Author: Stanley Bolten
New rounds of child porn frame up attacks have come from the Mainstream corporate media. Child porn is a political weapon of choice for the deep state to use and by the deep state to use. Articles surfacing claiming that Alex Jones is text messaging child porn, MARCA claiming (Wayback Machine archive): “The lawyers affirmed they received child pornography documents on the leaked text messages. Consultants found sensitive images and alerted the FBI about the situation. “The FBI advised counsel that its review located numerous additional illegal images, which had apparently been sent to Infowars email address,” the filing states.” Even though he ignores Brian D. Hill of USWGO Alt. News who has evidence he was framed with child porn, it is still wrong for the deep state political regime enemy to try to frame Alex Jones with child porn. Won’t say by name or organization of who that enemy is as we don’t wish to be sued by the lawyers. Whether Alex Jones is MOS or not, whether Alex Jones is a backstabbing traitor or not, it does show how much child porn has reportedly become a WEAPON of the commies, the WEAPON of the communists to character assassinate their political enemies and social enemies. People sit there and judge frame up victims calling people guilty of child porn whether it’s true or not. Those prejudices and stigmatization make child porn the perfect weapon to destroy political targets. All it takes is one law enforcement officer or government employee to plant child porn, and your life is history leading to suicide or life on a sex registry.
See 2019 article: QANON possibly being framed with new Set Up Attempt on Alex Jones – Justice for Brian D. Hill of USWGO Alternative News; and CAN OF WORMS: Infowars Targeted By Child Porn And MSM, Not The First Time Alternative Journalists Set Up – Activist Post
This is the third attempt known to us watching the Alex Jones broadcasts, we are aware of this new attempt and reviewed the attack articles by the mainstream media. This appears to be the third child porn set up attempt known to us and reported on this blog. See article: Alex Jones receiving a child pornography set up attempt, reported to the FBI? – Justice for Brian D. Hill of USWGO Alternative News – April 14, 2018.
Brian D. Hill recorded a video statement on August 4, 2022 frustrated at Alex Jones for not covering the child porn frame up of Brian, he ran USWGO Alternative News before he was set up with child porn. Brian has the evidence from the North Carolina State Bureau of Investigation (SBI) forensic report photographs, of the destroyed SBI report, that it was downloading for 11 months after his computer was seized by law enforcement on August 28, 2012. Continued downloading until July 28, 2013. See the photo of an email from threatening Brian Hill with the child porn set up, warned Brian that Alex Jones and others would be next. Those threats have became true and have been carried out by the deep state swamp. See also: Alternative Media Attack: Attempt to Frame Truthstream Media | Truthstream Media. Funny the threatening email knew about the SBI and then the download dates are until July 28, 2013, reported by Special Agent Rodney V. White. So whoever sent the threatening email had knowledge of child porn downloading to a computer seized from Brian Hill and was at the SBI facility at the time and threatening email was sent.

Also it is being made known that Sharyl Attkisson, a famous news reporter, had revealed that the FBI threatened to plant child porn on her husband’s computer.

Now you have yet another child pornography attack campaign being documented on this blog for the record. We will cover on this blog what mainstream media will not cover, because there are child porn weapon operations going on by the deep state swamp, like Vault 7. We believe Brian D. Hill was framed just like the others. Brian wasn’t fortunate enough to have lots of money to afford a good private attorney to have him acquitted in 2013/2014.
See the saved copies of screenshots of E-mail send from “Political Hackerz Squad”. They claimed to have set up over 40 people with child porn, and that was in the year of 2013. Also said that they would frame politicians with child porn with the purpose of blackmailing them. Spoke of target lists and child porn hard drive materials being given by the Obama Administration. Now with the Jeffrey Epstein stuff, it seems interesting that somebody who sent this political hackers squad email had some inside information about pedophilia operations, that the inside information checks out after all, that this could not have been proven until many years later. Mentioning about using child porn to blackmail and sabotage enemies, it all makes sense now. Again, research Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell.

See articles Kiddie Porn Found On Alex Jones’ Phone???? –; and Alex Jones has Child Porn on his Phone – Democratic Underground; alex jones child porn phone – Twitter Search / Twitter; alex jones child porn phone – Twitter Search / Twitter on

We are now getting defamation attacks as well, defamation attacks against Brian D. Hill coming our way no thanks to the new DEEP STATE sanctioned child porn set up operation against Alex Jones. It doesn’t help us that Alex Jones is getting another child porn set up operation. Now they are coming after Brian Hill too, they are looking to take down everybody, not just Alex Jones, oh boy. See