Author: Stanley Bolten
The last seven YouTube videos, from most popular to least popular at this time. Based on view counts. It is showing that despite the shadow banning and Artificial Intelligence, USWGO YouTube videos are still getting views despite the efforts by the Deep State Swamp,Corrupt CIA/NSA/DIA/FBI/DOJ.
The videos are ranked below the image of a screenshot of the YouTube channel video views.

Rank #1: Brian Makes a Statement about Alex Jones child porn set up used by Sandy Hook defamation trial – YouTube
Brian Makes a Statement about Alex Jones child porn set up used by Sandy Hook defamation trial
Brian D. Hill defends Alex Jones and disagrees with Chris Mattei for bringing up Alex Jones and him being set up with child porn in any prejudicial context where the jury may be prejudiced to give Alex Jones a worse judgment. This is a dangerous precedent that child porn is a WEAPON, CHILD PORN IS A WEAPON. A POLITICAL WEAPON.
Views: 13,774
Comments: 4
Likes: 227
Rank #2: Brian D Hill’s perspective on Alex Jones Sandy Hook case: “Alex Jones is a traitorous Viper” – YouTube
Brian D Hill’s perspective on Alex Jones Sandy Hook case: “Alex Jones is a traitorous Viper”.
Alex Jones is a traitor. Darrin McBreen is a traitor, Rob Dew is a traitor. Infowars betrayed Brian D. Hill of USWGO Alt News. See
Brian’s family uploaded this video.
Views: 12,195
Comments: 8
Likes: 32
Rank #3: Journalist Sharyl Attkisson testifies on child porn set up operation against her – YouTube
Journalist Sharyl Attkisson testifies on child porn set up operation against her by the FBI planning to plant child porn on her husband’s computer.
Hearing dated May 11, 2022, not a conventional hearing so it is difficult to find any videos of it.
Views: 9,840
Comments: 0
Likes: 222
Rank #4: CALL TO ACTION!!!! Brian D. Hill’s CALL TO ACTION to END CHILD PORN FRAME UPS BY FEDS (Oct. 5, 2022) – YouTube
Brian D. Hill, formerly of USWGO Alternative News is making this peaceful CALL TO ACTION on October 4/5, 2022, on stopping the United States of America from framing any more patriots, alternative news-people, and activists with child pornography. The Federal Government must stop framing/setting people up with child porn. Brian wants everyone to tell their stories, blow the whistle, and stop the Communist Obama Administration from framing any more American patriots with child porn. CHILD PORN IS A WEAPON, A VIOLENT WEAPON OF WAR. Child Porn is a weapon by the communists to plant on anybody they want.
Views: 441
Comments: 0
Likes: 55
Rank #5: Hey FBI! “Do not frame people with child porn you freaks…” – YouTube
Hey FBI! “Do not frame people with child porn you freaks…”
Brian D. Hill, formerly of USWGO Alternative News has something to say about the FBI and DOJ framing people with child porn including journalists/news-reporters and members of their immediate family.
Views: 93
Comments: 0
Likes: 57
Rank #6: Brian D. Hill, formerly USWGO Alternative News called into Pete Santilli show 9/19/2022 – YouTube
Brian D. Hill, formerly USWGO Alternative News called into Pete Santilli show 9/19/2022 about child porn frame up.
Remember the set up attempt on Luke rudkowski!!!! – WRC EXCLUSIVE: Alternative Media Writer Brian D. Hill Setup On Child Pornography Possession: | We Are Change –
Views: 76
Comments: 0
Likes: 45
Panel oral argument hearing at Supreme Court of Virginia. Oral argument around 2:00PM. 32 to 33 minutes into the argument, Brian D. Hill spoke at oral argument about his actual innocence and that he should be allowed to prove actual innocence, and not be barred due to procedural defaults.
Transcript of proceedings is now available:
Views: 31
Comments: 3
Likes: 3