There are bad guys, black hat Deep State thugs attempting to throw out (USWGO Alternative News) Brian D. Hill’s trio of Supreme Court petitions, trio of Rule 15.5 delay letters, and trio of his EMERGENCY MOTIONS received by the Mail Room of the U.S. Supreme Court on November 9, 2021. They are engaging in suppression operations where Brian’s letters which are Rule 15.5 motions are not being docketed when normally docketed in other cases before the Supreme Court.
We kept this quiet as we didn’t want to piss off the Clerk of the Supreme Court, but this article is now URGENTLY necessary as there appears to be some form of a suppression operation to not file pleadings on the dockets of the cases Brian D. Hill had filed before the Supreme Court.
Tag: Actual innocence
Message from Stanley Bolten to U.S. Solicitor General Elizabeth Prelogar: “When you are made aware of issues and emergency motions. . .sitting on it and allowing the petitions to be thrown out. . .you are aiding and abetting fraud, aiding and abetting destruction of evidence” (citation omitted)
My email to U.S. Solicitor General Elizabeth Prelogar today is clear in response to the Solicitor General’s waiver of responding. That is in the trio of U.S. Supreme Court petitions of Brian D. Hill, the former news reporter of USWGO Alternative News. That if the Solicitor General attempts to do anything to throw out Brian’s petitions, then they are just as guilty of “fraud, aiding and abetting destruction of evidence, aiding and abetting perjury, aiding and abetting all federal crimes committed by the U.S. Attorney Office in Greensboro, NC.” The warning is clear to the Corrupt U.S. Department of Justice. They are guilty of manufacturing evidence against Brian David Hill of USWGO Alternative News to retaliate against Brian D. Hill and shut him up forever and even trying to get him to kill himself. They failed. The Department of Justice should be arrested for planting child porn or allowing the State Bureau of Investigation to plant child porn and then provide manufactured evidence to the Corrupt U.S. Attorney Office of Greensboro, North Carolina. This is not the first time that the State Bureau of Investigation in North Carolina had manufactured evidence to obtain favorable criminal convictions in the Court system. They manufactured evidence in a murder case against Dr. Kirk Turner for a case which was a clear self defense. The same SBI who framed Dr. Kirk Turner for a murder charge had framed Brian D. Hill with child pornography, IT IS A FACT. Uncontested, undisputed FACT.
Brian D. Hill of USWGO Alt. News files EMERGENCY MOTIONS in U.S. Supreme Court; asking for Leave of Court until Corrupt Federal Judges and U.S. Solicitor General Elizabeth B. Prelogar responds or files opposition briefs
Brian D. Hill, formerly of USWGO Alternative News and his family/friends legal team have fought hard to make sure that Brian’s Supreme Court trio petitions are not thrown out of the Supreme Court, at least not disposed of until the Corrupt Judges and U.S. Solicitor General Elizabeth B. Prelogar files a proper response or opposition brief as Brian had argued before his emergency Motions. His emergency motions cover all three of his Supreme Court cases including his Mandamus action.
Brian D. Hill files trio letters with U.S. Supreme Court requesting that the U.S. Government respond for its fraud; that U.S. Chief Judge SSchroeder and U.S. Judge Osteen Junior answer for ignoring the laws
Brian D. Hill, formerly of USWGO Alternative News took the initiative to compel the U.S. Solicitor General’s office and the Corrupt Federal Judges incl. Chief Judge Thomas David SSchroeder and William Lindsey Osteen Junior to file a response in opposition to his trio of U.S. Supreme Court petitions requesting vacatur of his criminal conviction or acquittal or both. The acting U.S. Solicitor General Brian Fletcher had filed the standard usual waivers of response in all three of Brian’s petitions hoping that all of Brian’s trio petitions would all be denied by the Justices of the Supreme Court.
Clerk of the U.S. District Court in Greensboro, NC refuses to file Letter regarding Lin Wood tweets about child rape and murder
We have noticed that the Clerk of the U.S. District Court for the Middle District of North Carolina is refusing to file a Mandamus letter which insinuated that any of their Judges may have been blackmailed with child rape and murder. Luckily that letter was filed in Brian’s Judicial Complaint as well and published on this blog. Brian again brought up the Attorney L. Lin Wood tweets regarding the Lizard Squad leak of blackmail videotapes. As far as Brian’s family is concerned, they have not received a notification of receipt of Brian’s letter to the Clerk’s office. All of this is odd and may violate Federal Law where any pleadings and letters concerning a criminal case or civil case directly must be docketed by the Clerk or forwarded to the appropriate official. The Clerk’s Office has officially or non-officially COVERED UP the letter from Brian D. Hill by not filing it in the District Court’s public records.
