UPDATE February 4, 2022: New filing further proving that Attorney L. Lin Wood is telling the truth. One of the Clerks had went to Court and then after had filed the new filings in Brian’s case. One of them a Memorandum further proving that Attorney L. Lin Wood’s claims are true and factual. See the memorandum filed on Courtlistener which is a free mirror to Government paywall PACER.gov.
Author: Stanley Bolten
The time has come. Brian D. Hill, formerly of USWGO Alternative News, is challenging CORRUPT Chief U.S. District Court Judge Thomas David Schroeder with a new 2255 Motion filed with the U.S. District Court. It was filed on January 27, 2022. He has now directly accused this Judge of being possibly one of those in the alleged blackmail videos alleged by Attorney L. Lin Wood on Twitter last January in 2021. Brian has asserted why he believes this Judge “may or may not be” blackmailed with “child rape” and “murder” as alleged by Attorney L. Wood on Twitter. He had accused this judge of being a possible blackmail target in his Judicial Complaint filed last year but the Judicial Council of the Fourth Circuit had refused to review over the alleged blackmail videos to determine if this Federal Judge is in one of those or if Brian was mistaken. Brian will apologize if he is wrong, but Brian feels certain that Federal Judges are being blackmailed with child rape and murder. Brian files a copy of a threatening email (TORMAIL?) as evidence in the Federal Court. That email details a threatening email that Attorney Susan Basko had received in 2015 which claimed that they would have this Chief Federal Judge set up to be the presiding Judge and would make this Judge convict Brian after another attempt to frame Brian with child pornography in 2015, that attempt had failed as Brian promptly and in good faith reported the child porn set up attempt attack against Brian D. Hill to his ex-Probation Officer Kristy L. Burton. Brian could not have been charged under that law due to the affirmative defense of reporting a frame up attempt to a Law Enforcement officer. That threatening email insinuated that the child porn frame up artist or artists have control of particular Federal Judges to do their bidding, not just email child porn and malware to patriots. See article: Alternative Media Attack: Attempt to Frame Truthstream Media | Truthstream Media
Brian had also asked for both appointment of counsel and a Special Master to be appointed to his Federal criminal case and 2255 civil proceedings to review over the alleged blackmail videos after Brian will push for subpoenaing Attorney Lin Wood for his source or sources to give up a copy of the blackmail videos to be examined by the Special Master and appointed counsel for Brian’s defense. Brian risks being murdered or arrested or charged with contempt, but Brian has no other options, no other recourse, as the controlled Fourth Circuit has thrown out ten or more of his Federal Appeals, always with an unpublished opinion. The Fourth Circuit has ignored the laws of the land and ignores Supreme Court laws. A Special Master is appropriate for this matter as Chief Judge Schroeder will never admit to the allegations, even if the videos may show him in one of the alleged videos. It is the right thing to do for the Federal Court to appoint a Special Master. It is time to find out whether this Judge is blackmailed or not. No more mind games from the Middle District of North Carolina, no more games from this Federal Quackery.

Hon. Thomas David Schroeder was appointed by former President George W. Bush, and Chief Justice John Roberts was also appointed by George W. Bush. The name of “John Roberts” was mentioned twice on the Jeffrey Epstein flight logs for the Lolita Express. Attorney Lin Wood had directly accused John Roberts of being a target of the blackmail scheme in January, 2021. Former President George W. Bush was reportedly a member of the Skull and Bones secret society, 322, at Yale University. Where they lie naked in coffins and preform rituals of some kind. Like a good ole boys club.
The corrupt U.S. Supreme Court thrown out Brian’s three trio petitions for rehearing after he claimed he had evidence that Clerk Scott Harris had disappeared or concealed emergency motions. The Clerk of the U.S. Supreme Court had gotten away with covering up pleadings which is a felony offense. Just more corruption in the Federal Courts.
Here are the 2255 Motion, brief, exhibits, letter, and motions uploaded by Brian’s family and are text searchable.
1. MOTION FOR SPECIAL MASTER(6).pdf – Asking for Special Master to review over blackmail videos to determine if Chief Judge Thomas David Schroeder is in one of the alleged blackmail videos of The Lizard Squad hacker group.
