Author: Stanley Bolten
The Clerk got what they wanted when they violated Federal Law multiple times, all three trio Petitions in the U.S. Supreme Court were denied and thrown out. They deprived the former USWGO Alt. News reporter Brian D. Hill’s due process under the color of law. Brian called for Clerk Scott Harris to be indicted in a personal phone call made to the Clerk’s Office. That recording stored on Internet Archive. Recorded and released by family to let everyone know who the real criminals are, they have been compromised or infiltrated the Highest Clerk of the U.S. Supreme Court, in the United States of America. What a betrayal of one’s Oath of Office, faithfully discharging the duties of the Federal office they work under. Violation of Oath of Office. If they can do this type of criminal activities to Brian D. Hill, they can do this to any one of us who files in the U.S. Supreme Court.
Here are the links to all three docket pages where the EMERGENCY MOTIONS and Rule 15.5 DELAY LETTERS were never docketed and then all three petitions denied without comment and without dissent, just the way (Illegitimate) President Joe Biden’s appointed U.S. Solicitor General Elizabeth Prelogar had planned it. They are all criminals and fraudsters.
Brian was angry about his petitions being denied, not because they were denied by the Justices, but because the underhanded criminal activities of Scott S. Harris or his underlings in the U.S. Supreme Court. It is all been documented. Somebody working in the Clerk’s office, no, the entire Clerk’s office had colluded to cover up, mutilate, carry away, or conceal proper rule compliant pleadings which should have been filed last week or even earlier than that to prevent the wrongful miscarriages of justice against Brian D. Hill, formerly of USWGO Alternative News, an INNOCENT MAN who is FACTUALLY INNOCENT to his criminal conviction of child pornography. Watch his Documentary: FEDERAL PORN WARS, Part one Series.
This blog lodges a formal criminal complaint against the Clerk of the Supreme Court of the United States and will present this complaint to all members of the U.S. Congress and ask for IMPEACHMENT OF CLERK SCOTT S. HARRIS, and criminal charges of violating both 18 U.S. Code § 2071; and Section 242 of Title 18 which is the deprivation of the due process rights of Brian David Hill under the color of law. Even if the Clerk can claim in his defense that they have the sole discretion to deny Brian’s three petitions filed before the U.S. Supreme Court; they had no justification or defense as to the cover up or concealment of Brian Hill’s emergency pleadings which were timely filed prior to the Conference on November 12, one letter received no November 1, 2021, way before the Conference on November 12, 2021. The Clerk has no way to justify not filing Brian Hill’s pleadings and neither did they ever assert a justification like for example: a deficiency in the filing for not complying with a particular rule or format or font. The Clerk did not return Brian’s phone calls, EVER, and did not assert a deficiency on Brian’s EMERGENCY MOTIONS and delay letters. The Clerk has knowingly violated the laws.
Transcript of Brian’s phone call translated by Artificial Intelligence: “Hello my name is Brian David Hill, I plan on filing a Petition for Rehearing in all cases. 21-6036, 21-6037, 21-6038. (Citation partially omitted as it was chatter of finding case number) I’m disappointed in your office for my petitions being denied today in all three cases. And it is your fault and I will blame you in the petition for rehearing, I will blame you. And a copy of this phone call will be sent to Senator Rand Paul’s office for a criminal referral. Because your office has violated 18 U.S.C. Section 2071, you have broken this law three times. Not only have you refused to docket my Rule 15.5 delay letters. If it violated the rules or was deficient, you would have returned it back to me and gave me a certain number of days and say please correct the deficiency. You did not. Instead you have refused to file these pleadings with the court. I had filed emergency motions under Rule 21, double spaced, done the way the rules prescribed it to be. And you also did not file it on the docket and didn’t get it to the justices. So that’s the reason they denied my two Certiorari petitions and my one mandamus petition because your office failed or refused to distribute the emergency motions. You refuse to get a response from the government when the government was willing to do that if the court requests it. You have violated 18 USC Section 2071 Three different times and I will make a criminal referral to the FBI against you. I will have you indicted. And it will be in my documentary. There will there’ll be a documentary about the judicial corruption, you’re part of it because you have violated the law. My name is Brian David Hill I don’t need a give you my number. You have my number. You’re corrupt it you’ve broken federal law, you have violated my constitutional rights under the color of law criminal offense, you have violated many laws, good day criminals.”
