Author: Stanley Bolten
We have further proof against the corrupt State Bar of the Supreme Court of Virginia, being published quickly and files possibly will be put on BitTorrent in case the Government tries to shut them down. We have evidence of phone call recordings proving that Brian D. Hill, formerly of USWGO Alternative News left a voicemail with the State Bar of Virginia, and the State Bar agents/attorneys called Brian back at his phone number to confirm receipt of the complaint filed on September 15, 2022. They knew Roberta Hill had only submitted Brian’s complaint on Brian’s behalf since he cannot use the internet. Yet the State Bar in the response letter completely acted as though the complaint was filed by Roberta Hill with no supportive evidence of Glen Andrew Hall violating any rules or committing any crimes. Very deceptive of the State Bar of Virginia. We have proof that they were deceptive in the letter protecting the crimes of Glen Andrew Hall, Esquire. He is a corrupt Commonwealth Attorney, committing crimes in the City of Martinsville. The corrupt State Bar went along with it, lying out of their teeth in their letter to Roberta Hill, completely ignoring the existence of Complainant Brian D. Hill. The phone call recordings came from Brian’s family, and Brian is okay with the phone call recordings being published worldwide on this website and other networks as evidence against the CORRUPT STATE BAR OF VIRGINIA. Time for them to be embarrassed and humiliated that they are now caught up in FELONY-LEVEL CORRUPTION, RACKETEERING, and crimes against Brian David Hill and his entire family. They are committing felonies, the British Accredited Registry (BAR). The BAR Association is a CRIMINAL ORGANIZATION and lawyers are licensed by this criminal anti-innocence organization. The Virginia State Bar is a criminal organization, they protect crimes and criminals within their legal professions. They protect their own even when they commit crimes. State Bar is a phony baloney corrupt criminal organization. TIME TO SHUT DOWN THE VIRGINIA STATE BAR FOR CORRUPTION AND RACKETEERING.
Here is the evidence mirrored to at least two platforms and may be submitted to BitTorrent as soon as possible if necessary. The government will never make these disappear, good luck corrupt bureaucrats.
Phone Call Recordings:
OUTGOING PHONE CALL FROM BRIAN DAVID HILL (276-790-****) ( mirror) – 2022/09/15 16:28:53
OUTGOING PHONE CALL FROM BRIAN DAVID HILL (276-790-****) ( mirror) – 2022/09/15 16:28:53
INCOMING PHONE CALL FROM AGENCY VIRGINIA STATE BAR (804-775-0540) ( mirror) – 2022/09/15 16:35:51
INCOMING PHONE CALL FROM AGENCY VIRGINIA STATE BAR (804-775-0540) ( mirror) – 2022/09/15 16:35:51
Brian D. Hill call log – Virginia State Bar Sept. 15, 2022 : Brian D. Hill, phone call recorder : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive – Uploaded by Roberta
You are being exposed CORRUPT STATE BAR OF VIRGINIA, you corrupt criminal protecting organization. You will gladly go after Trump patriots but will never go after corrupt attorneys destroying evidence and convicting innocent people. The State Bar of Virginia will never live it down, you are exposed CORRUPT STATE BAR of Virginia. GO TO HELL, STATE BAR OF VIRGINIA.
5 thoughts on “ADDENDUM to Corrupt Virginia State Bar refuses to investigate Glen Andrew Hall for his CRIMES, Commonwealth Attorney of Martinsville can break any law they want without any consequences!!!!!!”