Note: The Deep State is gunning for him now, trying to set him up with some type of crime now in multiple aspects, they want Brian dead, suicided, or in federal prison. See articles: Documented possible assassination attempts on Brian D. Hill, formerly of USWGO Alternative News??? Are these really attempts on Brian’s life??? Threat…
Tag: political target
Is there yet another child porn set up attempt on Alex Jones?????? More and more, Commies, FBI, DOJ, Deep State starting to use CHILD PORN AS WEAPON OF CHOICE against political enemies
New rounds of child porn frame up attacks have come from the Mainstream corporate media. Child porn is a political weapon of choice for the deep state to use and by the deep state to use. Articles surfacing claiming that Alex Jones is text messaging child porn, MARCA claiming (Wayback Machine archive): “The lawyers affirmed they received child pornography documents on the leaked text messages. Consultants found sensitive images and alerted the FBI about the situation. “The FBI advised counsel that its review located numerous additional illegal images, which had apparently been sent to Infowars email address,” the filing states.” Even though he ignores Brian D. Hill of USWGO Alt. News who has evidence he was framed with child porn, it is still wrong for the deep state political regime enemy to try to frame Alex Jones with child porn. Won’t say by name or organization of who that enemy is as we don’t wish to be sued by the lawyers. Whether Alex Jones is MOS or not, whether Alex Jones is a backstabbing traitor or not, it does show how much child po
Open letter to Lt. General Michael T. Flynn and #DigitalSoldiers – Dated November 1, 2020
Dear Lt. General Michael T. Flynn,
I humbly ask for the Digital Solders and your help in asking for protection of a potential witness of political corruption, judicial corruption, DOJ corruption, FBI corruption, and local municipalities corruption. Please protect former alternative news reporter Brian David Hill, also known as Brian D. Hill. He is formerly the alternative media journalist of USWGO alternative news. He had done a lot in fighting the deep state new world order tyranny and deserves a reprieve, he deserves protection not being constantly targeted and constant attacks at him by the corrupt judiciary.