Author: Stanley Bolten
Also part of the articles: USWGO News Brian D. Hill’s Trio of U.S. Supreme Court petitions docketed, response deadlines set for November 22, 2021; Judge SSchroeder to have to respond to Brian’s assertions of them bucking the Supreme Court – Justice for Brian D. Hill of USWGO Alternative News; USWGO News Brian D. Hill files Trio of U.S. Supreme Court petitions to Nullify Criminal Conviction; curtail Fraud on the Court; asking to impose Mandate/Prohibition on Autonomous Federal Courts ignoring Actual Innocence Exception to Anti-Terrorism AEDPA – Justice for Brian D. Hill of USWGO Alternative News; U.S. Solicitor General waives right to respond to all of Brian’s trio Supreme Court petitions which may be an attempt to push for the Supreme Court to toss them all out – Justice for Brian D. Hill of USWGO Alternative News; Brian D. Hill of USWGO Alt News files Judicial Complaint against Judges for Discrimination, again asserts possibly Blackmail; complaint against Judge Thomas David SSchroeder and William Lindsey Osteen Junior – Justice for Brian D. Hill of USWGO Alternative News; Clerk of the U.S. District Court in Greensboro, NC refuses to file Letter regarding Lin Wood tweets about child rape and murder – Justice for Brian D. Hill of USWGO Alternative News; Email to U.S. Solicitor General Elizabeth B. Prelogar: “This has to come to a resolution., In Re: Brian David Hill; you should respond or file opposition brief” – Justice for Brian D. Hill of USWGO Alternative News; Brian D. Hill of USWGO Alt. News files EMERGENCY MOTIONS in U.S. Supreme Court; asking for Leave of Court until Corrupt Federal Judges and U.S. Solicitor General Elizabeth B. Prelogar responds or files opposition briefs – Justice for Brian D. Hill of USWGO Alternative News
Brian D. Hill, formerly of USWGO Alternative News took the initiative to compel the U.S. Solicitor General’s office and the Corrupt Federal Judges incl. Chief Judge Thomas David SSchroeder and William Lindsey Osteen Junior to file a response in opposition to his trio of U.S. Supreme Court petitions requesting vacatur of his criminal conviction or acquittal or both. The acting U.S. Solicitor General Brian Fletcher had filed the standard usual waivers of response in all three of Brian’s petitions hoping that all of Brian’s trio petitions would all be denied by the Justices of the Supreme Court.
Brian argued that he isn’t going to let the Corrupt Federal Judges (doesn’t actually mention the words corrupt as it may turn the Justices away) get away with their bad decisions. He is requesting that the Supreme Court compel at least a response from Judge Thomas David Schroeder, Magistrate Joe L. Webster, and Judge William Lindsey Osteen Junior, of the Middle District of North Carolina prior to disposition of Brian Hill’s petitions before the Supreme Court.
Brian is asking in Rule 15.5 letters to delay the distribution of Brian’s trio of his Supreme Court petitions (two are of Certiorari, one of Mandamus) until the U.S. Government counsel responds to Brian’s contentions in his petitions and had asked for the Federal Judges to file a response to his Mandamus relief petition. Certiorari is a term referring to the U.S. Supreme Court asserting it’s legal authority and it’s jurisdiction to review over a decision of the Appeals Court and/or the Trial Court to consider overwriting that Court’s decision based on Constitutional and/or Legal grounds. Mandamus is a term of an original Writ petition (under the All Writs Act) asking the U.S. Supreme Court to mandate a decision against an inferior Court or even prohibit an action by an inferior court. Mandamus petitions are rarely granted and have to normally be issued under extraordinary circumstances which would warrant the exercise of it’s authority. That is such as for example: a Court never had jurisdiction of any legal kind to have ever entered a judgment or order or decree. If a Court entered judgment which had deprived a party of due process of law, then a Court had acted in excess of jurisdiction by violating the Fifth Amendment or Fourteenth Amendment of the United States Constitution. The excess of jurisdiction would make that order or judgment become illegal, null and void. Like originally in the case of Marbury v. Madison (year 1803) in the Supreme Court.
Brian filed one letter in October, was received by the mail room of the Supreme Court on November 1, 2021. That letter was in regards to his Petition for Writs of Mandamus or Prohibition against the Middle District of North Carolina and Fourth Circuit federal appeals. Brian then mailed two more letters for the other two remaining Supreme Court petitions. Thus the number of the letters mailed and filed would amount to trio letters being sent. Just like the three petitions.
Here are the links to the letters, scans, emails, and records (all in PDF Format):
– Letter to Supreme Court Clerk requesting response from Government in 21-6036(6) – Letter in a Certiorari Petition case asking for the U.S. Government to be compelled by the Clerk’s office of the Supreme Court to file an opposition brief or proper response in regards to the 2255 case wrongfully denied. That the Courts refused to let Brian prove his actual innocence to his charge of child porn in every way. Argued that he was blocked from expert witnesses, blocked from any evidentiary hearings, his uncontested Hazel Atlas motions being blocked, and every form of relief being blocked by Judge Thomas David SSchroeder.
– Letter to Supreme Court Clerk requesting response from Government in 21-6037(4) – Letter in a Certiorari Petition case asking for the U.S. Government to be compelled by the Clerk’s office of the Supreme Court to file an opposition brief or proper response in regards to the uncontested/undisputed fraud on the court motions under Hazel Atlas all being wrongfully denied by the DisHonorable Thomas David SSchroeder.
– Letter to Supreme Court Clerk requesting response from Judges(4) – Letter in a Mandamus/Prohibition Petition case asking for the Chief Judge Thomas David Schroeder and Judge William Lindsey Osteen Junior to be compelled by the Clerk’s office of the Supreme Court to file an opposition brief or proper response and not get away with their unlawful actions
– Xfinity Connect Letter from Petitioner requesting response; case no_ 21-6036 Printout – Email from Brian’s mother sending a copy of the letter requesting a response from the U.S. Government in case no. 21-6036.
– Xfinity Connect Letter from Petitioner requesting response; case no_ 21-6037 Printout – Email from Brian’s mother sending a copy of the letter requesting a response from the U.S. Government in case no. 21-6037.
– Xfinity Connect Read_ [EXTERNAL] Letter from Petitioner requesting response; case no_ 21-6037 Printout – Read receipt from the U.S. Solicitor General’s office on Certiorari petition case number 21-6037. However there is no email marking a read receipt of the other Certiorari petition as of this time.
– Update read receipt on November 3, 2021 11:54 PM: Xfinity Connect Read_ [EXTERNAL] Letter from Petitioner requesting response; case no_ 21-6036 Printout – Read receipt from the U.S. Solicitor General’s office on Certiorari petition case number 21-6036
– USPS mail receipt US Supreme Court Nov 2 2021 – Ally of QAnon as said in the certificate of mailing. Anyways, this is proof of mailing made on November 2, 2021 of the other two letters mailed in November. The letters asking for delaying distribution of petitions to Conference
– USPS mail receipt of the Mandamus delay and response requesting letter from Brian Hill and proof of stamp being purchased for the copy mailed to Solicitor General
–® – USPS Tracking® Results-70191120000223871576 – Successful delivery of first Mandamus letter requesting response, which was mailed to the U.S. Supreme Court
–® – USPS Tracking® Results-70191120000223871583 – Successful delivery of second and third Certiorari letters requesting response and delay, which was successfully delivered to the U.S. Supreme Court.
– Scans of the two Certiorari petition case delay letters of copy mailed to the U.S. Solicitor General
– Scans of the two Certiorari petition case delay letters of original mailed to the U.S. Supreme Court office of the Clerk
– Additional Scans of the two Certiorari petition case delay letters of original mailed to the U.S. Supreme Court office of the Clerk
– More of the same additional scans of what was mailed and the envelope to the Clerk of SCOTUS
– Scans of the contents of the mailing to the U.S. Supreme Court containing the letter asking for response from the Judges in regards to the Mandamus petition under case no. 21-6038
– Scans of the contents of the mailing to the U.S. Solicitor General containing a copy of the letter asking for response from the Judges in regards to the Mandamus petition under case no. 21-6038
– Read receipt confirming the U.S. Solicitor General’s office receiving the PDF copy of the letter in regards to Mandamus petition
– Xfinity Connect Letter requesting response Printout – Email from Brian’s mother to the U.S. Solicitor General’s office containing the PDF copy of the letter in regards to Mandamus petition.
Now what did Brian argue in the letters you say? This article shall briefly show what all three letters were about:
Read the images of the letter documents very closely. The entire criminal conviction is based on a fraud and deprivation of due process including the right to a jury trial. Brian is innocent of it all.
Case no. 21-6036, Certiorari case:

