The computer of Stanley Bolten was hacked to where the computer cannot load the Windows 10 Operating System (OS). The computer was protected by third party secure encryption. However, somebody started injecting python script codes into the computer. PayLock encryption ransom-ware started showing up after usage of CHKDSK. CHKDSK logs were not retained due to quick action to save DATA, however CHKDSK confirmed hard disk had error after error. It found errors in the NTFS, the file-system, and stored the files in the chkdsk orphan file folders. Upon checking them out, weird python script files were discovered, along with images with the names PayLock and PaySplashScreen. This is similar to names used by ransom-ware hacker groups to lock computers demanding money or not longer be allowed access to personal DATA. Usually using encryption. Somebody is trying to hack the computer to be locked out. That attempt had failed. This was attempted 2 days ago, around November 19, 2022. Computer started reporting that it had to restart the computer to repair hard drive errors. SMART tool was used to check and it shown no issues and at approximately 80% health. It did not warn that the drive was failing, but now the hard drive corruption comes in, weird script tools showing up, and paylock. So somebody is trying to encrypt the files and lock the computer. Possibly demanding money or may be an attempt to do some other form of attack or set up or whatever. This is being reported on here for my safety.
Category: Announcements
YouTube Videos Report October 12, 2022
The last seven YouTube videos, from most popular to least popular at this time. Based on view counts. It is showing that despite the shadow banning and Artificial Intelligence, USWGO YouTube videos are still getting views despite the efforts by the Deep State Swamp,Corrupt CIA/NSA/DIA/FBI/DOJ. This YouTube videos status report is of October 12, 2022.
YouTube Videos Report October 10, 2022
The last seven YouTube videos, from most popular to least popular at this time. Based on view counts. It is showing that despite the shadow banning and Artificial Intelligence, USWGO YouTube videos are still getting views despite the efforts by the Deep State Swamp,Corrupt CIA/NSA/DIA/FBI/DOJ.
Brian D. Hill files Petition for Rehearing with blackmail arguments, citing Attorney Lin Wood, raising John Roberts Chief Justice being compromised, explains why Special Master should be appointed to review over alleged child rape and murder blackmail videos
Brian D. Hill, formerly of USWGO Alternative News files a Petition for Rehearing brief asking the U.S. Court of Appeals (Fourth Circuit) to vacate the panel’s decision dismissing two consolidated appeals over U.S. Magistrate Judge Joe Webster (Durham, NC) denying two motions over requesting a Special Master to be appointed in Brian’s federal criminal case to subpoena Attorney L. Lin Wood asking for his source/sources to provide a copy of the encrypted alleged blackmail videos to the Special Master Brian is requesting appointment of. He wants a Special Master to determine if both Chief Judge Thomas David Schroeder and former Chief Judge William Lindsey Osteen Junior were in any of the alleged child rape and murder blackmail videos. The judges in panel argued that the appeals were being dismissed due to having no jurisdiction as it was not a final order or an appealable interlocutory order. Brian also used a printout of an article from radio patriot in his federal cases: Lin Wood re: Isaac Kappy’s discovery of pedo blackmail tapes | The Radio Patriot
Chief Justice and panel at Virginia Supreme Court throws out appeal of CAV dismissing Brian D. Hill’s Writ of Actual Innocence Petition over procedural default; Justice connected to TIM KAINE, very suspicious #truth #CorruptTimKaine
A panel of justices at the Supreme Court of Virginia, incl. Chief Justice Goodwyn throws out appeal of Brian D. Hill’s dismissed Petition for the Writ of Actual Innocence. It wasn’t dismissed because Brian had no merit of proclaiming actual innocence, no that was not the reason, it was dismissed on a legal technicality, and was procedurally barred by technicality and procedurally defaulted. Brian was the former news reporter of USWGO Alternative News.
JUDGE Giles Carter Greer (Circuit Court) and Martinsville CA Glen Andrew Hall are holding Innocent man hostage, Brian D. Hill of formerly USWGO Alternative News
Martinsville Commonwealth Attorney Glen Andrew Hall and Circuit Court JUDGE Giles Carter Greer are holding this innocent man hostage. They knew the evidence is sufficient to acquit this innocent man, they are being blackmailed or compromised or threatened by the Deep State. Suspect of CARBON MONOXIDE POISONING named JaCody Cassell of The Chimney Sweep in Rocky Mount, Virginia, Franklin County, gets away with almost killing Brian Hill and Roberta Hill with carbon monoxide gas by sealing chimney flues, get away all Scott free.
Do not cede your sovereignty to WHO and WEF, file your Declaration today! U.S. Constitution compels you to do so!
