Brian D. Hill, formerly of USWGO Alternative News files two major motions with hundreds of pages in each motion proving his actual innocence to his state conviction of indecent exposure by the Circuit Court for the corrupt City of Martinsville. What will the Deep State intelligence minions do now? What will Judge Giles Carter Greer do, the judge over that Circuit Court? What will corrupt Commonwealth Attorney Glen Andrew Hall do now? Brian proved the lab testing was deleted by the hospital, covered up. Brian was not medically cleared by the usual medical standards. Even if The Chimney Sweep gets away with poisoning Brian Hill, Brian has the proof he was not medically cleared before being arrested.
Tag: USWGO Alternative News
Brian D. Hill of USWGO Alt. News fights back at CORRUPT U.S. Attorney, files proof of INNOCENCE to supervised release violation
The CORRUPT U.S. Attorney for the Middle District of North Carolina had filed a request to dismiss Brian’s actual innocence claims and all other claims including the Attorney Lin Wood blackmail claims made in 2021. Brian D. Hill fought back with evidence proving actual innocence to his supervised release violation triggered by his state criminal charge in 2018. Proves corruption of the U.S. Probation Office in Greensboro, North Carolina under the corrupt supervisory U.S. Probation Officer Edward R. Cameron, who is at the center of this corrupt supervised release violation charge. Edward Cameron should face obstruction of justice charges for convicting and charging innocent man Brian D. Hill. He is formerly with USWGO Alternative News. Brian was convicted twice for two crimes he is innocent of. He is innocent of his original child porn charge in 2013, and he is innocent of his state charge in 2018. The evidence proves it. Donald Trump and his people being persecuted in the corrupt legal system, Brian D. Hill was a test case back in 2013-214. Brian’s case in 2013 which was a test case by the deep state swamp was a success at convicting those who oppose the new world order with crimes whether they are guilty or innocent. It’s sole purpose was to frame Brian up to ruin his reputation with a computer crime so heinous that nobody would help him prove his innoc
Is allegedly Robert Bridge the culprit of who framed Brian D. Hill of USWGO Alt. News with child porn??? IS “ROBERT BRIDGE” THE CULPRIT???
It is time to reveal those who I believe may allegedly be responsible for framing Brian D. Hill, formerly of USWGO Alternative News with child porn. We Are Change did an article on this in 2016, as well as that article referenced on ActivistPost in 2019, about the State Bureau of Investigation case file claiming that it was downloading between July 20, 2012, and July 28, 2013. Brian’s computer was seized on August 28, 2012. The only way this allegation becomes plausible is if former police detective Robert Bridge knew anything about computer hacking himself, or even placing of computer viruses or having knowledge of computer viruses or Trojan horses. If he knew enough about computer IT Security and hacking, then this makes him the primary suspect or culprit as to who was responsible for this child porn frame up in 2012. It is time to point the finger at him and give him an opportunity to respond. If he reads this article, he has the right to email us his response. If we get hacked instead and no response emailed, then our suspicions are further warranted. Robert Bridge may have worked for the CIA or NSA. Brian suspected he was being targeted by the NSA/CIA.
Clerk dockets Appeal Brief in Fourth Circuit against Corrupt Magistrate Judge; and also has information from Brian D. Hill trying to expose corrupt Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts
Brian D. Hill is sticking with the words “Q” or “QAnon” as Alex Jones stands on the other side as Brian’s enemy. Brian D. Hill was formerly USWGO Alternative News. His appeal brief was filed by the Clerk days after being received by mail. Has a sticky note with the words “QAnon” and even went as far as starting the written/typed attacks against Supreme Court Justice John Roberts for possibly being compromised. Saying he “may” be blackmailed using Attorney Lin Wood’s claims naming John Roberts last year. Brian is angry that John Roberts is compromised and has argued in appeal that John Roberts being compromised may have negatively affected his appeal in the U.S. Supreme Court. Brian is angry at John Roberts for wrecking his appeals in the U.S. Supreme Court and wants justice against John Roberts. The Clerk of the Supreme Court factually covered up emergency motions for leave of court, those were never docketed which caused all SCOTUS petitions to have failed by being dismissed. Brian suspects John Roberts may be responsible for the Clerk violating federal law by refusing to file his emergency motions. Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts is Brian’s enemy NOW. Brian plans on demanding his recusal from any further involvement in his case.
EXCLUSIVE: U.S. Attorney didn’t respond in time to deadline to respond to Brian D. Hill’s 2255 Motion; didn’t object to facts in that motion, including Actual Innocence and Attorney L. Lin Wood tweets/claims re: “child rape” and “child murder” alleged BLACKMAIL SCHEME; in Federal Court case
Is justice finally being done??? Former news reporter of USWGO Alternative News; Brian D. Hill’s 2255 Motion filed in Federal Court months ago was not responded to by the U.S. Attorney Office by the deadline of May 1, 2022 as ordered by the U.S. District Court. This 2255 Motion case had a “GROUND VII” where Brian suspected or feared that the Federal Judges involved in his case may have been blackmailed with child rape and murder. That information filed with the Federal Court from the Middle District of North Carolina with exhibits of printouts sourced from, and Attorney L. Lin Wood. A printout was used in legal exhibit of the article: Lin Wood re: Isaac Kappy’s discovery of pedo blackmail tapes | The Radio Patriot (was Exhibit 6). Exhibit 6 of motion to reconsider which was not contested by the Government either.
