Author: Stanley Bolten
I have received another report from the family of Brian D. Hill, formerly of USWGO Alternative News who was wrongfully set up with computer files by the Feds; as even Tucker Carlson acknowledged on the Joe Rogan political show that the feds can plant things on people’s computers to punish political opposition. The report is that Brian D. Hill has been getting harassed and intimidated by the Department of Homeland Security by and through a single U.S. Probation Officer (we will not name this person since retaliation can come) working for or with the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (InSecurity-DHS). This is the first probation officer supervising Brian to have worn a T-Shirt on multiple occasions showing that she may be working for an EXECUTIVE BRANCH federal law enforcement agency. Meaning under the U.S. President and the U.S. Attorney General. The DHS is a executive branch level agency. Yet the U.S. Probation Office which is a judicial branch agency is not constitutionally aka not legally supposed to be directly working for or with the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS), an executive law enforcement and intelligence agency. In the entire history of the federal probation supervising Brian Hill, DHS was never known to be directly or indirectly involved with the supervised release sentence. This has changed since November, 2023, according to Brian’s family.

The agency this officer works for as clearly identified in the RING DEVICE photographs of the videos evidence collected by Brian’s family, is the FEDERAL LAW ENFORCEMENT TRAINING CENTERS (FLETC). Two separate videos show this same probation officer wearing a T-Shirt of the DHS FLETC.

There are serious constitutional issues here and serious ethical issues here. Let us explain why that is.
When the U.S. Congress created the federal law which created the United States Probation Office and Pre-trial services offices, it was created only as a independent Judicial Agency, a law enforcement agency of the United States Article III courts. The Probation Office is supposed to be both impartial/ethical, and independent. They are not supposed to be directly working for or with an Executive Agency under the authority of the President of the United States, an executive law enforcement agency; as this blurs the separation of powers clause of the United States Constitution. This means the White House aka the Executive Branch and the Attorney General can use the U.S. Probation Office to conduct executive law enforcement actions and behavior when that contradicts the laws passed by the Congress creating not an executive agency but a judicial agency for supervising criminal defendants and convicted felons/misdemeanants. The President of the United States should not be over the federal probation sentence of a defendant. The President can misuse this power to target any of his political enemies and imprison/stifle dissent/dissidents.
See the article: Probation and Pretrial Services – Mission | United States Courts
Branch of Government
Executive branch or judicial branch? At the federal level, probation is under the judicial branch. Officers work in several hundred offices located in the 94 federal judicial districts nationwide. The officers serve the courts. They provide judges with information they need to make decisions and protect the community by enforcing court orders. Therefore, federal probation, with its close relationship to the courts and an emphasis on providing treatment to offenders and motivating them to change, is separate from executive branch entities that focus on apprehending and prosecuting offenders. At the state and local levels, probation often is a function of the executive branch. Its placement varies jurisdiction to jurisdiction. Sometimes it’s a component of the department of corrections, along with prisons, or it may operate as an independent agency.
It does say on their website that they conduct training by and through the Federal Law Enforcement Training Centers (FLETC), but there was no FLETC before the creation of the DHS after the September 11, 2001 terrorist attack (9/11). The U.S. Department of Homeland Security was created in response to the terrorist attack on September 11, 2001 at the World Trade Center, in New York City.
WIKIPEDIA: The United States Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is the U.S. federal executive department responsible for public security, roughly comparable to the interior or home ministries of other countries. Its stated missions involve anti-terrorism, border security, immigration and customs, cyber security, and disaster prevention and management.[3]
Why is a federal executive department or agency, (and DHS is also an intelligence agency as well) over the U.S. Probation Office supervision or is involved directly with the U.S. Probation Office??? This is where the Feds from the federal agencies start getting directly involved with the judiciary which means that two branches of government are directly working together and colluding together when working on supervising people accused of any crime by the order of the United States Courts.
It is very dangerous for the Executive Branch of government to be working directly with the United States Judiciary and Article III courts. This can lead to a dictatorship if unchecked. They can use the U.S. Probation Office as a weapon to retaliate against a person’s freedom of speech or retaliate over the political views of a probationer.
Let us look at the legal definition and perspective from Cornell Law School about what the “separation of powers” is according to the United States Constitution and why it exists?
FROM CORNELL LAW SCHOOL: Separation of powers is a doctrine of constitutional law under which the three branches of government (executive, legislative, and judicial) are kept separate. This is also known as the system of checks and balances, because each branch is given certain powers so as to check and balance the other branches.
Each branch has separate powers, and generally each branch is not allowed to exercise the powers of the other branches.
The Legislative Branch exercises congressional power, the Executive Branch exercises executive power, and the Judicial Branch exercises judicial review.
For the U.S. Probation Office agency of the Judicial Branch to be working with and/or for the Federal Law Enforcement Training Centers (FLETC) which is an Executive Branch agency, it clearly does show a unconstitutional overreach of unchecked power. The Court is not supposed to be conducting supervised release by and through an Executive agency but by the U.S. Probation Office of the judiciary, and it is supposed to be independent here. Even if Congress authorized both branches of government to be working together to supervise a criminal defendant in a federal criminal case, it can allow the President of the United States to directly target, retaliate, harass, threaten, intimidate, or even imprison somebody on federal probation sentences. The President can use federal probation officers as minions and czars to go after anybody the President or his subordinates do not like. It is a dictatorial type of behavior. Clearly unconstitutional here. An unchecked overreach of power. The executive branch takes over the judiciary.
Tucker Carlson warned that when agencies can run our Congress (even out of fear of retaliation), unchecked, it can be tyrannical. It is essentially a dictatorship.
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