Addendum from article: BREAKING: Court appointed lawyer Fred Smith and/or Corrupt Assistant Attorney General Justin Hill knew Brian couldn’t file for six months in Virginia Court, then lied about it to Virginia Appeals Court to make Brian look like a liar – Justice for Brian D. Hill of USWGO Alternative News Author: Stanley Bolten Formerly…
Tag: justice
Brian D. Hill of USWGO news filed letter with Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas; urging him to grant Certiorari Petition in case
Brian D. Hill, formerly of USWGO alternative news had filed a letter to Justice Clarence Thomas by 24-hour express mailing urging him to grant his petition for writ of certiorari. Writ of certiorari is an order to review over the decision of a lower court and possibly mandate a change in that lower court decision through order and remand. This is again in regards to his federal criminal case where Brian had accused the federal prosecutor Anand Prakash Ramaswamy of knowingly defrauding the court, that the fraud and coercion by his own court appointed lawyers was used to scare and coerce him into falsely pleading guilty to his charge. He had also sent a letter a few months ago to Justice Brett Kavanaugh, Brian explained why he supported QAnon and about him being an ally of QAnon.
New Meme to promote the first QAnon Ally/Supporter before the U.S. Supreme Court – Where We Go One We Go All
by Laurie Azgard A new meme is being created, that is a public campaign to bring to the attention of the entire internet that a QAnon supporter and ally of QAnon [because he wants to defeat the deep state corruption that broken so many laws to get him wrongfully convicted on fraudulent evidence] is to…
U.S. Congressional Candidate Laura Loomer agrees to tackle Federal Judicial Corruption!!!!!!!
Note: Please vote for Laura Loomer for Congress if you live in her district in Florida. All we need is one good congressperson willing to stand up to judicial tyranny to help drain the swamp. Disclaimer: Laura Loomer did not endorse writing of this article. This article was written by me as I support Laura…