USWGO News Brian D. Hill’s Trio of U.S. Supreme Court petitions docketed, response deadlines set for November 22, 2021; Judge SSchroeder to have to respond to Brian’s assertions of them bucking the Supreme Court
Today, the U.S. Supreme Court had docketed the trio of petitions filed by Brian D. Hill , formerly of USWGO Alternative News. Trio of petitions asserting that the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit and the U.S. District Court in Greensboro/Winston-Salem, North Carolina had inappropriately refused to follow the case law precedents set by the Supreme Court. The case law authorities such as the Constitutional right to a Jury Trial for supervised release violators who are charged and accused but not yet convicted of a supervised release violation. Constitutional rights such as the inherit powers of Federal Courts to vacate fraudulent begotten judgments when a judgment is grounded upon fraud. Constitutional rights such as the right to prove factual innocence to a criminal conviction that your actually innocent of. That the Anti-Terrorism and Effective Death Penalty Act shall not abate actual innocence claims. All of that had been docketed today, on October 21, 2021. All were considered filed on October 8, 2021, because that was the date when the UPS label was generated by Roberta Hill, Brian’s mother. All three petitions were mailed in the same box with the USWGO Logo affixed to the box with the words: “JUSTICEFORUSWGO.WORDPRESS.COM – GOD – JESUS – COUNTRY – JUSTICE – FREEDOM – LIBERTY – NO CORRUPTION”.
USWGO News Brian D. Hill files Trio of U.S. Supreme Court petitions to Nullify Criminal Conviction; curtail Fraud on the Court; asking to impose Mandate/Prohibition on Autonomous Federal Courts ignoring Actual Innocence Exception to Anti-Terrorism AEDPA
Brian D. Hill, formerly of USWGO Alternative News (after he was framed on August 28, 2012 in the Town of Mayodan) has filed three/trio Petitions within the U.S. Supreme Court to throw out the null and void criminal judgments in Brian’s Federal criminal case. Not just that but is pushing the SCOTUS to curtail the U.S. Attorney’s repeated pattern of fraud on the court under it’s leading assistant U.S. Attorney Anand Prakash Ramaswamy of the Middle District of North Carolina.
The Proof/Evidence that CA/DA Glen Andrew Hall, Esq. of Martinsville violated Three Court Orders; Corruption of the Commonwealth Attorney Office of Martinsville, Virginia
Now comes the proof, the evidence as will be shown from Scribd and PDF Files. It will show from Point A to Point B how the corrupt city of Martinsville Commonwealth’s Attorney Glen Andrew Hall had violated multiple Court orders asking for the discovery materials and Brady materials pursuant to Brady v. Maryland. This is contempt of court and is an offense which can include jail time to compel compliance. The Court should have compelled Glen Andrew Hall to have retained the evidence and turn it over to the defense’s counsel. Court orders were not complied with by the Government of Virginia. May as well have a public online petition asking for the Judge to find Glen Andrew Hall guilty of contempt or charge him with contempt of court since the evidence is so obvious.
Federal Appeals Court IGNORES THE LAW, throws out Habeas Corpus Appeal and Hazel Atlas Fraud Motions Appeal
The U.S. (Federal) Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit in Richmond, Virginia has totally IGNORED THE LAW, they have ignored the laws of the Court and laws of SCOTUS. They just threw out Brian D. Hill of USWGO Alternative News’s three remaining Federal Appeals. Two appeals were consolidated into one in his Writ of Habeas Corpus denial appeal (2255 motion). They threw both of them out without an opinion, without comment, denying both Petitions for Rehearing, on the date of August 17, 2021. Anybody reading this article should get this out to every lawyer, to every single person who may be ignorant about the Federal Court System and how corrupt it truly is. This was never about what crime they had originally charged Brian with. This was about the Obama Administration or any other Cabal associate getting revenge on Brian for operating USWGO Alternative News from 2009 to 2012, and/or for defeating Righthaven LLC by not settling with them until they knew they had no standing to have ever sued and folded. It is clear as day that this is about revenge. When Judges ignore the laws when favorable to Brian Hill who was charged with a crime in 2013, then the Judges are not following the law. They disagree with a law and not follow it and not rule a law unconstitutional but just simply refuses to enforce any law favorable to Brian the criminal defendant, then that is TREASON OF THE HIGHEST ORDER.
Federal Courts ‘continue to stall’ USWGO News Brian D. Hill’s cases after allegations of CHILD RAPE and MURDER against the Judges!!!
The Corrupt Middle District of North Carolina and Corrupt Fourth Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals in Richmond, VA continue stalling all Federal criminal and civil appeals after Brian D. Hill, formerly of USWGO Alternative News had accused any or all Judges involved in his cases of raping kids and being videotaped doing such behavior and being blackmailed with such behavior, citing Lin Wood’s statements in January, 2021.