We of Justice for Brian D. Hill of USWGO Alternative News blog charge Clerk Scott S. Harris of knowingly concealing or covering up or destroying or mutilating Brian David Hill’s three mailings to the U.S. Supreme Court containing the three letters for delay to the Clerk for approval under Rule 15.5 of the Supreme Court; and three EMERGENCY MOTIONS timely filed prior to the Conference date set for November 12, 2021. The charges are as follows and based on the following evidence:
Evidence sourced from articles:
– Brian D. Hill files trio letters with U.S. Supreme Court requesting that the U.S. Government respond for its fraud; that U.S. Chief Judge SSchroeder and U.S. Judge Osteen Junior answer for ignoring the laws – Justice for Brian D. Hill of USWGO Alternative News – Go to article to find the PDF document links for the evidence supporting the foregoing claims
– Brian D. Hill of USWGO Alt. News files EMERGENCY MOTIONS in U.S. Supreme Court; asking for Leave of Court until Corrupt Federal Judges and U.S. Solicitor General Elizabeth B. Prelogar responds or files opposition briefs – Justice for Brian D. Hill of USWGO Alternative News – Go to article to find the PDF document links for the evidence supporting the foregoing claims
– Email to U.S. Supreme Court PIO: Brian D. Hill [USWGO Alt. News] will blame the Clerk’s Office for denial of his Mandamus/Certiorari Petitions; in his Petitions for Rehearing; Clerk will further violate 18 U.S. Code § 2071 – Justice for Brian D. Hill of USWGO Alternative News – Go to article to find the PDF document links for the evidence supporting the foregoing claims
1. The Office of the Clerk, Scott S. Harris, received a Rule 15.5 delay letter from Brian David Hill, formerly of USWGO Alternative News. For the case no. 21-6038. That letter was never docketed, never acknowledged, never acted upon by the Clerk, never granted or denied. The letter was just never filed prior to the Justices wrongfully denying Brian Hill’s petition for Writ of Mandamus and/or Prohibition on November 15, 2021.
2. The Office of the Clerk, Scott S. Harris, received two more Rule 15.5 delay letters from Brian David Hill, formerly of USWGO Alternative News, on November 9, 2021. It was mailed on November 2, 2021, and the slow USPS made delivery a bit late, but still was received 3 days prior to the Conference dated November 12, 2021. For the cases no. 21-6036 and 21-6037. The other two Rule15.5 delay letters were just never filed prior to the Justices wrongfully denying Brian Hill’s two petitions for Writ of Certiorari on November 15, 2021. Wasn’t even filed after the denial of such petitions when the DELAY LETTERS should have been enough to cancel the Conference review of those cases until the Clerk makes a decision on the Rule 15.5 DELAY LETTERS.
3. The Office of the Clerk, Scott S. Harris, received three EMERGENCY MOTIONS for LEAVE OF COURT from Brian David Hill, formerly of USWGO Alternative News, on November 9, 2021. By the UPS and with delivery confirmation which is proof of delivery. It was delivered to a “LEE” who worked at the gate for the mail room at the U.S. Supreme Court. For the cases no. 21-6036, 21-6037, and 21-6038. All three EMERGENCY MOTIONS were never filed prior to the Justices wrongfully denying Brian Hill’s petition for Writ of Mandamus and/or Prohibition; as well as Brian Hill’s two Certiorari Writ Petitions on November 15, 2021.
4. Those EMERGENCY MOTIONS and letters were not only omitted from all three Supreme Court case records, they were never filed and never acknowledged as to being filed by the Clerk. The Clerk never asked for a response fro the Counsel of Record of Respondent. The Clerk never returned those attempted filings for any reason including any potential rule violation, infraction, or deficiency. Photographs of all three dockets prove that his EMERGENCY MOTIONS and LETTERS were all omitted from the record of the Supreme Court cases of Brian David Hill’s three cases under 21-6036, 21-6037, 21-6038.
Photographs in support of Paragraph 4:

Update November 24, 2021 9:00PM Three photos of the box of motions covered up, what was mailed to Clerk of the U.S. Supreme Court:

5. All three Petitions before the Supreme Court were wrongfully denied and deserve to have the entire decision redone or reversed due to the fact that it was, The Clerk’s Fault, Scott S. Harris’s fault. He is supposed to ensure that the filings received at the dock for the U.S. Supreme Court, and deliverance to it’s Mail Room, are reviewed over by the Clerk’s Office to ensure compliance with the Rules of the Supreme Court and then file the pleadings received. The Clerk’s office did not do any of this. They did not assert that Brian’s three (3x) EMERGENCY MOTIONS and three (3x) RULE 15.5 DELAY LETTERS may have any deficiency which would have required non-acceptance of the pleadings until the deficiency is corrected and the corrected pleadings mailed back to the Clerk’s Office by the given time as set by any particular Rule of the Court or even Order of the Court.