Brian D. Hill files Appeal Brief against Corrupt Magistrate Judge denying motion to reconsider Order labeling Brian and Attorney L. Lin Wood (witness) as Delusional! Gaslighting the court record with lies and “IGNORING EVIDENCE”, “IGNORING THE LAW”
Brian D. Hill, formerly of USWGO Alternative News, filed an informal appeal brief against the corrupt Dishonorable U.S. Magistrate Judge Joe L. Webster (Durham, North Carolina Federal Courthouse, Middle District of North Carolina) denying his motion to reconsider his corrupt order labeling Attorney L. Lin Wood and Brian D. Hill as both delusional for mentioning about the Lizard Squad obtained blackmail scheme videos of child rape and murder concerning “judges” and “officials”/politicians.
The Set up of Reporter Brian D Hill – The timeline of events (video) (YouTube) (Brighteon) (
The narrator brings up the timeline on how Brian D. Hill, formerly of USWGO Alternative News got framed and set up by the Deep State Swamp minions.
ALERT!!! DEEP STATE TARGETS Stanley Bolten ProtonMail account; over exposing the Judicial Corruption; pedophile judges and politicians; DOJ corruption!!!! DOJ may be attacking us NOW!!!!
Now we are receiving more attacks, likely by the Biden DOJ — Department of INJUSTICE. For six years I have never been accused of abuse or fraud by ProtonMail. Even Attorney Lin Wood and Tracy Beanz takes interest in the emails we send out about the information war against the deep state pedophile Federal Judges and corrupt DOJ Federal prosecutor demon Anand Prakash Ramaswamy. ProtonMail disables me sending emails telling me “Message sending disabled due to abuse or fraud”. There are a few suspects of who reported for committing the HEINOUS ACT OF EXERCISING FREE SPEECH. It may be Anand Prakash Ramaswamy of the Middle District of North Carolina U.S. Attorney Office or John Alsup of the Middle District of North Carolina U.S. Attorney Office. We may be under CIA or NSA or U.S. Attorney coordinated Deep State Assault campaign against us!!!!!!!!!! They are out to get us after the critique email as well as the two latest articles we typed up: (1) The USWGO Federal Court case archives are now available on Mega, Mediafire, and Google Drive for your convenience, as far as April 23, 2022, archives of Hill v. USA – Justice for Brian D. Hill of USWGO Alternative News; (2) Dishonorable Judge Joe Webster disregards all evidence; disregards credibility of Attorney L. Lin Wood not being delusional – U.S. Attorney Asst. Ramaswamy may lie about Br
The USWGO Federal Court case archives are now available on Mega, Mediafire, and Google Drive for your convenience, as far as April 23, 2022, archives of Hill v. USA
Now download the Federal Court archives of Brian David Hill v. United States of America as of April 23, 2022. Grab them all and share them on Bittorrent before the corrupt Federal Judges come for our throats at some point and eliminates our website and covers up the Federal Court documents. We fear that the evil demon U.S. Attorney asst. Anand Prakash Ramaswamy may push for another motion for a pre-filing injunction like in 2018, and push to cover up and destroy all evidence proving Brian D. Hill of USWGO Alternative News innocent of child porn, and the frame up set up scheme by USPO Kristy L. Burton of Danville., Virginia or the higher ups by bullying Brian into having an autism meltdown. Then the state charge set up operation caused by both Carbon Monoxide poisoning and a man in a hoodie threatening to kill Brian’s mother Roberta Hill, back in 2018. Now they may move to cover up and lie about Brian Hill and his whole family. They lied about attorney Susan Basko and will lie about attorney L. Lin Wood. They will all be lied about by this demon Anand Prakash Ramaswamy. Don’t let them cover up his case files. Don’t let them succeed and DEFY THESE LAW-DISOBEYING FEDERAL JUDGES. These Federal Judges don’t follow any law anymore, they don’t even follow the Supreme Court, they think they are gods, they don’t even follow or enforce their own local rules because they are OUT TO GET Brian Hill if they cannot have him killed in their jails by withholding of insulin. Defy their illegal Court Orders to censor and destroy evidence. Do not let them get away with this. Defy them now before they even enter their corrupt unlawful unconstitutional dictatorial orders by the demon Anand Prakash Ramaswamy. Defy them by DOWNLOADING THEM NOW, DOWNLOAD THE CASE FILES NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Do not wait for their minions with guns and terror, the corrupt U.S. Marshals under Pedophile Dictator Joe Biden. Now is the time to download the case files and share them on BitTorrent and other P2P file sharing websites and networks before they come for this website and other websites, Do not let the Feds make it disappear.
Dishonorable Judge Joe Webster disregards all evidence; disregards credibility of Attorney L. Lin Wood not being delusional – U.S. Attorney Asst. Ramaswamy may lie about Brian, Lin Wood, Stella and Kenneth Forinash in 9 days
The corrupt U.S. Magistrate Judge Joe L. Webster gets even more worse than before. Not only has he labeled the Brian’s Hill’s fears and suspicions mirroring Lin Wood blackmail claims as “delusional” and “frivolous” basically insulting this attorney as just an “attorney from Georgia”, he being a lazy tyrant had his law clerk deny (through two simple text orders) Brian’s uncontested motion to reconsider and asking for an extension of time for the U.S. Attorney to respond to Brian’s 2255 motion. That is Brian D. Hill, formerly of USWGO Alternative News. Judicial tyranny from this puppet minion of Dishonorable Judge Thomas David Schroeder. Thomas Schroeder appointed by George W. Bush who is a Skull and Bones ex President of the USA.