by Laurie Azgard
Brian D. Hill of USWGO alternative news had been busy. Before Thanksgiving, Brian mailed out a motion to vacate fraudulent begotten judgment involving violation of his supervised release but has this time it was filed it in the “Western District of Virginia” in Roanoke. This has been after the case was partially transferred to the U.S. district court in Roanoke, Virginia.

The new criminal case docket for this case after it was transferred to western Virginia on Courtlistener is at the link which can be copied and pasted into your browser:
MOTION to Vacate/Nullify Fraudulent Begotten Order/Judgment, Motion and Brief/Memorandum of Law in support of Motion to Vacate/Nullify Fradulent Begotten Order/Judgment by Brian David Hill. PDF on this site
(Attachments: # 1 Exhibits)(aab) – PDF on this site

The motion will probably sit on a decision by the Honorable Judge Michael Francis Urbanski of the U.S. district court for the “Western District of Virginia” until the U.S. attorney office in Roanoke, Virginia will be assigned to the case, reviews over the motion and attached exhibit evidence, and makes a decision on whether to respond or ignore like AUSA Ramaswamy had done. After the deadline, if any, has been passed then the Judge Michael Urbanski, the chief judge, will make a decision on that motion. That decision could include a sentence of time served for his supervised release term, and enough fraud evidence may cause the judge to terminate Brian’s supervised release and thus Brian would no longer be under any post-conviction restrictions on his liberty with the exception that Brian would still be forced to register as a sex offender unless he is found actually innocent in the “Middle District of North Carolina” under the DisHonorable Thomas David Schroeder which is highly unlikely unless a new federal judge is assigned his case in that district or upon President Donald J. Trump deciding to grant Brian full pardon type grant of clemency. When a pardon is full his conviction may be expunged as if he had never been charged with the offense. If Brian shows the President that he is actually innocent of his charge and is a repeated victim of fraud, the President might just decide to pardon him one day. This judge had allowed doctoring of the transcript against the criminal defendant’s affidavits from four witnesses including himself. This judge and his court reporter can doctor any transcripts at will as what the fourth circuit U.S. court of appeals had rubber stamped that decision.
The motion is similar to the final motion to act upon the pending uncontested “fraud upon the court” motions for sanctions that was filed in the “Middle District of North Carolina”, the judge denied them all which is contrary to law, and then it was appealed to the fourth circuit and is still awaiting a appeal brief to be filed.
It is expected that it is highly likely the fourth circuit will toss this appeal too as with over five or six of Brian’s other filed appeals in that same circuit. More than likely this appeal will be denied and will be a waste of time but Brian will continue fighting until he receives a full pardon from President Donald John Trump or an acquittal someday. Maybe after the swamp is drained then Brian will finally be acquitted after the corrupt elements of the U.S. Department of Justice are removed from office by force under martial law and/or military tribunal arrests.
However this motion does not cover the second supervised release violation charge that he had received in 2018 from his state criminal charge, until Brian is acquitted of his state criminal charge. If Brian is found actually innocent in the state court, then Brian will likely file a second motion to reverse the second supervised release violation and push his sentence back to being finished in 2024 instead of 2028 after the wrongful conviction on his violation from DisHonorable Judge Thomas Schroeder. Brian had claimed carbon monoxide gas poisoning had led to his indecent exposure and had not committed that type of behavior before his charge in 28 years of his entire life and hasn’t done that behavior since. Brian tried to warn Martinsville Police but they refused to even open up the envelope that would have caused him to be found innocent of his state charge earlier.

Brian is scheduled to speak before a writ panel of justices before the Virginia Supreme Court on December 1, 2020 at 1:00PM, in regards to his attempted state writ of habeas corpus again on the ground of actual innocence to his state charge and conviction, just like what was attempted in his federal writ of habeas corpus. No doubt that if Brian is able to prevail in his state case that it will be used in federal court against Judge Schroeder to make him overturn his conviction of violating supervised release for his state charge of indecent exposure that was induced by carbon monoxide gas poisoning and maybe even drugging by whatever happened that night. It was unusual behavior and the lack of any repeated behavior after the source of the carbon monoxide was removed is a very convincing argument to the highest court or any court that is willing to listen to him in the state of Virginia. If Brian wins any of his motions or oral arguments, it will turn the tide against the corrupt federal judge and make him appear to be unreasonable and punishing an innocent man twice or three times. Yes that will become the subject, can a federal judge criminally punish an innocent man multiple times with unfounded charges or allegations multiple times? If they can then Brian D. Hill must have the worst luck in the world being punished over and over again over crimes that he is later found innocent of. Our wonderful criminal injustice system at work here, sarcasm.
This will likely justify Donald John Trump to grant Brian David Hill a full unconditional pardon over his actual innocence as a U.S. President has the right to do so under case law Ex parte Garland, 71 U.S. 333 (1866).
Like with Roger Stone and General Flynn, President Trump will only likely pardon Brian after he proves that he was given a repeated miscarriages of justice, that his request for relief cannot possibly be resolved within our courts, that he had acted in good faith the entire time of his criminal prosecution as a defendant in attempting to be acquitted on the ground of his actual innocence, and that he had exhausted all remedies that he could legally attempt under law. There is no constitutional rights or remedies when no court will exercise and enforce those constitutional rights and remedies already guaranteed by the U.S. Supreme Court. A constitutional right with no remedy is no right at all. Rights should not be permanently taken away otherwise they are not guaranteed constitutional rights but are privileges as George Carlin the comedian had said before a crowd of people.
Also the “Justice for Brian D. Hill of USWGO Alternative News” campaign team have made attempts to contact President Trump and Eric Trump, and somebody claiming to be Eric Frederick Trump had told Stanley Bolten to just accept Brian’s fate and move on and Sasha of Justiceforuswgo.NL that it was all fake news and attempts were made to show evidence to this person to prove that it was real and not fake news. This campaign disagrees with this “Eric Trump” whether he is the genuine Eric Trump or is an imposter. This campaign will continue going until we are all shut down and all killed. Until we are all dead including Brian and his entire family, we will continue pushing for Brian’s acquittal in both his state and federal criminal charges. There is justification for a defense or lawful excuse to not receive harsh punishments and complete permanent deprivation of civil liberties. The corrupt federal judge Thomas David Schroeder is wrong and he knows it. God bless America and God bless Trump. We have not turned against Trump regardless of what the imposter or real Eric Trump had to say. We elected Donald John Trump as President of the United States of America, not Ivanka and not Eric.
I googled him, this guy is a real pervert! He confessed and pled guilty. SICKO