Now we assume that it was Anonymous back in 2013 because of the guy using a text to speech generated voice and the V-for-Vendetta Guy Fawkes mask. Anyways, somebody who appeared to have been “Anonymous” and did not use his real voice had uploaded a video on YouTube publicly supporting Brian D. Hill, the former news reporter of USWGO Alternative News who was framed and thrown into a constitutional crisis by the corrupt Federal Courts. See the link:
Tag: USWGO Alternative News
Brian D. Hill (USWGO News) files appeal brief and Letter on U.S. Government not contesting Motion to Reconsider Federal Court’s position on Attorney Lin Wood blackmail claims
Brian D. Hill, formerly USWGO Alternative News had filed his appeal brief opposing U.S. Magistrate Judge Joe L. Webster (Durham, NC Federal Courthouse) claiming that Brian’s fears of judicial blackmail mirroring the tweets of Attorney L. Lin Wood claims of “child rape” and “murder” blackmail videos concerning judges and politicians was labeled by a Court order as entirely “delusional” and “frivolous”. However, the U.S. Attorney had 21 days to respond to Brian’s “MOTION TO RECONSIDER” that Judge’s order but they did not respond. They did not contest or dispute the additional evidence regarding the credibility of Lin Wood. As well as a copy of Brian’s fax to Lin Wood dated January 20, 2021. Brian’s claims of Lin Wood’s credibility were undisputed, uncontested, as a matter of law under Local Rule 7.3(f) & (k).
Directed by Brian D. Hill, released by Family. Watch this 3rd Part of of the series of this short Documentary video regarding how the frame up of Patriots with child pornography and other crimes succeed. It is through the MAFIA style PEDOPHILE RINGS who blackmail judges and officials to engage in Judicial Tyranny and HIGH TREASON. Using the corrupt mechanism of Judicial Corruption, Judicial Tyranny. Learn how patriots, activists, and alternative media are character assassinated by corrupt FBI, the corrupt DOJ, federal and state prosecutors, and the corrupt Judges. The system is fixed and designed to make the average American citizen fail in our judicial system.
Federal Judge labels Brian’s BLACKMAIL allegations as well as Attorney L. Lin Wood statements as “DELUSIONAL”, Brian Hill fights back with credibility of Attorney Lin Wood; more evidence blackmail claims are credible
The cowardly U.S. Magistrate Judge Joe L. Webster who refused to acknowledge the actual innocence claims of Brian D. Hill, formerly of USWGO Alternative News, despite his fraud on the court claims against Anand Prakash Ramaswamy, Assistant U.S. Attorney being uncontested, had labeled Brian D. Hill’s blackmail scheme claims (child rape and murder blackmail videos) mirroring Attorney L. Lin Wood’s Lizard Squad claims on Twitter as “delusional” and “frivolous”. However, Brian Hill fights back and accuses Magistrate Joe Webster of acting in conflict of interest in violation of federal law, was biased in violation of federal law, and is making a premature fact finding regarding Attorney Lin Wood without pointing to any actual evidence or proof. IT IS GAS LIGHTING, U.S. Magistrate Judge Joe L. Webster is gaslighting rather than asking for the blackmail videos to be thoroughly investigated which was easy for him to do. Brian submitted exhibits and exhibits of evidence proving Attorney Lin Wood as a credible witness, a letter to Lin Wood about the Jeffrey Epstein blackmail videos, and acting as a protective proxy for his client’s blackmail evidence and/or claims who submitted the information about the alleged blackmail video evidence to him. That information and his source’s identity is protected under attorney/client privilege as Brian further argued in federal court document. Attorney Lin Wood said that he doesn’t have possession of the actual alleged blackmail videos, it is highly likely the client who went to him who had the “NUCLEAR LEVEL BLACKMAIL” videos. See Lin Wood’s tweet.