Former news reporter Brian D. Hill of USWGO Alternative News is not letting the corrupt Federal courts stop him from declaring that he will not give his countries sovereignty to the World Health Organization (WHO), United Nations (UN), and World Economic Forum (WEF). The United States of America and every American citizen has a duty and obligation under the Constitution not to cede the authority of the U.S. Constitution to a foreign entity. It is unconstitutional even if the Senate ratifies a damn treaty ceding sovereignty away. That treaty would be HIGH TREASON and any member of Congress engaging in HIGH TREASON should be treated as such, a traitor. The U.S. Military can intervene if the Senate or U.S. Congress is committing HIGH Treason, then impeachment is no longer possible with such blatant corruption and proven election fraud. We can stop this right now before such treason may be committed by the Senate. Start faxing, emailing, and mailing signed and filled out forms to every U.S. Congressperson, to every Federal Judge, to every Justice, to every lawyer. Declare your opposition to the World Economic Forum controlling your lifestyles.
The USWGO Federal Court case archives are now available on Mega, Mediafire, and Google Drive for your convenience, as far as April 23, 2022, archives of Hill v. USA
Now download the Federal Court archives of Brian David Hill v. United States of America as of April 23, 2022. Grab them all and share them on Bittorrent before the corrupt Federal Judges come for our throats at some point and eliminates our website and covers up the Federal Court documents. We fear that the evil demon U.S. Attorney asst. Anand Prakash Ramaswamy may push for another motion for a pre-filing injunction like in 2018, and push to cover up and destroy all evidence proving Brian D. Hill of USWGO Alternative News innocent of child porn, and the frame up set up scheme by USPO Kristy L. Burton of Danville., Virginia or the higher ups by bullying Brian into having an autism meltdown. Then the state charge set up operation caused by both Carbon Monoxide poisoning and a man in a hoodie threatening to kill Brian’s mother Roberta Hill, back in 2018. Now they may move to cover up and lie about Brian Hill and his whole family. They lied about attorney Susan Basko and will lie about attorney L. Lin Wood. They will all be lied about by this demon Anand Prakash Ramaswamy. Don’t let them cover up his case files. Don’t let them succeed and DEFY THESE LAW-DISOBEYING FEDERAL JUDGES. These Federal Judges don’t follow any law anymore, they don’t even follow the Supreme Court, they think they are gods, they don’t even follow or enforce their own local rules because they are OUT TO GET Brian Hill if they cannot have him killed in their jails by withholding of insulin. Defy their illegal Court Orders to censor and destroy evidence. Do not let them get away with this. Defy them now before they even enter their corrupt unlawful unconstitutional dictatorial orders by the demon Anand Prakash Ramaswamy. Defy them by DOWNLOADING THEM NOW, DOWNLOAD THE CASE FILES NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Do not wait for their minions with guns and terror, the corrupt U.S. Marshals under Pedophile Dictator Joe Biden. Now is the time to download the case files and share them on BitTorrent and other P2P file sharing websites and networks before they come for this website and other websites, Do not let the Feds make it disappear.
BitChute engages in CENSORSHIP Campaign of Peaceful Political Content; Purging Content they don’t like!
BitChute has now decided to engage in CENSORSHIP of Political Videos they don’t like. Videos that don’t break any laws and do not threaten anybody but simply inform people of Judicial Corruption and Political Corruption. So now BitChite has gone the route of censorship, a response was made in appealing their decision threatening them with exposure of their censorship if they don’t cease and desist their pointless censorship of the videos “Brian D Hill of “USWGO Warns Feds will Frame Up People with Child Porn – July 13, 2021”, and “Proof that Brian D. Hill; USWGO Alt. News, is INNOCENT, being HELD HOSTAGE by Corrupt Federal Court
Brian D. Hill of USWGO news WARNING: Corrupt Feds will Frame Up Patriots and Activists to ASSASSINATE CHARACTERS
Brian D. Hill, formerly of USWGO Alternative News had made a audio statement on July 13, 2021, warning all Patriots and Activists of what the Feds can start doing to them. He warns they got control of the FBI, DOJ, and they can start framing more patriots and activists with child pornography if the Swamp isn’t drained and the pedophiles aren’t removed from Government offices of the United States of America. We need to drain the swamp and soon. We need to stop the Drag Queen story times. We need to stop the pedophiles in High Offices of Power because they have the child porn, they diddle the kids, and they will diddle us all with child porn frame ups and have us raped in prisons. They are out of control and must be ARRESTED and Military Tribunal Nuremberg trials.