Note: Certain sentences were marked in bold by Stanley Bolten and were not made bold by the original poster Lin Wood. The most important sentences. Lin Wood In a communist judicial system, the law and the facts do not matter if you are targeted by the ruling elite. The ruling elite get the result…
Tag: communism
Communist Aims – January 1963 – 60 years ago
Author: Stanley Bolten Communist Aims – January 1963 Brought to you by
QAnon hit with hardcore propaganda attacks, now accused of pedophilia operations; especially after frame up attempt #QAnon #WWG1WGA #Patriots
A news hit piece type propaganda was recently released and published online entitled “Hacker collective Anonymous reveals ‘QAnon’ controlled by “hardcore pedophiles” – The Internet Chronicle”. It is attempting to insinuate that QAnon is full of pedophiles at the top of the group, that of course comes out after a year ago when Alex Jones had also claimed QAnon may had been responsible for sending him child pornography files through an email address “”.