Author: Stanley Bolten The corrupt U.S. Supreme Court threw out Brian’s third Petition for a Writ of Certiorari. That is Brian D. Hill, formerly of USWGO Alternative News. This appeal to SCOTUS was based upon the Virginia Supreme Court claiming that Brian has no right to overturn his wrongful conviction on the ground of ACTUAL…
Category: Announcements
We are releasing Screensavers to attract more attention to these important political issues of political prisoners, being held HOSTAGE to POLITICAL CORRUPTION
The Justice for Brian D. Hill of USWGO Alternative News political action blog has released two fully functional and high quality screensavers for free, of waterfalls as of right now. This is being done at our labor to raise awareness of Brian D. Hill a victim of political corruption, a victim of judicial corruption and being held hostage to it.
Brian isn’t the only political prisoner being set up or framed with a crime. It is likely happening to hundreds to thousands of political activists that are against the New World DisOrder. By bringing awareness to Brian’s federal case, it can bring awareness to others left in the shadow of darkness with little to no hope.
CIA or Deep State WAGES WAR on US, Brian, and his family at Justice for Brian D. Hill of USWGO Alt. News
The attacks from TOR proxy IP Addresses and now more attacks on us from dedicated attack account on The attacks against Justice for Brian D. Hill of USWGO Alternative News are ramping up. The CIA needs to stop attacking us, I am WARNING THE CIA TO STOP. If these attacks continue, then the CIA or whoever in the Deep State is doing this is declaring and waging an ACT OF TERRORISM on us. We won’t put up with this. Brian done nothing wrong, he is a virgin and he was clearly framed/set up. These attacks need to stop. All Brian has been trying to do for years is get his life back and b e acquitted. What is wrong with that? We won’t stop posting even if the CIA attacks us. This is ridiculous!!!!
StanleyBolten new Twitter account suspended along with @GenFlynn and @SidneyPowell1
The attacks against us have increased after revealing that Brian D. Hill of formerly USWGO alternative news had written Defense Secretary Chris Miller at the Pentagon in Washington, DC. Twitter suspended my account without warning and claimed I tried to sway the platform or some garbage. I was banned around almost exactly or exactly around the same time that Sidney Powell and General Flynn were all suspended from Twitter, even Praying Medic. Even Attorney L. Lin Wood a day before was suspended on Twitter.
Open letter to Lt. General Michael T. Flynn and #DigitalSoldiers – Dated November 1, 2020
Dear Lt. General Michael T. Flynn,
I humbly ask for the Digital Solders and your help in asking for protection of a potential witness of political corruption, judicial corruption, DOJ corruption, FBI corruption, and local municipalities corruption. Please protect former alternative news reporter Brian David Hill, also known as Brian D. Hill. He is formerly the alternative media journalist of USWGO alternative news. He had done a lot in fighting the deep state new world order tyranny and deserves a reprieve, he deserves protection not being constantly targeted and constant attacks at him by the corrupt judiciary.
Virginia Supreme Court confirms Oral Argument of Brian D. Hill of USWGO Alt News before panel of Justices
The official website of the Supreme Court of Virginia confirms oral argument for Brian D. Hill formerly of USWGO alternative news. He will bring forth arguments as to why he should be found actually innocent of his original Virginia criminal charge after Brian was reportedly poisoned with carbon monoxide.
Notice of Appeal finally filed; challenging Adolf Judge Schroeder’s order throwing out all frauds upon the court
After pressure given to the clerk’s office, they have finally filed the “notice of appeal” for Brian D. Hill [USWGO alternative news] to challenge U.S. district court Judge Thomas David Schroeder also called Adolf Schroeder, his decision to throw out all frauds upon the court as “meritless” and “frivolous”.
Brian D. Hill of USWGO Alternative News will speak before Virginia Supreme Court on Actual Innocence in Writ of Habeas Corpus
I have just received word that Brian D. Hill, formerly of USWGO alternative news who was framed with child porn, then poisoned with carbon monoxide in November 2017 which led to a state charge against Brian, Brian will finally have oral argument before the Supreme Court of Virginia on December 1, 2020, at around 1:00PM.
Google Whistleblower Zach Vorhies covers the case/plight of Brian D. Hill of USWGO Alternative News
Great news everybody! Zach Vorhies the whistleblower who was interviewed by Project Veritas over Google election meddling or censorship, has decided to tweet about the case of Brian D. Hill of USWGO Alternative News.
U.S. Probation Office asks for change of venue; Judge Schroeder reluctantly agreed to change of venue without protest in USWGO Brian Hill’s case
by Laurie Azgard The DisHonorable Judge Thomas David Schroeder had finally been placed into checkmate in the judicial corrupt game of Chess that was rigged as to the federal criminal case of Brian D. Hill of USWGO alternative news. The chief judge of the “Middle District of North Carolina” had ordered the adoption of the…