URGENT: It is clear at this point and our position on this is clear. The CIA and NSA are our enemy. DHS is our enemy. The U.S. Intel agencies are our enemy. They are an enemy of the American people. The U.S. Intel agencies are orchestrating a coup d’état (coup) against the U.S. Constitution and therefore they are overthrowing the government of our United States of America and are installing a permanent DICTATORSHIP run not by one man but by an elite group of unelected bureaucrats. I will be honest, the CIA/NSA/DHS/DOJ/FBI are our enemy, they are not our friends. Treat them like a domestic enemy, TREAT THEM LIKE A DOMESTIC ENEMY. Read the entire article and do your own research and you will understand why our CIA have become enemy combatants overthrowing the U.S. Government using illegal surveillance, blackmail, set ups, and imprisoning the political opposition.
Author: Stanley Bolten
Both Tucker Carlson (really major talk show newsman, formerly worked at FOX NEWS) and Monkey Werx of YouTube have recently said on video that the U.S. Intel Agencies can PLANT kiddie porn/child porn on people’s computers and/or cell phones. I already knew this was possible because they framed Brian D. Hill, formerly of USWGO Alternative News. Then what Sharyl Attkisson said when testifying in front of U.S. Congressman Matt Gaetz. The CIA had even threatened and intimidated Brian Hill by text messages saying Brian was being watched aka illegally surveilled by birds aka spies (birds work for the bourgeoisie). Brian was also tortured, and sleep deprived (into the point where Brian had a violent rage episode in a jail cell) and there was even attempted to kill Brian by mixing up the insulin vials, that Brian entered into a false guilty plea agreement saying he was technically guilty of child porn possession since they claimed they found it. The U.S. Government admitted Brian had NO VICTIMS, so that right there is a red flag showing Brian was set up. Recently Before Its News reported that Brian Hill was visited by U.S. Department of Homeland Security who works for the U.S. Probation Office in Roanoke, VA. We will confirm that Brian was visited by a federal probation officer working for the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) or working with the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS). So, Brian is still being harassed by the feds after he was set up over a decade ago by the corrupt U.S. Government. Now let us get to both the Tucker Carlson statements and the statements of Monkey Werx which are close to around the same time. Everyone knows how the feds can plant child porn on any of us and use it as a tool of blackmail. America Livewire even warned everyone over a decade ago that the feds can plant child porn on people; thanks to Alexander Higgens (former alternative media who worked with Sean Justus (popeye) of FederalJack and Brian D. Hill of USWGO). See Article title: “The Government Is Planting Child Porn On Your Computer | American Live Wire“. Brian was the anonymous source of Alexander Higgens as Brian wanted to warn the American people in 2013 of the push by the corrupt Deep State to plant child porn on anybody the Deep State does not like and wants to go away. Brian used to believe and suspected allegedly that it was NC State Senator Phil Berger Senior or Phil Berger Junior that had something to do with this. But later on, Brian now knows it was the U.S. Intel Agencies who are most likely the culprit or culprits who framed Brian Hill.

First let us start with THE TUCKER CARLSON who basically acknowledged that the Feds can plant child porn on any of us including members of Congress, that can also mean planting child porn on U.S. Supreme Court justices. They can compromise the U.S. Supreme Court.
The video has been uploaded on both Rumble and the Internet Archive for those who want to hear it for themselves. Tucker talked on two separate times about the feds can plant kiddie porn/child porn during that interview with Joe Rogan on the date of April 19, 2024
“They’re worried about someone putting Kiddie porn on their computer. Members of
Congress are terrified of the Intel agencies. I’m not guessing at that they’ve told me that including people on the Intel committee, including people who run the Intel committee. The people whose job it is to oversee and keep in line these enormous secretive agencies whose budgets we can’t even know, they’re black budgets; they the parents, the agencies are the children. They’re afraid of the Agencies. That’s not compatible with democracy.” – Tucker Carlson in episode: Joe Rogan Experience #2138 – Tucker Carlson
You heard it from Tucker Carlson himself. Months ago, we warned Tucker that the feds may try to plant child porn on him, on his Vladimir Putin interview video on Rumble. Looks like Tucker did manage to see my comment, for him to be investigating and then finding out members of Congress are afraid of child porn being planted on them by the U.S. Intelligence agencies. Tucker has now acknowledged what Sharyl Attkisson had acknowledged would have happened to her, but luckily it didn’t. The feds want to DISCREDIT somebody with a child porn planting operation and then place them on federal probation where they are not allowed to use the internet. Perfect to discredit somebody and wall them off of the internet under threat of a probation violation then force the victim into an internet-less ghetto.
Before I get to the video of Monkey Worx who pretty much said something similar to Tucker Carlson, I need to promote a documentary about these Deep State orchestrated child porn set ups. The Deep State can Frame You – the documentary. You can download the full documentary for free at the internet archive.
Anyways, Monkey Worx said something even more scary. He said that the feds can plant “kid porn” aka kiddie porn/child porn on CELL PHONES by using Stingray technology or dirt box. That means even local law enforcement can plant child porn on you if they have access to the STRINGRAY technology or dirt box. We can’t monitor our cell phones all the time, and the feds can just upload child porn on them at any time. That is why I recommend that you use a faraday bag or bag which shields a cell phone from being able to access any cell phone tower. Anyways, here is the video from Monkey Worx. Video uploaded to Rumble. Remember, when you don’t use your cell phone, I recommend a faraday bag to shield your cell phone so that it cannot access any wireless tower or wireless DATA service.
“Honestly I think that uh we watch what is going on with Mike Johnson, and uh clearly this guy has been set up. Uh you know I’ve talked in the past about our ability to capture and uh through either dirt box or even Stingray right in terms of just uh gathering people’s data off their cell phones. That airplane is flying around it becomes the man in the middle and uh, it it, your phone thinks that that is the Tower. And so with the stingray technology it has the ability to not just pull and gather data but push data. That is how I believe these folks are being compromised. Clearly Mike Johnson has been compromised and the Deep State’s got him and I don’t know if they pushed kid porn to his phone or what it was. Uh but this guy is is like he’s like Punxsutawney Phil. I mean he is uh afraid of his own shadow. Clearly evident when he’s out there that he just has zero confidence, and that he is living in fear. And so that is what happens when you weaponize the DOJ.” – Monkey Worx statement – We are Rearranging the Deck Chairs on the Titanic – SITREP 4.23.24.
It is clear that more and more people are starting to come forth and acknowledge that the Deep State can plant child porn on any of us. Attorney Sue Basko had warned about the child porn set ups about a decade ago in the federal criminal case of Brian D. Hill. Brian has no victims according to his PRESENTENCE INVESTIGATION REPORT (PSI/PSR) in his federal court records by the U.S. Probation Office. Brian is a virgin who has no victims and yet he is a registered sex offender. They clearly planted child porn on Brian Hill or at least made up enough lies to make it appear that Brian had child porn. Like what Tucker Carlson says. The Government can just claim you had child porn (and rig the jury trial to obtain a guilty verdict).
The self-proclaimed Political Hackers Squad claimed they were offered pardons (by the Obama Administration) or that they will not face prosecution for child porn, if they frame people with child porn. They were proven right as the future proves past.
BREAKING: Attempted Set-Up of Stewart Rhodes & Dan Johnson With Child Porn – YouTube
4 thoughts on “Tucker Carlson/Monkey Werx seems to be acknowledging that U.S. Intel agencies can plant/upload KIDDIE PORN on people’s COMPUTERS/CELL PHONES; likely to set up and BLACKMAIL/compromise individuals”