Case no. 21-6037, Certiorari case:

Case no. 21-6038, Mandamus case:

Brian has fought super hard to not let his trio of Petitions in our U.S. Supreme Court to all be thrown down the toilet. Brian worked hard proving his cases and proving his appeals. If Brian was not innocent of his charged crime, he would have nothing at all in favor of his innocence. If Brian were guilty then the Feds would not be blocking Brian in every way possible. They would allow Brian to hire an independent computer forensic expert to examine the seized computer in his case, but instead even that examination is being blocked by the Federal Judges. He does have a lot of evidence and things in his favor. We only have the corruption of the U.S. District Court for the Middle District of North Carolina and the corruption of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit.
Guilty people will not fight this hard because Brian Hill got a sweet deal of time already served of imprisonment and just ten years of supervised Federal Probation. Guilty people would kill for a prison sentence of time served. For Brian to be fighting this hard for years and years, despite all of the problems arising in his criminal case. It just shows that Brian does have very important Constitutional and legal issues which Actual Innocence and Fraud play a role inside of our criminal justice system. We must fix the criminal justice system to make sure that it all operates under Constitutional bounds like former U.S. President Thomas Jefferson would have wanted.
See the letters on scribd:
[scribd id=536834084 key=key-ac9UBSGFyewQoxLBJcmo mode=scroll] [scribd id=536834087 key=key-gU8NN7MlQMIcTj14Wq1k mode=scroll] [scribd id=536834086 key=key-8ltYTk30neqLETpQUcgR mode=scroll]
26 thoughts on “Brian D. Hill files trio letters with U.S. Supreme Court requesting that the U.S. Government respond for its fraud; that U.S. Chief Judge SSchroeder and U.S. Judge Osteen Junior answer for ignoring the laws”