Author: Stanley Bolten
Note: This is not a negative piece on Lin Wood but is here to make people think. Many got indicted involved with the Donald Trump election fraud claims, but Attorney Lin Wood has never been sued for defamation from John Roberts. Lin Wood had never been indicted for his statements. It is very interesting, and needs to be noted here on the record. We were expecting Lin Wood to be on that indictment list because of his claims in 2020 and 2021. Lin Wood seems to be nowhere to be found in the indictment. Maybe Lin Wood has some evidence or knows people who has the evidence, the proofs???? Maybe the Deep State is afraid to charge Attorney Lin Wood as it may cause somehow the alleged blackmail videos to come out to law enforcement who is trustworthy or who knows in a response from whoever does actually have the blackmail video files??? Maybe Lin Wood or somebody he knows does have the evidence or some kind of evidence which makes them afraid to charge him??? Maybe he or somebody who he knows actually has the goods??? The goods of the evidence proving the treasonous traitors, election fraud and interference by usage of blackmail, and the blackmail scheme may be real??? Read the truth at
Update 12:34 AM 8/16/2023: Lin Wood did retire, it is confirmed, but he still has not been sued or charged in the initial indictment. Retiring as a practicing lawyer doesn’t protect him from a defamation suit and doesn’t protect him from potential criminal charges. So this article still stands even with the retirement of Lin Wood. A man can only take but so much judicial corruption before quitting.
I have reviewed over the indictment document, released by the corporate media, indicting Donald J. Trump and other individuals (co-defendants) on August 14, 2023 for different criminal charges (what they dubbed as “crimes”) including (but not limited): “FALSE STATEMENTS AND WRITINGS”, “CONSPIRACY TO COMMIT FALSE STATEMENTS AND WRITINGS”, and even “CONSPIRACY TO COMMIT SOLICITATION OF FALSE STATEMENTS AND WRITINGS”. All three of these specific charges are of interest in this article because, Attorney L. Lin Wood (formerly lived in Georgia) had made public statements directly regarding the 2020 elections (including cricitizing the Georgia Secretary of State), along with Donald Trump and others at the time. Attorney Lin Wood had posted Twitter tweets about allegations allegedly accusing Chief Justice John Roberts of being blackmailed or compromised (read his tweets, his words, don’t have to take my word for it). He said “judges and officials” in recent elections, alleging the blackmail scheme of child rape and murder. So he directly made statements as an attorney IN GEORGIA AT THE TIME (understand this is an interesting issue!!!!) regarding the 2020 election, alleging the blackmail scheme, of the blackmail contents of allegedly child rape and murder (concerning possibly “judges and officials” in recent elections) and YET, AND YET, Attorney Lin Wood was not named in the August 14th indictment in Fulton County, Georgia, by their District Attorney who had charged Donald J. Trump, Sidney Powell, Rudy Giuliani, and any other attorneys involved with Donald Trump in any way, shape, or form involving the investigation into election fraud. This is the interesting issue which must be highlighted all over the internet, ALL OVER THE INTERNET. JUST ONE ATTORNEY WAS NOT INCLUDED IN THE INDICTMENT for whatever the reason may be, and that is ATTORNEY L. LIN WOOD. Wonder why???? Did any other attorney talk about an alleged blackmail scheme of child rape and murder other than Attorney Lin Wood in his capacity as an attorney as a public critic??? Didn’t see anyone else, didn’t think so!!!
Brian D. Hill, formerly of USWGO Alternative News, took it upon himself (Disclaimer: Lin Wood never pushed Brian to do any of what Brian had pushed for. Brian pushed this on his own accord out of concern that any of the federal judges involved in any of his cases may or may not have been possibly blackmailed or compromised!), to fight in the Judicial Council and in the Federal Courts. Brian went as far as the U.S. Supreme Court (but failed) as Brian had tried to see if he could prove whether or not any federal judges involved in his case including the Chief Justice was compromised or blackmailed. All of Brian’s efforts had failed due to the judicial corruption. However, Lin Wood had still not ever been sued by John Roberts for defamation, this is the year of 2023 and that year is almost up within 4 months. Lin directly named JOHN ROBERTS, said his name in the context he had said in his own tweets, yet Justice Roberts has never tried to sue him. Lin Wood had never been charged with fraud or “FALSE STATEMENTS AND WRITINGS”, “CONSPIRACY TO COMMIT FALSE STATEMENTS AND WRITINGS”, and even “CONSPIRACY TO COMMIT SOLICITATION OF FALSE STATEMENTS AND WRITINGS”; and so it is clear that he was not included in the recent Georgia indictment on Donald Trump, DESPITE Lin Wood being an attorney licensed in Georgia at the time, he may still be licensed to this very day. Lin Wood was a DIRECT ALLY of Donald Trump, proven by Lin Wood’s very own tweets. YET he was not indicted at all. Maybe the blackmail tapes do in fact exist???
