by: Laurie Azgard Evidence has now surfaced further proving that Brian D. Hill [USWGO alternative news] was under carbon monoxide poisoning. It showed an abnormal high red blood cell count, and one of the causes is “chronic carbon monoxide exposure”. View the PDF here. This report from Carilion Clinic laboratory-work shows that Brian David Hill…
Tag: USWGO Alternative News
New Prosecutor selected for case against reporter Brian D. Hill of USWGO news
by: Laurie Azgard On July 23, 2019, a new federal prosecutor has been assigned as the lead attorney in the case of United States v. Brian David Hill in the middle district of North Carolina [USWGO alternative news]. Is Anand Prakash Ramaswamy no longer involved with Brian’s case? Then when you check out a page…
Brian D. Hill asks QANON for Help (VIDEO)
by: Laurie Azgard Brian D. Hill [USWGO alternative news] has created a video on July 9, 2019, asking Qanon for help while wearing a ‘Make America Great Again’ cap. Brian had explained in the video that the Feds under chief judge Thomas D. Schroeder [Winston-Salem, N.C. federal building] want to push for 10 months of…
BREAKING: Brian D. Hill of USWGO news was under carbon monoxide since November, 2017
by: Laurie Azgard Evidence was emailed to me from Brian’s mother, showing that Brian D. Hill of USWGO alternative news has had carbon monoxide [CO] gas poisoning since November, 2017, all the way up until September 21, 2018, when Brian was arrested by Martinsville Police in Virginia. Carbon monoxide poisoning can cause a patient to…
Pardon Brian D. Hill of USWGO Alternative News for his False Guilty Plea
Note: Proof of Brian’s Autism Spectrum Disorder are in three special court filings for the general public to look at. CourtListener has Document #2-1 from his FOIA lawsuit, Document #23-1 from Dr. Shyam Balakrishnan, and Document #23-2 which is the Autism TEACCH papers concerning Brian D. Hill. There is the absolute proof Brian has Autism….
Report: News Reporter has appeared to have released court documents to Wikileaks
Stanley Bolten, I received word from my source who was in contact with Brian, that Brian D. Hill of USWGO Alternative News may have leaked his criminal case court documents and material to Wikileaks, likely in a bid to prevent the U.S. Attorney Office from covering up their criminal activities. I received a message on…
#JIF Journey into Freedom with Host Red Gypsy & co-host Scarlett Anonymous 04/23 by FreedomizerRadio | Spirituality Podcasts
NOTE: Brian D. Hill of formerly USWGO Alternative News has been interviewed again on Freedomizer Radio and this time admits that he is working with a law enforcement officer or agent to get ready to prove his case then push for an indictment of U.S. Probation Officer Kristy L. Burton of the Danville, Virginia United…
Download the Court Documents of Brian D. Hill’s criminal case from TORRENT now
Note: Don’t let the U.S. Attorney corrupt S.O.B. cover up and destroy the evidence of his actual innocence and evidence of the criminal behavior by the Feds criminal enterprise. Share that Torrent, post the court documents on places like scribd, Google Docs, everywhere. Email these court documents to whistleblowers and members of the media. GET…
News Reporter’s additional evidence motion referred to U.S. Magistrate Judge
Stanley Bolten, USWGO Alternative News reporter Brian D. Hill’s “additional evidence brief” and motion asking the U.S. District Court for permission to admit evidence has been referred to the Magistrate Judge as of Apr 10, 2018. It is concerning falsification of evidence by the Prosecution and the threatening email that Ian Freeman of Free Talk…
USWGO News Brian Hill files response to Government’s Pre-filing Injunction Motion
Stanley Bolten, Brian D. Hill, the former news reporter of USWGO Alternative News, has filed a response in opposition to the Government’s motion for pre-filing injunction that also requests massive sealing of public court filings in his criminal case concerning evidence of his actual innocence needed to overturn his wrongful conviction. Brian’s filing constitutes of…