Note: Certain sentences were marked in bold by Stanley Bolten and were not made bold by the original poster Lin Wood. The most important sentences.
In a communist judicial system, the law and the facts do not matter if you are targeted by the ruling elite.
The ruling elite get the result they seek regardless of the law and the facts.
The judiciary in the State of Georgia is dominated and controlled by Freemasons. The leaders of Freemasonry are godless. So are communists. They are birds of the same feather.
I have a motion pending to dismiss a fraud case against me in Georgia. The law is clear and the facts are clear. Under the law and the facts, I win. My motion should be granted and the fraud case dismissed.
Stay tuned.
I predict I will lose the motion. Watch it happen.
What will I do in the face of such blatant injustice???
I will press on and keep speaking TRUTH.
Those who have eyes to see and ears to hear will know the TRUTH.
Maybe the judge who is handling the motion will see this message and know that he will be exposed to the public if he follows his Freemason orders and denies my motion.
Then he may do what is right.
Time will tell. I expect the judge will follow his orders and deny my motion.
Those who seek to be future leaders in the ruling elite will usually do what the present leaders of the ruling elite tell them or want them to do.
Make sense to you???
It does to me.
Lin 🙏❤️🇺🇸