Lin Wood was never charged with “FALSE STATEMENTS AND WRITINGS”, “CONSPIRACY TO COMMIT FALSE STATEMENTS AND WRITINGS”, and even “CONSPIRACY TO COMMIT SOLICITATION OF FALSE STATEMENTS AND WRITINGS”??? Lin Wood is completely not within the scope of the charged indictment. It’s as if Lin Wood may never face any charge of falsification. Says to his character, that he is actually a legit person.
Maybe the blackmail tapes do in fact exist??? MAYBE THEY DO EXIST??? If they didn’t then why was Lin Wood not on the co-defendant indictment list by the grand jury??? Why did the Fulton County District Attorney (likely working for George Soros, in my opinion) not charge Lin Wood but charged Sidney Powell and other attorneys involved with Trump???

Does Lin Wood or somebody he knows have the evidence??? Does Lin Wood have something the criminal defendants in the grand jury indictment (noted herein: Read the Full Donald Trump Georgia Indictment in 2020 Election Probe ( do not have??? Remember Isaac Kappy who claimed that high up people were being blackmailed with pedophilia. Remember Corey Feldman???
– YouTube permanently censors FEDERAL PORN WARS 3-part series documentary (Frame ups, Judicial Corruption, Blackmail) over YouTube claiming that they had exhibited “harmful conspiracy theories” – Justice for Brian D. Hill of USWGO Alternative News
– YouTube censors three documentaries on USWGO Channel, LIES/falsely-accuses us of producing “Content that glorifies or incites acts of violence”, so we are being accused or promoting violence on YouTube – Justice for Brian D. Hill of USWGO Alternative News
– YouTube attacks an already censored documentary with almost-criminal allegations that Brian D. Hill had engaged in threatening and harassment of an “individual” with his documentary about Jeffrey Epstein blackmail scheme which affects judges and politicians – Justice for Brian D. Hill of USWGO Alternative News
Read the failed Supreme Court case and learn the truth. Why hasn’t Lin Wood been charged by the Fulton County District Attorney as a co-defendant??? Why has Lin Wood never been sued for defamation for making such direct allegations against even Chief Justice John Roberts regarding the 2020 elections along with others making claims for the whole Trump campaign??? Even if Lin Wood never officially represented Donald Trump’s campaign or efforts to investigate the 2020 elections, Lin Wood did make a lot of statements which are very damaging to John Roberts, and are damaging to other government officials. They have not indicted this attorney. That itself should give weight to the blackmail allegations. Maybe Lin Wood or somebody he knows has something on these corrupt politicians and judges after all. He doesn’t have the blackmail tapes, he kept insisting that. But maybe the white hats have them??? Maybe good people in the U.S. Government have them??? It is time to rethink what you think about this attorney. If Lin Wood was a fraud, he would have been criminally indicted with fraud charges, and he would have been a co-defendant charged on August 14, 2023 by the Fulton County DA.
1. Corrupt U.S. Supreme Court and it’s BLACKMAILED Chief Justice deny Petition for Rehearing, as expected. Supreme court is officially corrupt and captured. Case no. 22-6123; Brian Hill faces a rigged contempt of court charge in Circuit Court; Deep State [DS] orchestrated this or is involved with causing this process – Justice for Brian D. Hill of USWGO Alternative News
2. Petition for Rehearing docketed in Blackmail Scheme Case in U.S. Supreme Court (case no. 22-6123), Motion for Review and Disqualification filed but not publicly docketed for the general public, what are they hiding??? – Justice for Brian D. Hill of USWGO Alternative News
3. Petition for Rehearing filed in Blackmail Scheme Case in U.S. Supreme Court (case no. 22-6123) – Justice for Brian D. Hill of USWGO Alternative News
4. Brian D. Hill formerly of USWGO Alt. News tells Pete Santilli on his show about the Blackmail Scheme case in U.S. Supreme Court, says “we must be shown the evil” as Q says, saying we have to go through the corrupt judicial process to prove it is corrupt and broken – Justice for Brian D. Hill of USWGO Alternative News
5. Pete Santilli: “Evan Neumann has corroborated everything that’s in here.” referring to U.S. Supreme Court case 22-6123 regarding blackmail scheme of child rape and murder including Chief Justice John Roberts – Justice for Brian D. Hill of USWGO Alternative News