Brian D. Hill files new 2255 Motion in Federal Court, again on Actual Innocence; directly accuses Chief Judge Thomas David Schroeder of being blackmailed with “child rape” and “murder” using the L. Lin Wood statements on twitter and his emails with statements; asks for Special Master to investigate and review alleged videos
The time has come. Brian D. Hill, formerly of USWGO Alternative News, is challenging CORRUPT Chief U.S. District Court Judge Thomas David Schroeder with a new 2255 Motion filed with the U.S. District Court. It was filed on January 27, 2022. He has now directly accused this Judge of being possibly one of those in the alleged blackmail videos alleged by Attorney L. Lin Wood on Twitter last January in 2021. Brian has asserted why he believes this Judge “may or may not be” blackmailed with “child rape” and “murder” as alleged by Attorney L. Wood on Twitter. He had accused this judge of being a possible blackmail target in his Judicial Complaint filed last year but the Judicial Council of the Fourth Circuit had refused to review over the alleged blackmail videos to determine if this Federal Judge is in one of those or if Brian was mistaken. Brian will apologize if he is wrong, but Brian feels certain that Federal Judges are being blackmailed with child rape and murder. Brian files a copy of a threatening email (TORMAIL?) as evidence in the Federal Court. That email details a threatening email that Attorney Susan Basko had received in 2015 which claimed that they would have this Chief Federal Judge set up to be the presiding Judge and would make this Judge convict Brian after another attempt to frame Brian with child pornography in 2015, that attempt had failed as Brian promptly and in good faith reported the child porn set up attempt attack against Brian D. Hill to his ex-Probation Officer Kristy L. Burton. Brian could not have been charged under that law due to the affirmative defense of reporting a frame up attempt to a Law Enforcement officer. That threatening email insinuated that the child porn frame up artist or artists have control of particular Federal Judges to do their bidding, not just email child porn and malware to patriots. See article: Alternative Media Attack: Attempt to Frame Truthstream Media | Truthstream Media
Backup of Justice for Brian D. Hill of USWGO Alternative News on BitTorrent and Media sharing networks such as MediaFire, MEGA, and Internet Archive
The entire website articles and postings being backed up and shared on BitTorrent and other file sharing websites. This is in case something bad happens to Brian D. Hill or in any case he is raided or they arrest the Blog Administrators. The entire contents and PDF files and everything, all images, everything is being shared to prevent it all from disappearing. Last backup is December 29, 2021.
BREAKING: U.S. Supreme Court dockets Petitions for Rehearing from Brian D. Hill of USWGO Alternative News; Clerk actually obeyed 18 U.S. Code § 2071 this time
This time, the Clerk, Scott S. Harris actually filed everything in an envelope which was received in the U.S. Supreme Court. Good deal not violating 18 U.S. Code § 2071 this time. Brian D. Hill, formerly USWGO Alternative News had filed three Petitions for Rehearing requesting reopening of his trio Supreme Court petitions requesting relief from his wrongful conviction on the basis of Actual Innocence, Fraud on the Court, and Judicial corruption aka the Judicial rebellion going on by the inferior Court Judges.
Clerk to Judge Norwood Carlton Tilley Jr. files Brian’s NOTICE with evidence of Attorney L. Lin Wood blackmail videos Tweets concerning The Lizard Squad; Brian D. Hill asking for U.S. Marshals to subpoena Atty. Lin Wood for the alleged blackmail videos
me alleging that they were forced to do what the blackmailers wanted until the blackmail was no longer holding any value. Lin Wood had been under increased attacks in the mainstream corporate media by who Lin Wood describes as the “deep state”. The Clerk’s Office covered up or refused to file this letter containing this evidence a few months ago for whatever the reason may be. Brian kept being persistent and filed a copy of that covered up letter a second time, this time it was filed.
Brian D. Hill of USWGO Alternative News files Petition for Rehearing in U.S. Supreme Court for trio Petitions
As promised, Brian D. Hill, formerly of USWGO Alternative News had filed a “Petition for Rehearing” in the U.S. Supreme Court accusing Clerk Scott S. Harris of neglect of duty by not filing his EMERGENCY MOTIONS FOR LEAVE OF COURT and the Rule 15 delay letters. This is in regards to his original trio petitions filed in the U.S. Supreme Court docketed in October, 2021. Scott Harris may be in violation of 18 U.S. Code § 2071 – Concealment, removal, or mutilation generally. The Clerk, Scott S. Harris has tampered with the administration of justice if he is truly guilty of concealment, removal, cover up, or concealment or even destruction of pleadings which were supposed to be filed in the record of the Supreme Court of the United States. If Scott Harris is ever charged and convicted for the cover ups, then he can face up to three years imprisonment and disqualification from clerkship in any Federal Courthouse in the United States.
FEDERAL PORN WARS – Part 2: Judicial Corruption of Series – DOCUMENTARY at
Directed by Brian D. Hill, released by Family. Watch this 2nd Part of of the series of this short Documentary video regarding how the frame up of Patriots with child pornography and other crimes succeed. It is through the MAFIA style mechanism of Judicial Corruption, Judicial Tyranny. Learn how patriots, activists, and alternative media are character assassinated by corrupt FBI, federal prosecutors, and the corrupt Judges. Then hear about how there are still good Constitutional Judges out there ensuring Due Process in a world in which fair trials and due process is eroding rapidly across the United States of America.