6. Even though it is up to the Supreme Court’s sole discretion to deny most to almost all filed petitions filed with this Court, the Clerk Scott S. Harris and his underlings had overstepped his/her bounds by not filing those EMERGENCY MOTIONS without a good reason such as rule deficiency. Those EMERGENCY MOTIONS may have caused the Justices of the Supreme Court to have possibly made a different decision such as granting one or more of Brian’s petitions in the Supreme Court or at most, request that the Solicitor General file an opposition brief or response to Brian’s timely filed petitions. The Clerk did not give a good reason why those filings were not accepted by the Clerk’s Office of the Court. The Clerk did not return any of Brian’s phone calls. The call logs are retained by Petitioner Brian D. Hill and he is willing to turn over his phone call logs to any member of U.S. Congress for prosecution of this CRIMINAL COMPLAINT.
7. Even though it is up to the Supreme Court’s sole discretion to deny most to almost all filed petitions filed with this Court, the Clerk Scott S. Harris and his underlings had overstepped his/her bounds by not filing those RULE 15.5 DELAY LETTERS without a good reason such as rule deficiency. Those RULE 15.5 DELAY LETTERS would have rescheduled the Conference review of all three petitions which would have given Brian Hill more time to file his EMERGENCY MOTIONS may have caused the Justices of the Supreme Court to have possibly made a different decision such as granting one or more of Brian’s petitions in the Supreme Court or at most, request that the Solicitor General file an opposition brief or response to Brian’s timely filed petitions. The Clerk did not give a good reason why those filings were not accepted by the Clerk’s Office of the Court. The Clerk did not return any of Brian’s phone calls. The call logs are retained by Petitioner Brian D. Hill and he is willing to turn over his phone call logs to any member of U.S. Congress for prosecution of this CRIMINAL COMPLAINT.
8. The phone call recordings prove that the Clerk’s Office was given prior warnings and messages about the EMERGENCY MOTIONS and RULE 15.5 DELAY LETTERS. There were emails as well from Roberta Hill, Brian’s mother warning the Public Information Office and eFiling support email address of the Clerk’s Office of the Supreme Court. Those emails were in regards to Brian’s EMERGENCY MOTIONS. The Clerk totally ignored those emails and not just never returned any phone calls. However, they did send read receipts, as if to taunt that they know they received those emails but simply decided not to docket the EMERGENCY MOTIONS filed by paper as is the primary method of filing in the Supreme Court. This aggravates the criminal conduct of Scott S. Harris. The Clerk has no excuse or reason for any of this. This truly is unfitting of the duty of the Clerk. The Clerk, Scott S. Harris, whether he knew about this or not, had failed to properly file the pleadings mailed to their respective office. They were warned by both emails and voicemail messages and both were ignored despite read receipts being sent from the Public Information Office and the eFiling support email address of the Clerk’s Office.
Evidence at Internet Archive
Therefore the Clerk of the U.S. Supreme Court had violated Brian’s constitutional due process rights under the color of law in violation of 18 U.S. Code § 242 – Deprivation of rights under color of law.
Therefore the Clerk of the U.S. Supreme Court had violated 18 U.S. Code § 2071 – Concealment, removal, or mutilation generally.
The Clerk wasted Brian’s money, paper, ink, and resources of an In Forma Pauperis type Petitioner, receiving filings and then just doing nothing about it, probably destroyed the pleadings. Therefore this Clerk must reimburse Brian David Hill for all costs and expenses that it would take to refile his EMERGENCY MOTIONS and RULE 15.5 DELAY LETTERS, after reversal of the wrongful denials on November 15, 2021. The Clerk is at fault and the Justices must reverse the denial of Brian’s three petitions at the Conference on November 12, 2021, and the formal denials rendered on November 15, 2021.
This COMPLAINT will be sent to U.S. Senator Rand Paul, U.S. Congressman Morgan Griffith, Matt Gaetz, Marjoeie Taylor Greene, and every other U.S. Senator and Congressperson asking for criminal charges and impeachment of Clerk Scott Harris of the U.S. Supreme Court.
30 thoughts on “U.S. Supreme Court throws out Trio Petitions for Certiorari and Mandamus; Clerk covered up EMERGENCY MOTIONS and DELAY LETTERS; Violated 18 U.S. Code § 2071; formal CRIMINAL COMPLAINT; request for IMPEACHMENT PROCEEDINGS”