Author: Stanley Bolten
We are pleased to provide to the people, the American people, the business cards and flyers in PDF Format (and .avery format) to promote and share the documentary: The Deep State Can FRAME YOU – the Documentary. Also links to download and be able to burn the MPEG-4 file into a Video DVD or AVC-HD Blu-Ray quality video on a DVD disc. Make sure that the enemy can never stop the message from getting out. Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming.
Don’t let the CIA/NSA/DOJ/FBI or Shadow Government set you up. Show them that YOU WON’T STAND FOR IT!!! Shut down the Federal Frame Up Operations. By sharing this documentary and providing the links or business cards or flyers to everybody you know, then we can put a stop to the Feds framing people with crimes which included Sharyl Attkisson where the FBI threatened to plant illegal files in her husband’s computer. Expose these operations, document the evidence, then WE THE PEOPLE can stop what is happening to Donald John Trump being set up by the Deep State Feds. It is time to get this documentary the views and attention that it deserves. It needs 1 MILLION VIEWS OR MORE. Tulsi Gabbard has a copy, Donald J. Trump’s campaign office has a copy, and Robert F. Kennedy’s campaign staff was given this information whether he received the physical DVD copy or not. Timcast has a copy. It is an INFORMATION WAR.
These frame ups are happening, and they are real. Mike Glover a former CIA officer or agent admitted that the CIA can frame people. See the interview with him and Glenn Beck: (CHILLING: Veteran DESTROYED by Deep State. Are You Next? | The Glenn Beck Podcast | Ep 184)
What will I get in return for promoting this documentary???
What you will get in return is this.
- You will expose a very dark secretive operation of the Feds framing innocent good hard-working people with crimes, because empathy requires it of every model citizen. Civics requires it. Do the right thing. It will affect you personally by not doing anything about it. So it is the right thing to do, to expose the great evil coming down upon us. By exposing the great evil, shine a light on it, you can scatter the evil like cockroaches, like deranged rats trying to hide in the shadows.
- You will be promoting the truth and cause the good people in the United States Government (aka the White Hats) to start up investigations into every criminal case where “frame up” is claimed by the defendant (like Donald Trump for example, like Matt DeHart for example, like Julian Assange for example, and like Brian D. Hill for example). The investigations into federal frame up operations which need to be started includes Matt DeHart (formerly of Anonymous and Wikileaks), Julian Assange (Founder of Wikileaks), Stewart Rhodes, Luke Rudkowski, Aaron Dykes, Melissa Melton, Brian D. Hill (Formerly of USWGO Alternative News), and any others who claimed that the Federal Government or Deep State has framed them or tried to frame them. If the investigations turn up anything interesting, it may lead to innocent political activists and innocent alternative media being acquitted of crimes they were set up on. We can finally bring justice to the denied, we can finally bring justice to the wrongfully ruined. Jesus Christ said and I quote: “The truth shall make you free” or some may say it as: “The truth shall set you free”. It is time to free the innocent people from prison and probation. You can be part of doing the right thing and getting the truth out, and have investigations to find out the truth.
- You will be of good moral compass, you will be doing what is right. What is right for your soul. Pat yourself on the back. You will feel like you did something in the INFORMATION WAR. Something you can tell future generations, that you did what was right. You can finally begin to feel like you and your family live in a safe and free country, where justice happens again. We can make America a great place to live again instead of living in fear.
Here are the files to the flyers and business cards.
Business Card (Avery Template # 28371):

Business card printout sheet (PDF Format)
Avery business card file (.avery) for AVERY template # 28371 (.avery Format) (
Places to purchase business card printout papers of Avery Template # 28371. : Avery Ink-Jet Printer White Business Cards (28371) : Pipe Fittings : Office Products
Avery Ink-Jet Printer White Business Cards, , Design & Print, 100 Cards 7445029141106 | eBay
Any other stores which sell business cards using the Avery Template # 28371. Maybe your local OfficeMax or OfficeDepot or WalMart, or any office supply store. Remember: Avery Template # 28371.
FLYERS (Only one right now):

Flyer #001 printout sheet (PDF Format)
Flyer #001 printout sheet (OpenOffice .ODT Format)
MPEG-4 Video File (to burn to a AVC-HD DVD Disc or regular 480P DVD disc):
You can also burn copies of the documentary by obtaining the full 1080P HIGH DEFINITION MPEG-4 file from Internet Archive and use any available software you have to convert it into a regular DVD disc or AVC-HD DVD Disc if you want to keep the High Definition quality when burning to a DVD disc. That best way to distribute this documentary, by the non-tech old fashioned way of giving DVD discs to strangers, friends, and family.
The DEEP STATE can Frame You – the Documentary (1080P) HD : Brian D. Hill of USWGO Alt. News : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive at
You can also promote the Rumble and Brighteon links. The links are below and can easily be copied or printed using a normal printer or PDF printer software. You can print these links and give them to people if email and social media start blocking them. You can manually give these links to people to have them type them into a browser to view them.
Don’t let the CORRUPT CIA/NSA/FBI/DOJ win.