brian – Discovery.pdf – Discovery investigation report by Stella/Kenneth Forinash about the FOIA lawsuit by Brian Hill and the federal prosecution fighting them tooth and nail to prevent Brady materials aka discovery materials from federal criminal case from being handed over to criminal defendant.
8 ACTUAL INNOCENCE.pdf – Actual innocence report from Stella/Kenneth Forinash.
9-Child Pornography Through a Computer Virus – Roberts Law Group.pdf – Report from the Roberts Law Group of attorneys who defend their clients in child pornography cases. Usually they can prove their clients innocence because they are aware of hacking, computer viruses, and physical child porn planting operations.
Now here comes the intelligence connection of detective Robert Bridge who went from a patrol officer, to a child porn viewer and ICAC task force computer operative, and straight from that to moving to Virginia after Brian Hill his suspect had moved to Virginia. He worked for a private intelligence firm which has Government clearances or at least has clearance connections to protecting FEDERAL GOVERNMENT COMPUTERS OR SERVERS OR BOTH. So Robert Bridge had access to the Federal Government systems. This proves that ROBERT BRIDGE is connected to IT Security, has direct knowledge of computer hacking under the guise of defending the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT from hackers, and worked with CSIRT, that would be Computer Security Incident Response Team. Here is the proof from Robert Bridge’s LinkedIn profile archived by Brian’s family.
This is a small photo of the man who wrecked Brian Hill’s life forever and ruined him in the corrupt Federal Court System. Here is Robert Bridge.

Document: 95-robert-bridge-_-linkedin.pdf
Robert Bridge between Sept. 2019 to February 2021, was a CSIRT Security Incident Handler, handler a usual CIA intelligence term. See document: Incident Handler in Herndon, Virginia _ ClearedJobs.Net.pdf.

This article and it’s attached evidence is not the smoking gun, he can argue his way out of this, but it is enough evidence that if Brian’s case in the Federal Court went back to a jury trial with this detective hacking into Brian’s computer then the jury would find Brian D. Hill not guilty, Brian D. Hill of USWGO Alternative News.
Here is some more information about Win32/MoliVampire.A which Brian believed was used to plant the alleged child porn materials which Robert Bridge claimed was being downloaded by Brian Hill’s hacked computer since July 20, 2012. The SBI report which Brian’s family has some photos of the SBI case file said two file sharing applications were found on Brian Hill’s computer: 1. emule.exe, and ARES. Two were listed as part of this computer virus system, Win32/MoliVampire.A.

Was Brian D. Hill of USWGO Alt. News framed with child porn??? Enough evidence shows that he was framed with child porn.
Was Detective Robert Bridge the one who planted the child porn??? There is enough evidence of the exact Trojan horse Win32/MoliVampire.A around the same month and year the alleged child porn downloading started, Robert Bridge using special “law enforcement” tools, it is clear that he did hack into Brian’s computer around the time when this special virus was detected by ESET VirusRadar had begun but then the virus just slowly went away months or years later. All of it is very strange. Robert Bridge needs to be questioned about his involvement in the child pornography set up of Brian D. Hill.
16 thoughts on “Is allegedly Robert Bridge the culprit of who framed Brian D. Hill of USWGO Alt. News with child porn??? IS “ROBERT BRIDGE” THE CULPRIT???”