Author: Stanley Bolten
President Trump had uploaded an unlisted video on Rumble, and I have left several good comments hoping that Donald Trump gets a chance to review over those specific comments, since there isn’t hundreds to thousands like would normally happen. Because it is unlisted, it gives me an opportunity to get some short messages to Donald Trump for him to read. See the article: Emergency Letter to candidate Donald J. Trump from Brian D. Hill – @realdonaldtrump please personally review over letter; Letter about Snow White, about CIA/NSA/FBI/DOJ Deep State targeted harassment operations; copy to @LaraTrump – Justice for Brian D. Hill of USWGO Alternative News
Title: Statement from President Trump on Georgia Indictment (

Get ’em Mr. President! We pray for you every day. American Patriots, please pray every day for our true President AND for our Nation. God can do what the lawyers cannot do.
The court system is corrupt and its been this way for a long time. I have evidence of this judicial corruption and malfeasance. Now its caught up to Trump with him being targeted by this judicial corruption. Its time for constitutional military tribunals where the evidence is collected and brought out. Time for federal judges to be arrested for treason. Blackmailed judges have taken things too far. It is time to hold them accountable in a Constitutional fair trial at a tribunal.
When you get back in office, please pardon Brian D. Hill formerly of USWGO Alternative News. Please order an investigation of the DOJ, FBI, CIA, NSA in Brian being set up with a manufactured federal criminal charge to ruin this innocent man. Brian David Hill = innocence.
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I’ll support the concept of Making America Great Again.
Trump needs to suspend the CIA and NSA and FBI until an investigation is conducted on their criminal activities. That is why Trump got the DVD discs of the documentary The Deep State Can Frame You. He needs to personally watch it and hold those people accountable.
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