Does it violate the Fourth Amendment? By: Roberta Hill In 2009, my son started a website and blog, which he named USWGO (United we Stand We the people run the He wrote his own articles, made his own videos, as well as documentaries, and he interviewed many people on his YouTube channel. He developed…
Author: nationalorganizationforautismrights
Excerpt from the book “Jailed with Autism”:
This is an excerpt from the book “Jailed With Autism” by Ruth Roberts, which can be read for free on Google Documents. This book tells the story about the activist and reporter Brian David Hill. The Police Raid It was the kind of day that you hope to never have. The kind of day that…
Judicial Corruption
America, the land of the free, has more of our own citizens in prison and jail than other countries in the world. We are number one in have the highest incarceration rate in the world! According to an April 2019 article on the “Equal Justice Initiative” website called “United States Still Has Highest Incarceration Rate…
First Step Act
Brian Hill was released from prison on Friday night after being there for only 10 hours. The guards said that they have never seen this happen before. Brian was ecstatic to be released so soon and without having to even spend the night. His family is calling his early release a “Christmas miracle”. Thanks to…
Time Limits
Time Limits Should time limits be used in the justice system? It seems as if time limits are being used to take away people’s rights to defend themselves and to seek justice. So many people are being denied justice due to time limits, which are hard to keep track of since nearly every law…
Corruption in the Courts
Corruption in the Courts What happens to our justice system when the judges are routinely going against our constitutional rights? We have experienced this over and over again in Brian Hill’s cases. Not only is he not getting his due process, but he is constantly being attacked through erroneous statements, as well. In fact,…