2. MOTION FOR CHANGE OF VENUE(5).pdf – Asking for a change of venue to the Western District of Virginia to attempt to ask the Federal Judge or Judges in Roanoke to investigate the Attorney Lin Wood’s alleged blackmail videos from his source or sources
3. MOTION FOR APPOINTED COUNSEL(6).pdf – Asking for appointment of counsel for the purposes of subpoenaing witnesses including ATtorney L. Lin Wood and his source or sources to attempt to obtain the Lizard Squad hacked blackmail videos of “judges” and “officials”
4. Letter to Clerk asking to file certain exhibits in color.Thanks(4).pdf – Letter directed at the Clerk of the Court to file certain exhibits in color and to make the documents text searchable.
5. Exhibit Index pages for 2ND 2255 BRIEF(Completed)13.pdf – Exhibits in support of Brian’s 2255 Motion
6. Brian’s formal 2255 Motion for 2nd SRV violation conviction(7)(2).pdf – Brian’s formal 2255 motion using the standard 2255 form
7. Brian’s Brief for 2nd 2255 case(63).pdf – Brief in support of Brian’s 2255 motion
8. Brian’s additional 2255 grounds(20).pdf – Additional grounds for the 2255 motion including the BLACKMAIL GROUND asserting the Lin Wood statements
9. 70210350000097200134.pdf – Proof of delivery for 2255 Motion
10. Xfinity Connect Read_ Brian David Hill_s 2255 motion and pleadings – Make it easier for the government to read Printout(2).pdf – Email sent to U.S. Attorney Office with the 2255 Motion and pleadings was read by Attorney L. Lin Wood (Email read receipt)
11. Xfinity Connect Read_ Brian David Hill_s 2255 motion and pleadings – Make it easier for the government to read Printout.pdf – Email sent to U.S. Attorney Office with the 2255 Motion and pleadings was read by Attorney L. Lin Wood (Email read receipt)
12. Xfinity Connect Read_ [EXTERNAL] Brian David Hill_s 2255 motion and pleadings – Make it easier for the government to read Printout.pdf – Email sent to U.S. Attorney Office with the 2255 Motion and pleadings was read by Assistant U.S. Attorney Anand Prakash Ramaswamy (Email read receipt)
13. Xfinity Connect Brian David Hill_s 2255 motion and pleadings – Make it easier for the government to read Printout.pdf – Email sent to U.S. Attorney Office with the 2255 Motion and pleadings
14. USPS.com® – USPS Tracking® Results-70210350000097200134.pdf – Proof of successful delivery
15. FEBRUARY 4, 2022: Memorandum further proving that Attorney L. Lin Wood’s claims are true and factual. See the memorandum filed on Courtlistener
Also read the Federal filings at Courtlistener. https://www.courtlistener.com/docket/4304407/united-states-v-hill/?page=2#entry-291
Please pray for Brian D. Hill, as this Federal Judge or the Deep State controllers behind these judges will probably try to eliminate Brian D. Hill, attempt to frame him with child pornography again or frame him with yet another crime, or kill him, or even MK-ULTRA him. If Brian ends up dead or abducted to some prison, you will at least know that Brian D. Hill was right all along.
Watch the documentary: Federal Porn Wars, to find out about the targeting of patriots with dirty child porn frame ups. Also watch Part 2 as well.
Pray for Attorney L. Lin Wood, pray for Brian D. Hill. Brian is in the underbelly of the New World Order after his ex-patriotic allies Alex Jones, Rob Dew, and others turned their backs on Brian. Brian will sabotage the New World Order legally and lawfully. He will risk being murdered and will risk being tortured in his bid to stop this corrupt machine. The Pedophile Rings are HOLDING BRIAN HILL HOSTAGE. I repeat, Brian is still being HELD HOSTAGE BY THE PEDOPHILE RINGS and the DEEP STATE. They want Brian imprisoned, raped, killed, or brainwashed aka reprogrammed with mandatory counseling. They want Brian dead, imprisoned, raped, or brainwashed. See https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GkvLiooKltY – I have received a report that one of the counselors wants Brian brainwashed, challenged, and reprogrammed. That was the plan all along, they mandate counseling to brainwash Brian Hill and make him accept being a fake child pornographer. This is madness. They want Brian to be part of the Pedophile Rings, they framed him and are trying to subvert him from his plan of attack against the New World Order, started in 2009. Brian will not give up until he wins and get his life back, restored forevermore.
24 thoughts on “Brian D. Hill files new 2255 Motion in Federal Court, again on Actual Innocence; directly accuses Chief Judge Thomas David Schroeder of being blackmailed with “child rape” and “murder” using the L. Lin Wood statements on twitter and his emails with statements; asks for Special Master to investigate and review alleged videos”